2016.3.2.rst 95 KB

  1. ===========================
  2. Salt 2016.3.2 Release Notes
  3. ===========================
  4. Version 2016.3.2 is a bugfix release for :ref:`2016.3.0 <release-2016-3-0>`.
  5. Statistics
  6. ==========
  7. - Total Merges: **200**
  8. - Total Issue References: **66**
  9. - Total PR References: **177**
  10. - Contributors: **52** (`Ch3LL`_, `DarkKnightCZ`_, `DmitryKuzmenko`_, `Inveracity`_, `abalashov`_, `abednarik`_, `adelcast`_, `ajacoutot`_, `amendlik`_, `anlutro`_, `aphor`_, `artxki`_, `bbinet`_, `bensherman`_, `cachedout`_, `christoe`_, `clinta`_, `cro`_, `dmurphy18`_, `dongweiming`_, `eliasp`_, `eradman`_, `farcaller`_, `garethgreenaway`_, `glomium`_, `gtmanfred`_, `isbm`_, `jacobhammons`_, `jacobweinstock`_, `jfindlay`_, `jmacfar`_, `jnhmcknight`_, `justinta`_, `l2ol33rt`_, `lomeroe`_, `meaksh`_, `nulfox`_, `opdude`_, `peterdemin`_, `rallytime`_, `s0undt3ch`_, `secumod`_, `sjmh`_, `sjorge`_, `terminalmage`_, `thatch45`_, `themalkolm`_, `ticosax`_, `tmehlinger`_, `twangboy`_, `vutny`_, `whiteinge`_)
  11. Returner Changes
  12. ================
  13. - Any returner which implements a ``save_load`` function is now required to
  14. accept a ``minions`` keyword argument. All returners which ship with Salt
  15. have been modified to do so.
  16. Changelog for v2016.3.1..v2016.3.2
  17. ==================================
  18. *Generated at: 2018-05-27 04:37:58 UTC*
  19. * **PR** `#34988`_: (`rallytime`_) Update release notes with new changes
  20. @ *2016-07-27 15:54:16 UTC*
  21. * 721e6dcce8 Merge pull request `#34988`_ from rallytime/release-notes-update
  22. * a2aae987a6 Update release notes with new changes
  23. * **PR** `#34946`_: (`anlutro`_) Fix virtualenv behavior when requirements files are in subdirectories
  24. @ *2016-07-27 14:43:27 UTC*
  25. * d63ac1671c Merge pull request `#34946`_ from alprs/fix-venv_reqs_subdir
  26. * f773d63cbb normalize requirements path to be absolute
  27. * bdec73bb03 remove unnecessary os.path.basename logic
  28. * **PR** `#34957`_: (`sjmh`_) Don't fall through to checking auth entries
  29. @ *2016-07-26 22:16:17 UTC*
  30. * f765faa3aa Merge pull request `#34957`_ from sjmh/2016.3
  31. * 0095dbe530 Don't fall through to checking auth entries
  32. * **PR** `#34971`_: (`cachedout`_) Increase timeout for grains test
  33. @ *2016-07-26 22:11:29 UTC*
  34. * 2d3b95dec9 Merge pull request `#34971`_ from cachedout/increase_timeout_grains_test
  35. * 82d271b43a Increase timeout for grains test
  36. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34873`_: (`Cashwini`_) Scheduler on master does not recognize the date strings supported by python dateutil (refs: `#34951`_)
  37. * **ISSUE** `#34873`_: (`Cashwini`_) Scheduler on master does not recognize the date strings supported by python dateutil (refs: `#34951`_)
  38. * **PR** `#34951`_: (`vutny`_) Fix `#34873`_
  39. @ *2016-07-26 17:07:48 UTC*
  40. * f23e8c525e Merge pull request `#34951`_ from vutny/fix-schedule-dateutil
  41. * 0faa490991 Fix job scheduling using ``when`` parameter (by ``python-dateutil``)
  42. * **PR** `#34935`_: (`rallytime`_) Avoid UnboundLocalError in beacons module
  43. @ *2016-07-26 17:01:23 UTC*
  44. * **PR** `#34894`_: (`rallytime`_) [develop] Merge forward from 2016.3 to develop (refs: `#34935`_)
  45. * deb1331601 Merge pull request `#34935`_ from rallytime/beacons-mod-cleanup
  46. * 97a36ef367 Avoid UnboundLocalError in beacons module
  47. * **PR** `#34956`_: (`cachedout`_) Increase all run_script timeouts to 30s
  48. * **PR** `#34933`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  49. @ *2016-07-25 22:09:05 UTC*
  50. * 5d194f2d17 Merge pull request `#34933`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  51. * 8b295fe4ea Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  52. * ec8fc058d4 Master performance improvement (`#34916`_)
  53. * 34dc2fd792 Merge pull request `#34911`_ from cachedout/backport_34906
  54. * 8becec2f4f Backport `#34906`_
  55. * 6ccc27f697 Merge pull request `#34898`_ from hrumph/list_upgrades_refresh
  56. * acd4b1a23b Fixes `#33620`_
  57. * 5c13ee0e72 Merge pull request `#34606`_ from isbm/isbm-config-reading-exit-2015.8
  58. * 5f5b802c0c Add option to master config reader on ignoring system exit for wrong configuration
  59. * 6fc677f177 Ignore minion config errors everywhere but the minion itself
  60. * 8699194647 Remove deprecation: BaseException.message deprecated as of 2.6
  61. * 0e65cfec91 Fix lint: E8302
  62. * 67faa56bf1 Use Salt default exit codes instead of hard-coded values
  63. * a84556e596 Exit immediately on configuration error
  64. * 43d965907c Raise an exception on any found wrong configuration file
  65. * 30ed728d05 Cover exception handling in the utils.parsers
  66. * 5e8c0c6bdb Introduce configuration error exception
  67. * **ISSUE** `#34760`_: (`nate-byrnes`_) XenServer 7 needs correct provider setup for services. (refs: `#34915`_)
  68. * **PR** `#34915`_: (`abednarik`_) Update service_rh provider to exclude XenServer >= 7.
