.gitignore 1.7 KB

  1. /build
  2. /src
  3. *.py[co]
  4. pkg/arch/*.tar.xz
  5. *.sw[a-p]
  6. doc/_build
  7. doc/doc-archive.tar.gz
  8. dist
  10. *~
  11. *#
  12. *.wpr
  13. *.wpu
  14. *.DS_Store
  15. .pytest_cache
  16. Pipfile.lock
  17. # virtualenv
  18. # - ignores directories of a virtualenv when you create it right on
  19. # top of salt such as
  20. # - /some/path$ git clone https://github.com/thatch45/salt.git
  21. # - /some/path$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.6 salt
  22. /env/
  23. /bin/
  24. /etc/
  25. /include/
  26. /lib/
  27. /lib64/
  28. /local/
  29. /pip/
  30. /share/
  31. /tests/integration/tmp/
  32. /tests/cachedir/
  33. /tests/unit/templates/roots/
  34. /var/
  35. # setuptools stuff
  36. *.egg-info
  37. # code coverage outputs genereated by coverage.py
  38. .coverage
  39. .coverage.*
  40. coverage.xml
  41. htmlcov/
  42. # IDE files
  43. /.settings
  44. /.project
  45. /.pydevproject
  46. /.idea
  47. /.ropeproject
  48. .ropeproject
  49. *_flymake.py
  50. /*.iml
  51. *.sublime-project
  52. *.sublime-workspace
  53. /.vscode
  54. # ignore ctags file
  55. tags
  56. # ignore Vagrant file
  57. **/Vagrantfile
  58. **/.vagrant
  59. # Compiled translation files should not be VCS'ed
  60. # locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/topics/virt/nic.mo
  61. *.mo
  62. .doctrees
  63. # Allow a user to set their own _version.py for testing
  64. _version.py
  65. # Ignore auto generated _syspaths.py file
  66. _syspaths.py
  67. # Ignore grains file written out during tests
  68. tests/integration/files/conf/grains
  69. /salt/_syspaths.py
  70. # ignore the local root
  71. /root/**
  72. # Ignore file cache created by jinja tests
  73. tests/unit/templates/roots
  74. # Pycharm
  75. .idea
  76. # VS Code
  77. .vscode
  78. # Ignore the log directory created by tests
  79. /logs
  80. tests/integration/cloud/providers/logs
  81. # Private keys from the integration tests
  82. tests/integration/cloud/providers/pki/minions
  83. /helpers/
  84. # Ignore tox virtualenvs
  85. /.tox/
  86. # Ignore nox virtualenvs
  87. /.nox/
  88. # Kitchen tests files
  89. .kitchen.local.yml
  90. .kitchen/
  91. .bundle/
  92. Gemfile.lock
  93. /artifacts/