req.txt 867 B

  1. -r req_win.txt
  2. backports.ssl-match-hostname==; python_version < '3.7'
  3. certifi
  4. cffi==1.12.2
  5. CherryPy==17.4.1
  6. cryptography==2.6.1
  7. distro==1.5.0
  8. idna==2.8
  9. ioloop==0.1a0
  10. ipaddress==1.0.22
  11. jinja2==2.10.1
  12. libnacl==1.7.1
  13. lxml==4.3.0
  14. Mako==1.0.7
  15. markupsafe==1.1.1
  16. msgpack==1.0.0
  17. psutil==5.6.7
  18. pyasn1==0.4.5
  19. pycparser==2.19
  20. pycryptodomex==3.9.7
  21. pycurl==
  22. pymssql==2.1.4 ; python_version < "3.8"
  23. PyMySQL==0.9.3
  24. pyopenssl==19.0.0
  25. python-dateutil==2.8.0
  26. python-gnupg==0.4.4
  27. pyyaml==5.3.1
  28. pyzmq==18.0.1 ; python_version < "3.8"
  29. pyzmq==19.0.0 ; python_version >= "3.8"
  30. requests==2.21.0
  31. setproctitle
  32. timelib==0.2.4
  33. wheel==0.33.4
  34. # GitPython
  35. GitPython==2.1.10
  36. gitdb2==2.0.5 # via gitpython
  37. smmap2==2.0.5 # via gitdb2
  38. # Watchdog pulls in a GPL-3 package, argh, which cannot be shipped on the
  39. # windows distribution package.
  40. #
  41. # watchdog==0.9.0