  69. * **PR** `#34926`_: (`rallytime`_) Lint `#34923`_
  70. @ *2016-07-25 14:53:42 UTC*
  71. * **PR** `#34923`_: (`eliasp`_) Handle exception when no Slack API key was provided (refs: `#34926`_)
  72. * a7e7ec6d25 Merge pull request `#34926`_ from rallytime/lint-34923
  73. * b3514abf1b Lint fixes for `#34923`_
  74. * 69afcc4060 Handle exception when no Slack API key was provided
  75. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34908`_: (`Ch3LL`_) Cannot start proxy minion due to keyerror in grains (refs: `#34910`_)
  76. * **PR** `#34910`_: (`cachedout`_) Fix grains error on proxy minions
  77. @ *2016-07-22 23:05:46 UTC*
  78. * c663c8bb5b Merge pull request `#34910`_ from cachedout/proxy_grains
  79. * 0970ebace8 Fix grains error on proxy minions
  80. * **PR** `#34864`_: (`jmacfar`_) Check for version in list of installed versions
  81. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34816`_: (`msdogado`_) VirtuozzoLinux not realized as RedHat by pkg (refs: #`saltstack/salt`#34878`_`_, `#34878`_)
  82. * **PR** `saltstack/salt#34878`_: (`abednarik`_) Add VirtuozzoLinux is yumpkg enable list. (refs: `#34902`_)
  83. * **PR** `#34902`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#34878`_ to 2016.3
  84. * **PR** `#34878`_: (`abednarik`_) Add VirtuozzoLinux is yumpkg enable list. (refs: `#34902`_)
  85. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34893`_: (`msdogado`_) rpm VirtuozzoLinux not working (refs: `#34901`_)
  86. * **PR** `#34901`_: (`rallytime`_) Add VirtuozzoLinux to the list of enabled distros for rpm.py
  87. @ *2016-07-22 22:23:48 UTC*
  88. * ad640cc046 Merge pull request `#34901`_ from rallytime/fix-34893
  89. * 45e2ce10a4 Add VirtuozzoLinux to the list of enabled distros for rpm.py
  90. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34890`_: (`msdogado`_) VirtuozzoLinux enabling services not working (refs: `#34900`_)
  91. * **PR** `#34900`_: (`rallytime`_) Add VirtuozzoLinux to enabled platforms list in rh_service.py
  92. @ *2016-07-22 22:21:20 UTC*
  93. * 5aa532f98b Merge pull request `#34900`_ from rallytime/fix-34890
  94. * 12824487cc Add VirtuozzoLinux to enabled platforms list in rh_service.py
  95. * **PR** `#34887`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  96. @ *2016-07-22 18:04:47 UTC*
  97. * ebebfa647f Merge pull request `#34887`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  98. * 109b368d19 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  99. * fb223e1bd4 Invalidate the target cache very quickly (`#34862`_)
  100. * 1ca1367289 Fail git.latest states with uncommitted changes when force_reset=False (`#34869`_)
  101. * 4f4381e5b9 Merge pull request `#34859`_ from cachedout/fix_wheel_test
  102. * b4be66dedf Fix wheel test
  103. * **PR** `#34632`_: (`eliasp`_) Try to create the log directory when not present yet
  104. @ *2016-07-22 17:34:31 UTC*
  105. * eba34f7f4c Merge pull request `#34632`_ from eliasp/2016.3-create-logdir-when-needed
  106. * 9c89470661 Try to create the log directory when not present yet
  107. * **PR** `#34854`_: (`rallytime`_) Remove string_types import from state compiler
  108. @ *2016-07-22 17:20:15 UTC*
  109. * 965f517889 Merge pull request `#34854`_ from rallytime/cleanup-state-imports
  110. * 73d3075ce9 Remove string_types import from state compiler
  111. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#26171`_: (`HG00`_) salt-ssh from python2.6 master to python2.7 minion fails on "from _elementtree import \*" (refs: `#34865`_)
  112. * **PR** `#34865`_: (`thatch45`_) This needs discussion, since this breaks SUSE
  113. @ *2016-07-22 17:19:34 UTC*
  114. * 584d7606d4 Merge pull request `#34865`_ from thatch45/break_suse
  115. * 6c5f363921 This needs discussion, since this breaks SUSE
  116. * **PR** `#34858`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  117. @ *2016-07-21 21:01:17 UTC*
  118. * aaede31f66 Merge pull request `#34858`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  119. * 9227c3dd26 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  120. * acc9e31c02 Merge pull request `#34822`_ from thatch45/ssh_fixes
  121. * b5de492143 fix `#34798`_
  122. * 5ad6bd7307 fix `#34796`_
  123. * 5d91139bc9 Merge pull request `#34847`_ from cachedout/pwall
  124. * 2c8298dc6e Profile logging
  125. * 3affafa2e9 Add an option to skip the verification of client_acl users
  126. * 07d1d36653 Merge pull request `#34827`_ from thatch45/34691
  127. * 1ccf35eca4 fix beacon list to include all beacons being processed
  128. * b375720251 Merge pull request `#34833`_ from rallytime/bp-28521
  129. * e50a6783ce SPM: packaging doesn't work in Python 2.6. Fixed.
