darwin.in 635 B

  1. # This is a compilation of requirements installed on salt-jenkins git.salt state run
  2. boto3
  3. boto>=2.46.0
  4. clustershell
  5. croniter>=0.3.0,!=0.3.22
  6. dnspython
  7. docker
  8. futures>=2.0; python_version < '3.0'
  9. jsonschema
  10. junos-eznc
  11. jxmlease
  12. keyring==5.7.1
  13. kubernetes<4.0
  14. mock>=3.0.5; python_version < '3.6'
  15. more-itertools==5.0.0
  16. moto
  17. # XXX: Temporarily do not install pylxd.
  18. # pylxd(or likely ws4py) will cause the test suite to hang at the finish line under runtests.py
  19. # pylxd>=2.2.5
  20. pyopenssl
  21. python-etcd>0.4.2
  22. pyvmomi
  23. rfc3987
  24. salttesting==2017.6.1
  25. strict_rfc3339
  26. supervisor==3.3.5; python_version < '3'
  27. virtualenv
  28. watchdog
  29. yamlordereddictloader