123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337 |
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- tests.e2e.compat.test_with_versions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Test current salt master with older salt minions
- """
- import io
- import logging
- import os
- import pathlib
- import attr
- import pytest
- from saltfactories.factories.daemons.docker import MinionDockerFactory
- from tests.support.helpers import random_string
- from tests.support.runtests import RUNTIME_VARS
- docker = pytest.importorskip("docker")
- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- @attr.s(kw_only=True, slots=True)
- class PySaltCombo:
- python_version = attr.ib()
- salt_version = attr.ib()
- FROM {from_container}
- ENV VIRTUAL_ENV={virtualenv_path}
- RUN virtualenv --python=python{python_version} $VIRTUAL_ENV
- RUN pip install salt=={salt_version}
- {extra}
- CMD . $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/activate
- """
- def _get_test_versions():
- test_versions = []
- for python_version in ("2", "3"):
- for salt_version in ("2017.7.8", "2018.3.5", "2019.2.4"):
- test_versions.append(
- PySaltCombo(python_version=python_version, salt_version=salt_version)
- )
- test_versions.append(PySaltCombo(python_version="3", salt_version="3000.1"))
- return test_versions
- def _get_test_versions_ids(pysaltcombo):
- return "Py{}-SaltMinion=={}".format(
- pysaltcombo.python_version, pysaltcombo.salt_version
- )
- @pytest.fixture(
- params=_get_test_versions(), ids=_get_test_versions_ids, scope="function"
- )
- def pysaltcombo(request):
- return request.param
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def container_virtualen_path():
- return "/tmp/venv"
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def minion_container_name(pysaltcombo):
- return "salt-py{}-{}".format(pysaltcombo.python_version, pysaltcombo.salt_version)
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def minion_container(
- docker_client, pysaltcombo, container_virtualen_path, minion_container_name
- ):
- extra = ""
- if pysaltcombo.salt_version.startswith(("2017.7.", "2018.3.", "2019.2.")):
- # We weren't pinning higher versions which we now know are problematic
- extra = "RUN pip install --ignore-installed --progress-bar=off -U "
- extra += (
- '"pyzmq<17.1.0,>=2.2.0" "tornado<5.0,>=4.2.1" "msgpack>=0.5,!=0.5.5,<1.0.0"'
- )
- dockerfile_contents = DOCKERFILE.format(
- from_container="saltstack/ci-centos-7",
- python_version=pysaltcombo.python_version,
- salt_version=pysaltcombo.salt_version,
- extra=extra,
- virtualenv_path=container_virtualen_path,
- )
- log.warning("GENERATED Dockerfile:\n%s", dockerfile_contents)
- dockerfile_fh = io.BytesIO(dockerfile_contents.encode("utf-8"))
- docker_image, logs = docker_client.images.build(
- fileobj=dockerfile_fh, tag=minion_container_name, pull=True,
- )
- log.warning("Image %s built. Logs:\n%s", minion_container_name, list(logs))
- return minion_container_name
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def minion_id(pysaltcombo):
- return random_string(
- "py{}-{}-".format(pysaltcombo.python_version, pysaltcombo.salt_version),
- uppercase=False,
- )
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def artefacts_path(minion_id):
- with pytest.helpers.temp_directory(minion_id) as temp_directory:
- yield temp_directory
- @pytest.mark.skip_if_binaries_missing("docker")
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def salt_minion(
- request,
- salt_factories,
- pysaltcombo,
- minion_id,
- salt_master,
- docker_client,
- artefacts_path,
- container_virtualen_path,
- minion_container,
- host_docker_network_ip_address,
- ):
- config_overrides = {
- "master": salt_master.config["interface"],
- "user": False,
- "pytest-minion": {"log": {"host": host_docker_network_ip_address}},
- }
- try:
- yield salt_factories.spawn_minion(
- request,
- minion_id,
- master_id=salt_master.config["id"],
- # config_defaults=config_defaults,
- config_overrides=config_overrides,
- factory_class=MinionDockerFactory,
- docker_client=docker_client,
- image=minion_container,
- name=minion_id,
- start_timeout=120,
- container_run_kwargs={
- "volumes": {artefacts_path: {"bind": "/artefacts", "mode": "z"}}
- },
- )
- finally:
- minion_key_file = os.path.join(
- salt_master.config["pki_dir"], "minions", minion_id
- )
- log.debug("Minion %r KEY FILE: %s", minion_id, minion_key_file)
- if os.path.exists(minion_key_file):
- os.unlink(minion_key_file)
- @pytest.fixture(scope="function")
- def package_name():
- return "comps-extras"
- @pytest.fixture
- def populated_state_tree(minion_id, package_name):
- module_contents = """
- def get_test_package_name():
- return "{}"
- """.format(
- package_name
- )
- top_file_contents = """
- base:
- {}:
- - install-package
- """.format(