  130. * 042646582f Merge pull request `#34823`_ from rallytime/bp-25276
  131. * a028796eff copy spm.1 man page during setup Refs `#25213`_
  132. * 6c35d88268 Fix `#34648`_ (`#34828`_)
  133. * **PR** `#34852`_: (`rallytime`_) Skip GCE unit tests - causes test suite to hang
  134. @ *2016-07-21 17:52:31 UTC*
  135. * b3d8143d36 Merge pull request `#34852`_ from rallytime/skip-gce-tests
  136. * 15b4f5a8b3 Skip GCE unit tests - causes test suite to hang
  137. * **PR** `#34850`_: (`rallytime`_) Update 2016.3.2 release notes
  138. * **ISSUE** `#34215`_: (`rvora`_) salt-master crashes every few days (refs: `#34683`_)
  139. * **PR** `#34844`_: (`vutny`_) Fix getting total available memory without `psutil` installed
  140. @ *2016-07-21 17:12:38 UTC*
  141. * **PR** `#34683`_: (`cachedout`_) Fix publisher leak (refs: `#34844`_)
  142. * 650674d14a Merge pull request `#34844`_ from vutny/fix-grains-load-in-config-init
  143. * 4dc7827020 Fix comment in master config, prevents the service from starting
  144. * b4cfebb107 Fix Salt failure after merge of `#34683`_
  145. * **PR** `#34848`_: (`rallytime`_) Update release notes for 2016.3.2
  146. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34345`_: (`edgan`_) Salt master mode's and salt-ssh mode's top.sls processing aren't the same (refs: `#34837`_)
  147. * **ISSUE** `#34345`_: (`edgan`_) Salt master mode's and salt-ssh mode's top.sls processing aren't the same (refs: `#34837`_)
  148. * **PR** `#34837`_: (`thatch45`_) Fix `#34345`_
  149. @ *2016-07-21 14:36:15 UTC*
  150. * 52a95b2ea3 Merge pull request `#34837`_ from thatch45/34345
  151. * 1e8c585cd3 Fix `#34345`_
  152. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#32591`_: (`AndrewPashkin`_) "RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded" in salt/utils/lazy.py, using Salt-SSH (refs: `#34838`_)
  153. * **PR** `#34838`_: (`thatch45`_) Check if a valid value is passed to unlyif/unless
  154. @ *2016-07-21 14:34:29 UTC*
  155. * 96450ac74d Merge pull request `#34838`_ from thatch45/unless_valid
  156. * 1f34299a84 Check if a valid value is passed to unlyif/unless
  157. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#32525`_: (`anlutro`_) state.show_low_sls not working in salt-ssh (refs: `#34840`_)
  158. * **PR** `#34840`_: (`thatch45`_) update the state wrapper to include show_low_sls
  159. @ *2016-07-21 14:34:02 UTC*
  160. * 3a5ef86d58 Merge pull request `#34840`_ from thatch45/state_update_ssh
  161. * 77dce3920c update the state wrapper to include show_low_sls
  162. * **ISSUE** `#34762`_: (`aphor`_) zpool state module needs support for disk vdev (refs: `#34791`_, `#34770`_)
  163. * **PR** `#34842`_: (`sjorge`_) 2016.3 zpool cleanup and fixes
  164. @ *2016-07-21 14:32:56 UTC*
  165. * **PR** `#34770`_: (`aphor`_) zpool state module needs support for disk vdev `#34762`_ (refs: `#34842`_)
  166. * 5f67318fd7 Merge pull request `#34842`_ from sjorge/2016.3-zpool-simplifaction
  167. * a7ff9524b0 drop parsing of vdevs, error passthrough from zpool cli
  168. * 25d6c8139b eliminate hardcoded vdev type from zpool state
  169. * 47b8dc946c salt.states.zpool - work with updates exec module
  170. * a5a98845c7 salt.module.zpool - fix bug with properties on/off being parsed as true/false
  171. * dd64494a19 salt.modules.zpool - drop vdev types to make it more future proof, fallback to zpool cli error messages
  172. * **PR** `#34825`_: (`thatch45`_) keep this beacon from stack tracing at the loader
  173. * **PR** `#34824`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  174. @ *2016-07-20 20:54:35 UTC*
  175. * b9db0b0036 Merge pull request `#34824`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  176. * 094731f4b6 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  177. * 98fa4a404e Merge pull request `#34818`_ from jtand/mysql_state_integration_test_cleanup
  178. * 9abb6f91bb Skip mysql state test if mysqladmin is not available
  179. * 6636f2b449 Merge pull request `#34803`_ from junovitch/issue_24744
  180. * 64c850410f salt/state.py: set 'chunk['order'] = 0' with 'order: first'; fixes `#24744`_
  181. * **PR** `#34670`_: (`isbm`_) Add "osmajorrelease" grain (2016.3)
  182. @ *2016-07-20 14:39:38 UTC*
  183. * 62ef8fdb35 Merge pull request `#34670`_ from isbm/isbm-osmajorrelease-grain-suse
  184. * a6bcbd615f Lintfix PEP8: E262
  185. * 110a422d5a Keep osmajorrelease as a string type for 2016.3 release
  186. * 208fd33b48 Add unit test for osmajorrelease grain
  187. * 9a6b2175c6 Implement "osmajorrelease" by killing spaghetti
  188. * **ISSUE** `#34215`_: (`rvora`_) salt-master crashes every few days (refs: `#34683`_)
  189. * **PR** `#34683`_: (`cachedout`_) Fix publisher leak (refs: `#34844`_)
  190. @ *2016-07-20 13:57:10 UTC*
  191. * 6ca9ffa7c7 Merge pull request `#34683`_ from cachedout/issue_34215
  192. * ccd53e9214 Lint
  193. * 76eb46fb08 Document master setting
  194. * 0dfe3aaf31 Set up dynamic config
  195. * 3cfb82cdd4 Fix silly error
  196. * 35a845fff5 Only set IPC with write buffer if set
  197. * b2d636017d Add IPC to minion opts
  198. * 2c1c92c48e Lint
  199. * c4395ae84e Dial down default buffer and apply to just write buffer
