debian.rst 4.2 KB

  1. .. _installation-debian:
  2. ===========================
  3. Debian GNU/Linux / Raspbian
  4. ===========================
  5. Debian GNU/Linux distribution and some derivatives such as Raspbian already
  6. have included Salt packages to their repositories. However, current stable
  7. Debian release contains old outdated Salt releases. It is
  8. recommended to use SaltStack repository for Debian as described
  9. :ref:`below <installation-debian-repo>`.
  10. Installation from official Debian and Raspbian repositories is described
  11. :ref:`here <installation-debian-raspbian>`.
  12. .. _installation-debian-repo:
  13. Installation from the Official SaltStack Repository
  14. ===================================================
  15. Packages for Debian 10 (Buster) and Debian 9 (Stretch) are available in the
  16. Official SaltStack repository.
  17. Instructions are at https://repo.saltstack.com/#debian.
  18. .. note::
  19. Archived builds from unsupported branches:
  20. - `Archive 1 <https://archive.repo.saltstack.com/py3/debian/>`__
  21. - `Archive 2 <https://archive.repo.saltstack.com/debian/dists/>`__
  22. If looking to use archives, the same directions from the `Debian install
  23. directions <https://repo.saltstack.com/#debian>`__ can be used by replacing
  24. the URL paths with the appropriate archive location. The
  25. repository configuration endpoint also needs to be adjusted to point to the
  26. archives. Here is an example ``sed`` command:
  27. .. code-block:: bash
  28. # Salt repo configurations are found in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list directory
  29. sed -i 's/repo.saltstack.com/archive.repo.saltstack.com/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/saltstack.list
  30. .. warning::
  31. Regular security support for Debian 8 ended on June 30th 2018. As a result,
  32. 3000.3 and 2019.2.5 will be the last Salt releases for which Debian 8
  33. packages are created. Debian 8 also reached LTS EOL on June 30 2020.
  34. Regular security support for Debian 7 ended on April 25th 2016. As a result,
  35. 2016.3.1 and 2015.8.10 will be the last Salt releases for which Debian
  36. 7 packages are created. Debian 7 also reached LTS EOL on May 31 2018.
  37. .. _installation-debian-raspbian:
  38. Installation from the Debian / Raspbian Official Repository
  39. ===========================================================
  40. The Debian distributions contain mostly old Salt packages
  41. built by the Debian Salt Team. You can install Salt
  42. components directly from Debian but it is recommended to
  43. use the instructions above for the packages from the official
  44. Salt repository.
  45. On Jessie there is an option to install Salt minion from Stretch with
  46. `python-tornado` dependency from `jessie-backports` repositories.
  47. To install fresh release of Salt minion on Jessie:
  48. #. Add `jessie-backports` and `stretch` repositories:
  49. **Debian**:
  50. .. code-block:: bash
  51. echo 'deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian jessie-backports main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
  52. echo 'deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian stretch main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
  53. **Raspbian**:
  54. .. code-block:: bash
  55. echo 'deb http://archive.raspbian.org/raspbian/ stretch main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
  56. #. Make Jessie a default release:
  57. .. code-block:: bash
  58. echo 'APT::Default-Release "jessie";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10apt
  59. #. Install Salt dependencies:
  60. **Debian**:
  61. .. code-block:: bash
  62. apt-get update
  63. apt-get install python-zmq python-systemd/jessie-backports python-tornado/jessie-backports salt-common/stretch
  64. **Raspbian**:
  65. .. code-block:: bash
  66. apt-get update
  67. apt-get install python-zmq python-tornado/stretch salt-common/stretch
  68. #. Install Salt minion package from Latest Debian Release:
  69. .. code-block:: bash
  70. apt-get install salt-minion/stretch
  71. .. _debian-install-pkgs:
  72. Install Packages
  73. ================
  74. Install the Salt master, minion or other packages from the repository with
  75. the `apt-get` command. These examples each install one of Salt components, but
  76. more than one package name may be given at a time:
  77. - ``apt-get install salt-api``
  78. - ``apt-get install salt-cloud``
  79. - ``apt-get install salt-master``
  80. - ``apt-get install salt-minion``
  81. - ``apt-get install salt-ssh``
  82. - ``apt-get install salt-syndic``
  83. .. _debian-config:
  84. Post-installation tasks
  85. =======================
  86. Now, go to the :ref:`Configuring Salt <configuring-salt>` page.