- minion_id
- )
- install_package_sls_contents = """
- state-entry-does-not-contain-unicode:
- pkg.installed:
- - name: {{ salt.pkgnames.get_test_package_name() }}
- """
- with pytest.helpers.temp_file(
- name="pkgnames.py",
- directory=os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP_BASEENV_STATE_TREE, "_modules"),
- contents=module_contents,
- ):
- with pytest.helpers.temp_state_file("top.sls", contents=top_file_contents):
- with pytest.helpers.temp_state_file(
- "install-package.sls", contents=install_package_sls_contents
- ):
- # Run the test
- yield
- @pytest.fixture
- def populated_state_tree_unicode(pysaltcombo, minion_id, package_name):
- if pysaltcombo.salt_version.startswith("2017.7."):
- pytest.xfail("2017.7 is know for problematic unicode handling on state files")
- module_contents = """
- def get_test_package_name():
- return "{}"
- """.format(
- package_name
- )
- top_file_contents = """
- base:
- {}:
- - install-package
- """.format(
- minion_id
- )
- install_package_sls_contents = """
- state-entry-contém-unicode:
- pkg.installed:
- - name: {{ salt.pkgnames.get_test_package_name() }}
- """
- with pytest.helpers.temp_file(
- name="pkgnames.py",
- directory=os.path.join(RUNTIME_VARS.TMP_BASEENV_STATE_TREE, "_modules"),
- contents=module_contents,
- ):
- with pytest.helpers.temp_state_file("top.sls", contents=top_file_contents):
- with pytest.helpers.temp_state_file(
- "install-package.sls", contents=install_package_sls_contents
- ):
- # Run the test
- yield
- def test_ping(salt_cli, minion_id, salt_minion):
- assert salt_minion.is_running()
- ret = salt_cli.run("test.ping", minion_tgt=minion_id)
- assert ret.exitcode == 0, ret
- assert ret.json is True
- def test_highstate(
- salt_cli, minion_id, salt_minion, package_name, populated_state_tree
- ):
- """
- Assert a state.highstate with a newer master runs properly on older minions.
- """
- assert salt_minion.is_running()
- ret = salt_cli.run("state.highstate", minion_tgt=minion_id, _timeout=240)
- assert ret.exitcode == 0, ret
- assert ret.json is not None
- assert isinstance(ret.json, dict), ret.json
- state_return = next(iter(ret.json.values()))
- assert package_name in state_return["changes"], state_return
- def test_highstate_with_unicode(
- salt_cli,
- minion_id,
- salt_minion,
- package_name,
- populated_state_tree_unicode,
- pysaltcombo,
- ):
- """
- Assert a state.highstate with a newer master runs properly on older minions.
- The highstate tree additionally contains unicode chars to assert they're properly hanbled
- """
- assert salt_minion.is_running()
- ret = salt_cli.run("state.highstate", minion_tgt=minion_id, _timeout=240)
- assert ret.exitcode == 0, ret
- assert ret.json is not None
- assert isinstance(ret.json, dict), ret.json
- state_return = next(iter(ret.json.values()))
- assert package_name in state_return["changes"], state_return
- @pytest.fixture
- def cp_file_source(pysaltcombo):
- if pysaltcombo.salt_version.startswith("2018.3."):
- pytest.xfail("2018.3 is know for unicode issues when copying files")
- source = pathlib.Path(RUNTIME_VARS.BASE_FILES) / "cheese"
- with pytest.helpers.temp_file(contents=source.read_text()) as temp_file:
- yield pathlib.Path(temp_file)
- def test_cp(
- salt_cp_cli, minion_id, salt_minion, package_name, artefacts_path, cp_file_source
- ):
- """
- Assert proper behaviour for salt-cp with a newer master and older minions.
- """
- assert salt_minion.is_running()
- remote_path = "/artefacts/cheese"
- ret = salt_cp_cli.run(
- str(cp_file_source), remote_path, minion_tgt=minion_id, _timeout=240
- )
- assert ret.exitcode == 0, ret
- assert ret.json is not None
- assert isinstance(ret.json, dict), ret.json
- assert ret.json == {remote_path: True}
- cp_file_dest = pathlib.Path(artefacts_path) / "cheese"
- assert cp_file_source.read_text() == cp_file_dest.read_text()
- @pytest.fixture
- def cp_file_source_unicode(pysaltcombo):
- source = pathlib.Path(RUNTIME_VARS.BASE_FILES) / "cheese"
- contents = source.read_text().replace("ee", "æ")
- with pytest.helpers.temp_file(contents=contents) as temp_file:
- yield pathlib.Path(temp_file)
- def test_cp_unicode(
- salt_cp_cli,
- minion_id,
- salt_minion,
- package_name,
- artefacts_path,
- cp_file_source_unicode,
- ):
- """
- Assert proper behaviour for salt-cp with a newer master and older minions.
- """
- assert salt_minion.is_running()
- remote_path = "/artefacts/cheese"
- ret = salt_cp_cli.run(
- str(cp_file_source_unicode), remote_path, minion_tgt=minion_id, _timeout=240
- )
- assert ret.exitcode == 0, ret
- assert ret.json is not None
- assert isinstance(ret.json, dict), ret.json
- assert ret.json == {remote_path: True}
- cp_file_dest = pathlib.Path(artefacts_path) / "cheese"
- assert cp_file_source_unicode.read_text() == cp_file_dest.read_text()