  200. * 3e3e2a997e Typo
  201. * 78f6251c09 Correct issues with config
  202. * c138cc03e3 Configuration settings for IPC buffers
  203. * **ISSUE** `#34762`_: (`aphor`_) zpool state module needs support for disk vdev (refs: `#34791`_, `#34770`_)
  204. * **PR** `#34791`_: (`sjorge`_) salt.state.zpool tweaks
  205. @ *2016-07-19 20:56:47 UTC*
  206. * 49ab3fd2b5 Merge pull request `#34791`_ from sjorge/zpool-state-tweaks
  207. * d48c6d2dcb accomidate use of "fake" vdev type disk, this behavior may be broken later if a disk vdev ever gets added to the cli tools. improve documentation explaining how to create a striped pool without the "fake" vdev type
  208. * **PR** `#34784`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  209. @ *2016-07-19 16:30:18 UTC*
  210. * 1617a7058a Merge pull request `#34784`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  211. * 3e032dc397 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  212. * 58021035a9 Merge pull request `#34773`_ from randomed/mysql-returner-startup/2015.8
  213. * 0cd55eb7d7 Add jid=req handling for mysql returner. It should also store the return jid into the jid list table.
  214. * 10a1af9949 Remove unnedeed config test (`#34751`_)
  215. * f19caac8e4 Merge pull request `#34754`_ from cachedout/disable_mid_test
  216. * 46901c6e65 Disable test
  217. * 81f29006f2 Merge pull request `#34741`_ from rallytime/bp-34726
  218. * d949110993 Loop over updated keys in non recursive update
  219. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34630`_: (`bdrung`_) Spelling errors (refs: `#34756`_, `#34722`_)
  220. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#33923`_: (`pavankumar2203`_) Salt module certutil install doesnt work (refs: `#34756`_)
  221. * **PR** `#34756`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Rebuild man pages
  222. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#27980`_: (`rayba`_) salt-cloud 2015.5.0 azure provider could not be loaded (refs: `#34746`_)
  223. * **PR** `#34746`_: (`rallytime`_) Update azure lib dep to match the one in cloud.clouds.msazure
  224. @ *2016-07-18 18:54:40 UTC*
  225. * 2a9738f00d Merge pull request `#34746`_ from rallytime/azure-version
  226. * ead3eb1606 Update azure lib dep to match the one in cloud.clouds.msazure
  227. * **PR** `#34744`_: (`justinta`_) Test valid docs fix
  228. @ *2016-07-18 18:22:47 UTC*
  229. * c0e2657c8e Merge pull request `#34744`_ from jtand/test_valid_docs_fix
  230. * 4fe33a7695 add directives example to ldap3.modify
  231. * 6fa40a0d46 Add cli examples for ldap3 module
  232. * b94e0dd95a ipset.long_range doesn't need a docstring
  233. * **PR** `#34740`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  234. @ *2016-07-18 16:28:56 UTC*
  235. * d4adf98b85 Merge pull request `#34740`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  236. * 7d106c78f0 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  237. * e9e5bbe38b Merge pull request `#34721`_ from rallytime/fix-34703
  238. * 9c803d05a5 Add output_file option to master config docs
  239. * **PR** `#34607`_: (`isbm`_) Bugfix: Exit on configuration read (backport)
  240. @ *2016-07-18 15:15:21 UTC*
  241. * efc7599f85 Merge pull request `#34607`_ from isbm/isbm-config-reading-exit-2016.3
  242. * fb7542f920 Add option to master config reader on ignoring system exit for wrong configuration
  243. * abd10b5782 Ignore minion config errors everywhere but the minion itself
  244. * e5f43e6711 Remove deprecation: BaseException.message deprecated as of 2.6
  245. * 23d1031a09 Fix lint: E8302
  246. * 6b660678fa Use Salt default exit codes instead of hard-coded values
  247. * 0c2d3511c9 Exit immediately on configuration error
  248. * c5de6c8c4a Raise an exception on any found wrong configuration file
  249. * 575767022b Cover exception handling in the utils.parsers
  250. * 2cf696671f Introduce configuration error exception
  251. * **PR** `saltstack/salt#34607`_: (`isbm`_) Bugfix: Exit on configuration read (backport) (refs: `#34739`_)
  252. * **PR** `#34739`_: (`cachedout`_) Remove unnedeed config test
  253. @ *2016-07-18 15:15:15 UTC*
  254. * d0e0c0186b Merge pull request `#34739`_ from cachedout/remove_config_test
  255. * 4625ee65b8 Remove unnedeed config test
  256. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34630`_: (`bdrung`_) Spelling errors (refs: `#34756`_, `#34722`_)
  257. * **PR** `#34722`_: (`rallytime`_) Various spelling fixes
  258. @ *2016-07-16 19:49:54 UTC*
  259. * abf5b976ed Merge pull request `#34722`_ from rallytime/fix-34630
  260. * cca9446c37 Various spelling fixes
  261. * **PR** `#34714`_: (`sjmh`_) Fix ldap auth for function matches
  262. @ *2016-07-16 19:49:12 UTC*
  263. * 922cc5a8a7 Merge pull request `#34714`_ from sjmh/fix/ldap_auth
  264. * d4144039bc Fix ldap auth for function matches
  265. * **PR** `#34720`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  266. @ *2016-07-16 19:22:28 UTC*
  267. * 40626d786a Merge pull request `#34720`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  268. * c2130d5a04 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  269. * 08d00f3a61 Merge pull request `#34689`_ from Azidburn/fix_pkg_sources
