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- ==============
- salt-api 0.7.5
- ==============
- This release is a mostly a minor release to pave a better path for
- :program:`salt-ui` though there are some small feature additions and bugfixes.
- Changes
- =======
- * Convenience URLs ``/minions`` and ``/jobs`` have been added as well as a
- async client wrapper. This starts a job and immediately returns the job ID,
- allowing you to fetch the result of that job at a later time.
- * The return format will now default to JSON if no specific format is
- requested.
- * A new setting ``static`` has been added that will serve any static media from
- the directory specified. In addition if an :file:`index.html` file is found
- in that directory and the ``Accept`` header in the request prefer HTML that
- file will be served.
- * All HTML, including the login form, has been removed from :program:`salt-api`
- and moved into the :program:`salt-ui` project.
- * Sessions now live as long as the Salt token.
- Participation
- =============
- :program:`salt-api` is just getting off the ground so feedback, questions, and
- ideas are critical as we solidify how this project fits into the overall Salt
- infrastructure management stack. Please get involved by `filing issues`__ on
- GitHub, `discussing on the mailing list`__, and chatting in ``#salt-devel`` on
- Freenode.
- .. __: https://github.com/saltstack/salt-api/issues
- .. __: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/salt-users