kitchen-debian9-py2 1.5 KB

  1. @Library('salt@master-1.2') _
  2. // Define the maximum time, in hours, that a test run should run for
  3. def testrun_timeout = 6
  4. def distro_name = 'debian'
  5. def distro_version = '9'
  6. def python_version = 'py2'
  7. def nox_env_name = 'runtests-zeromq'
  8. def salt_target_branch = 'master'
  9. def golden_images_branch = '2019.2'
  10. def nox_passthrough_opts = '--ssh-tests'
  11. def concurrent_builds = 1
  12. def use_spot_instances = true
  13. def jenkins_slave_label = 'kitchen-slave'
  14. properties([
  15. buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '', numToKeepStr: '30')),
  16. parameters([
  17. booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: 'Run full test suite', name: 'runFull')
  18. ])
  19. ])
  20. // Be sure to cancel any previously running builds
  21. def buildNumber = env.BUILD_NUMBER as int
  22. if (buildNumber > concurrent_builds) {
  23. // This will cancel the previous build which also defined a matching milestone
  24. milestone(buildNumber - concurrent_builds)
  25. }
  26. // Define a milestone for this build so that, if another build starts, this one will be aborted
  27. milestone(buildNumber)
  28. runTests(
  29. env: env,
  30. distro_name: distro_name,
  31. distro_version: distro_version,
  32. python_version: python_version,
  33. salt_target_branch: salt_target_branch,
  34. golden_images_branch: golden_images_branch,
  35. nox_env_name: nox_env_name,
  36. nox_passthrough_opts: nox_passthrough_opts,
  37. testrun_timeout: testrun_timeout,
  38. run_full: params.runFull,
  39. use_spot_instances: use_spot_instances,
  40. jenkins_slave_label: jenkins_slave_label)
  41. // vim: ft=groovy