  270. * 2c0fc919b3 fix second run problems with pkg.installed using sources
  271. * 4cb1ded520 Merge pull request `#34695`_ from isbm/isbm-zypper-product-boolean-values
  272. * 5ed5142fbc Update test data for 'registerrelease' and 'productline' fields
  273. * 21444ee240 Bugfix: return boolean only for 'isbase' and 'installed' attributes
  274. * aaa6f7d80a update 2015.8.11 release notes (`#34682`_)
  275. * **ISSUE** `#34661`_: (`chrimi`_) Cron State documentation lacks information of "New in" for special parameter in cron.present (refs: `#34707`_)
  276. * **PR** `#34707`_: (`rallytime`_) Add versionadded to "special" option in cron.present state
  277. * **PR** `#34696`_: (`isbm`_) Bugfix: Zypper `pkg.list_products` returns False on some empty values (2016.3)
  278. @ *2016-07-15 21:18:21 UTC*
  279. * 51fce770a5 Merge pull request `#34696`_ from isbm/isbm-zypper-product-boolean-values-2016.3
  280. * 96021e257c Update test data for 'registerrelease' and 'productline' fields
  281. * 337eee33ac Bugfix: return boolean only for 'isbase' and 'installed' attributes
  282. * **PR** `#34702`_: (`farcaller`_) Fixed dockerng.list_tags
  283. @ *2016-07-15 20:50:35 UTC*
  284. * 45045f6900 Merge pull request `#34702`_ from farcaller/fixtags
  285. * 032e35a28e Fixed dockerng.list_tags
  286. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34548`_: (`Inveracity`_) win_dsc.set_lcm_config does not set multiple values, missing semicolon (refs: `#34549`_, #saltstack/salt`#34549`_)
  287. * **PR** `saltstack/salt#34549`_: (`Inveracity`_) fixes multiple values in mof configuration (refs: `#34681`_)
  288. * **PR** `#34681`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#34549`_ to 2016.3
  289. * **PR** `#34549`_: (`Inveracity`_) fixes multiple values in mof configuration (refs: `#34681`_)
  290. * **PR** `#34679`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  291. @ *2016-07-14 20:59:45 UTC*
  292. * d57507dde8 Merge pull request `#34679`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  293. * 0c566dce89 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  294. * 3192e1674b Merge pull request `#34676`_ from cachedout/partial_revert_34644
  295. * 64a154826a Revert "Modify lodaer global test to use populated dunders"
  296. * 3b6f1089b2 Merge pull request `#34601`_ from lorengordon/clarify-doc
  297. * bfe0dd0b8a Clarifies the proper way to reference states
  298. * bc63f25a6f Lint 34644 (`#34651`_)
  299. * 50360263c5 Adjust the mine test a little bit to give it a better chance of success (`#34647`_)
  300. * 8a0209101e Merge pull request `#34642`_ from jtand/mysql_integration_cleanup
  301. * dd1559a599 Check that mysqladmin exists before running mysql integration tests.
  302. * 3e612c3794 Merge pull request `#34618`_ from jtand/network_integration_fix
  303. * 34bcf9ccfc Changed network state test to use test=True
  304. * b2616833b0 Some small changes
  305. * ed59113e94 Change network state integration test to use test=True
  306. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#33452`_: (`Ch3LL`_) Digital Ocean does not return anything on deletion (refs: `#34605`_)
  307. * **PR** `#34605`_: (`gtmanfred`_) catch error if no dns domains exist
  308. @ *2016-07-14 15:20:46 UTC*
  309. * b88c39e1d2 Merge pull request `#34605`_ from gtmanfred/2016.3
  310. * 37b0943539 catch error if no dns domains exist
  311. * **PR** `#34557`_: (`jacobweinstock`_) handle jboss cli expression type in the parsing of output
  312. @ *2016-07-14 15:09:49 UTC*
  313. * b3dc6031fe Merge pull request `#34557`_ from jacobweinstock/jboss7_cli-handle-expression-type
  314. * 1945153399 handle jboss cli expression type in the parsing of the output
  315. * **PR** `#34652`_: (`rallytime`_) Spelling fixes found in sqlite3 pillar docs
  316. * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#34382`_: (`amontalban`_) Exception: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int' (refs: `#34565`_)
  317. * **ISSUE** `#34554`_: (`stjack99`_) num_cpus grain missing with Salt 2016.3.1 on FreeBSD 10.x (refs: `#34565`_)
  318. * **PR** `#34565`_: (`Ch3LL`_) add num_cpus grain to freebsd
  319. * **PR** `#34621`_: (`justinta`_) Suse Leap doesn't have 'man'
  320. * **PR** `#34619`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  321. @ *2016-07-12 21:52:01 UTC*
  322. * 61f5045a0d Merge pull request `#34619`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  323. * f734afd0b0 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  324. * 9f123543e5 Merge pull request `#34617`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  325. * 3026df346f Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  326. * 57df38e685 Update github IP for ssh state integration tests (`#34592`_)
  327. * 2e1007254b Avoid circular imports when calling salt.utils functions (`#34584`_)
  328. * b90ae407f9 Add support for edge case when Cmd and Entrypoint can't be blanked (`#34593`_)
  329. * 12b579c4e3 When sorting list actual_data, make it a list (`#34590`_)
  330. * 7dd8035c62 Gate docker unit test to check for docker (`#34591`_)
  331. * ae38c874da Add a bunch of documentation on getting files from other environments (`#34560`_)
  332. * 91e0656d44 Merge pull request `#34531`_ from terminalmage/issue34397
  333. * d0fec1b8f6 salt/modules/zypper.py: accept ignore_epoch argument
  334. * 5ae9463c1f salt/modules/yumpkg.py: accept ignore_epoch argument
  335. * c2791117af salt/modules/rpm.py: accept ignore_epoch argument
  336. * c5de8b880d salt/modules/ebuild.py: accept ignore_epoch argument
  337. * 4ee8e8f037 salt/modules/aptpkg.py: accept ignore_epoch argument
  338. * 5b123b403c Pass ignore_epoch to salt.utils.compare_versions()
  339. * 07368fac40 Accept ignore_epoch argument for salt.utils.compare_versions()
  340. * e99befad47 Merge pull request `#34545`_ from terminalmage/docker-exec-driver
  341. * dd5838e242 Handle cases where Docker Remote API returns an empty ExecutionDriver
  342. * **PR** `#34585`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Avoid salt.utils circular imports when using "from"
  343. * **PR** `#34616`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Adds a mock required for the network settings beacon
  344. @ *2016-07-12 19:09:30 UTC*
  345. * c8bdfb272d Merge pull request `#34616`_ from jacobhammons/network-settings-mock
  346. * 5e2ddb5eb0 Adds a mock required for the network settings beacon
  347. * **PR** `#34553`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  348. @ *2016-07-11 19:36:26 UTC*
  349. * d8c8b4ac6f Merge pull request `#34553`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  350. * 815c8b38d5 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  351. * 7120d43df0 Merge pull request `#34546`_ from rallytime/rename-boto-secgroup-test
  352. * f8a3622be7 Rename unit.states.boto_secgroup to unit.states.boto_secgroup_test
  353. * ca92061821 Merge pull request `#34537`_ from rallytime/rename-simple-test
  354. * ceefb6e34c Rename tests.unit.simple to tests.unit.simple_test
  355. * fbab2f8c2b [2015.8] Update bootstrap script to latest stable (`#34527`_)
  356. * 6b8c76af83 Prevent many errors in the test suite in loader tests (`#34521`_)
  357. * c2f296c95b Fix wrong order of retention_policy_exists (`#34507`_)
  358. * 685df80929 Merge pull request `#34518`_ from terminalmage/fix-pkg.latest-test
  359. * 4aef44ecdf Fix pkg.latest integration test for non-LTS ubuntu
  360. * **PR** `#34569`_: (`eliasp`_) Minor doc fixes for PostgreSQL states
  361. @ *2016-07-11 14:02:13 UTC*
  362. * 5b002e11b4 Merge pull request `#34569`_ from eliasp/2016.3-postgres-doc
  363. * 221da29ef5 Typo (`defaul` → `default`)
  364. * ba3d7c624b Add code formatting
  365. * b3409c97a2 Fix typo (`seens` → `seen`)
  366. * **PR** `#34524`_: (`terminalmage`_) yumpkg: Avoid spurious logging in pkg.upgrade
  367. @ *2016-07-07 22:06:01 UTC*
  368. * 7e1abd77ba Merge pull request `#34524`_ from terminalmage/yumpkg-upgrade-logging
  369. * 40992f0790 yumpkg: Avoid spurious logging in pkg.upgrade
  370. * **ISSUE** `#34439`_: (`edgan`_) Fast memory leak on ctrl-c out of salt '*' state.highstate (refs: `#34490`_)
  371. * **PR** `#34490`_: (`cachedout`_) Fix master crash on ctl-c for long-running job
  372. * **PR** `#34520`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  373. @ *2016-07-07 19:22:40 UTC*
  374. * b9e87620f5 Merge pull request `#34520`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  375. * 27988dde48 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  376. * a516f116d1 Merge pull request `#34513`_ from cachedout/lower_loader_log
  377. * 733c5d00c0 Lower the log level for modules which cannot be loaded to trace
  378. * 63f0451041 Merge pull request `#34498`_ from rallytime/bootstrap-tutorial-doc-fix
  379. * 23c5739c3b Use -O in wget develop example in bootstrap tutorial
  380. * 3ebba020b6 Rename some unit test files by adding _test (`#34503`_)
  381. * 8722257b82 Improve top file merging documentation (`#34505`_)
  382. * 6ce7cb9616 Gracefully handle non-XML output in GlusterFS execution module. (`#34492`_)
  383. * 75299456be Use skipTest for network state integration test (`#34489`_)
  384. * 0f3f87fbc5 Update dnsmasq.get_config docs to use correct config_file param. (`#34488`_)
  385. * **ISSUE** `#34224`_: (`tehsu`_) salt-cloud to rackspace uses public ip instead of private (refs: `#34499`_)
  386. * **PR** `#34499`_: (`gtmanfred`_) remove unnecessary block parsing ip addrs for nova
  387. @ *2016-07-07 16:23:46 UTC*
  388. * 58f46eae15 Merge pull request `#34499`_ from gtmanfred/2016.3
  389. * 019671d4c2 remove unnecessary block parsing ip addrs for nova
  390. * **PR** `#34468`_: (`twangboy`_) Use Python 2.7.12 for Windows Build
  391. * **PR** `#34493`_: (`twangboy`_) Use Python 2.7.12 for Mac Build
  392. * **PR** `#34486`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  393. @ *2016-07-06 17:28:31 UTC*
  394. * 95094c73ff Merge pull request `#34486`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  395. * 2b307b7ea1 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  396. * e2f576e847 Merge pull request `#34462`_ from terminalmage/git-describe-always
  397. * 6ef7ee198e Restrict use of --always to git 1.5.6 and newer
  398. * c554b22fc8 modules/git: added --always parameter for git.describe().
  399. * 85f1f18239 Merge pull request `#34467`_ from rallytime/bp-34457
  400. * 746883741f Only access key metadata if we found key metadata
  401. * 9e15337b74 Merge pull request `#34432`_ from twangboy/fix_file.append
  402. * 13f11fddce Remove refactoring code
  403. * 78f7c530bb Remove unit tests, integration tests written
  404. * b83392edea Remove len() in favor of boolean test
  405. * 4373408163 Fix line error
  406. * 2479b53e2f Fix erroneous report on newline code
  407. * 75b6ed1fd5 Change back to binary read
  408. * 65753cff6d Use os.linesep instead of \n
  409. * a55d63f086 Fix object names
  410. * 3e2fe12e5e Add new line if missing
  411. * 0b7821c8db Fix file.append state
  412. * 91e095bb41 Merge pull request `#34429`_ from terminalmage/pkg-latest-versioncheck
  413. * 667f31a72a Skip version checking for targeted packages in pkg.latest state
  414. * 0a264597ca Forgot reference to inotify (`#34455`_)
  415. * **ISSUE** `#33915`_: (`mattglv`_) Orchestration runner output on Success vs Failures in 2016.3.0 (refs: `#34459`_)
  416. * **PR** `#34459`_: (`terminalmage`_) Ignore retcode when formatting highstate output
  417. @ *2016-07-06 03:59:23 UTC*
  418. * 7867d49193 Merge pull request `#34459`_ from terminalmage/issue33915
  419. * 82a70e015f Ignore retcode when formatting highstate output
  420. * **ISSUE** `#34371`_: (`erikgrinaker`_) git.detached does not work with commit ID as ref (refs: `#34463`_)
  421. * **PR** `#34463`_: (`terminalmage`_) states/git: pass required cwd parameter to git.describe.
  422. @ *2016-07-06 03:59:05 UTC*
  423. * ae6902290a Merge pull request `#34463`_ from terminalmage/issue34371
  424. * f981a5646a states/git: pass required cwd parameter to git.describe.
  425. * **ISSUE** `#34395`_: (`artxki`_) Nonfunctioning default_password in states.postgres_user.present (refs: `#34436`_)
  426. * **PR** `#34466`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#34436`_ to 2016.3
  427. @ *2016-07-06 03:57:15 UTC*
  428. * **PR** `#34436`_: (`artxki`_) Fix `#34395`_ Nonfunctional default_password in states.postgres_user.present (refs: `#34466`_)
  429. * 8f8a6d2f68 Merge pull request `#34466`_ from rallytime/bp-34436
  430. * e97c00b018 Fix `#34395`_ Nonfunctional default_password in states.postgres_user.present
  431. * **PR** `#34453`_: (`justinta`_) Arch linux does not have osrelease or osmajorrelease grains
  432. * **ISSUE** `#33697`_: (`asloboda-cisco`_) Client clash with Tornado IOLoop (refs: `#34456`_)
  433. * **PR** `#34456`_: (`thatch45`_) Be more careful when making the SMinion
  434. @ *2016-07-05 18:41:57 UTC*
  435. * fc67a4e216 Merge pull request `#34456`_ from thatch45/2016.3
  436. * edd6b95c60 we need to be more careful when making the SMinion
  437. * **PR** `#34452`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  438. @ *2016-07-05 17:49:19 UTC*
  439. * 72b4d6b52c Merge pull request `#34452`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  440. * 91120dba01 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  441. * 7bb0868c66 Merge pull request `#34451`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  442. * 55a91e22be Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  443. * 8c72ee56e4 Merge pull request `#34435`_ from cachedout/backport_config_dir_integration
  444. * 0e2c71a537 Backport change to integraiton test suite
  445. * e65d1ae374 Merge pull request `#34401`_ from terminalmage/rpm-version_cmp
  446. * 7cefd4182d Use rpmdev-vercmp as a fallback for version comparison on RHEL5
  447. * 5ddf417432 Merge pull request `#34366`_ from steverweber/fix_servicerestart
  448. * 7847c39024 Update service.py
  449. * 485454febb Merge pull request `#34426`_ from cro/inotify-linux-only
  450. * 54a02f25ba Document that inotify is Linux only
  451. * **PR** `#34427`_: (`twangboy`_) Automated signing fixes for Ubuntu 16.04, 14.04, 12.04 (for dmurphy)
  452. @ *2016-07-05 15:18:46 UTC*
  453. * 7508d291d2 Merge pull request `#34427`_ from twangboy/sign_fx
  454. * c804480982 Add changes suggested by @cachedout
  455. * 494deda074 Automated signing fixes for Ubuntu 16.04, 14.04, 12.04
  456. * **ISSUE** `#34379`_: (`UtahDave`_) variable referenced before assignment (refs: `#34400`_)
  457. * **PR** `#34400`_: (`cachedout`_) Fix uninitialized value
  458. @ *2016-07-01 17:42:55 UTC*
  459. * b3875f397d Merge pull request `#34400`_ from cachedout/issue_34379
  460. * b413f05a4f Fix uninitialized value
  461. * **PR** `#34404`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  462. @ *2016-07-01 15:02:09 UTC*
  463. * d1cd36ab2b Merge pull request `#34404`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  464. * 8398de0baf Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  465. * fe18bbb527 Merge pull request `#34392`_ from cro/salt-cloud-doc-clarify
  466. * 6cce575d40 Clarify that salt-cloud doesn't get installed by bootstrap
  467. * 45b8fb10d7 Merge pull request `#34373`_ from jtand/network_state_integration_test
  468. * 1d24053e36 network.system sls file
  469. * 4a9e6af542 network.routes sls file
  470. * 76c90b2ef6 network.managed sls file
  471. * 84a36369fa Added network state integration test
  472. * d6af1de0b7 Optimize pkg integration tests and add a couple new tests (`#34377`_)
  473. * **PR** `#34292`_: (`twangboy`_) Fix runas function for System Account
  474. @ *2016-06-30 18:25:09 UTC*
  475. * ad63b1d3d3 Merge pull request `#34292`_ from twangboy/fix_runas
  476. * 433f300eba Enable all privileges
  477. * 5584cc2c6f Handle users that aren't admin
  478. * e9d2402c0b Fix runas function for System Account
  479. * **PR** `#34388`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#34378`_ to 2016.3
  480. @ *2016-06-30 17:50:48 UTC*
  481. * **PR** `#34378`_: (`adelcast`_) network_settings.py: fix documentation (refs: `#34388`_)
  482. * be9a831ef6 Merge pull request `#34388`_ from rallytime/bp-34378
  483. * 2040dbeca5 network_settings.py: fix documentation
  484. * **PR** `#34352`_: (`cro`_) Esxi dvs
  485. * **PR** `#34386`_: (`rallytime`_) Beacon network docs
  486. * **PR** `#34376`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  487. @ *2016-06-30 14:31:28 UTC*
  488. * 5a44b077a0 Merge pull request `#34376`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  489. * 3149da1bcc Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  490. * af8ef1e461 Merge pull request `#34368`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  491. * 3bce0cb510 Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  492. * 970aaa46d4 Merge pull request `#34252`_ from gtmanfred/2015.5
  493. * 82183f1572 return list of nodes for lxc driver when called directly
  494. * 94e094652c Back-port `#34324`_ to 2015.8 (`#34344`_)
  495. * 11dc0203b0 Making salt-ssh pass proper return codes for jinja rendering errors (`#34342`_)
  496. * **PR** `#34365`_: (`sjorge`_) fixes computenode_* grains on SmartOS compute nodes
  497. @ *2016-06-29 17:55:24 UTC*
  498. * 3808d849fe Merge pull request `#34365`_ from sjorge/2016.3-fix-broken-smartos-grains
  499. * 3ff895cacf fixes computenode_* grains on SmartOS compute nodes
  500. * **PR** `#34353`_: (`cro`_) Remove proxy check and additional GetConnection--this makes the proxy…
  501. @ *2016-06-29 14:54:47 UTC*
  502. * 65efb55917 Merge pull request `#34353`_ from cro/pyvmomi-ssl-fail
  503. * 14ea29f446 Remove proxy check and additional GetConnection--this makes the proxy fail to start. Need to check to see if proxy memory leak is back.
  504. * **PR** `#34348`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  505. @ *2016-06-28 23:28:45 UTC*
  506. * c89d1ad27f Merge pull request `#34348`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  507. * c87a108a12 Don't forget the pylint disables for range
  508. * 359e8ca2ce Pylint fixes
  509. * f9ab8ba46d Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  510. * f6bd1ad47e Revert py3modernize lint changes (`#34339`_)
  511. * 046bdaa9f2 Merge pull request `#34306`_ from ghedo/iptables_flush_table
  512. * 882c6c9c86 Do not force 'filter' table when flushing
  513. * 0c60feac02 Doc clarifications to file modules, addition of new `profile` log level to docs, fixed example in dnsmasq (`#34323`_)
  514. * b793426c23 Remove unnecessarily-disabled sanity check (`#34325`_)
  515. * c5890a0eca Merge pull request `#34335`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  516. * 2296587536 Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  517. * 6cce545d92 Merge pull request `#34313`_ from rallytime/bootstrap-2015.5
  518. * c7db73be92 [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2016.06.27
  519. * a6d3cc637b Typo in dockerio doc (`#34319`_)
  520. * dd4c937009 Merge pull request `#34312`_ from rallytime/bootstrap-2015.8
  521. * 944a393f89 [2015.8] Update to latest bootstrap script v2016.06.27
  522. * 91703d2dc4 Merge pull request `#34307`_ from rallytime/fix-test-example
  523. * f44a0543fe Fix test example in integration testing docs
  524. * **ISSUE** `#34255`_: (`tmehlinger`_) fire_event requisite does not work in orchestration states (refs: `#34256`_, `#34343`_)
  525. * **PR** `#34343`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#34256`_ to 2016.3
  526. * **PR** `#34256`_: (`tmehlinger`_) detect running from master in State.event method (refs: `#34343`_)
  527. * **PR** `#34338`_: (`themalkolm`_) Add listen/listen_in support to stateconf.py
  528. @ *2016-06-28 21:50:14 UTC*
  529. * 0b9cb602fe Merge pull request `#34338`_ from themalkolm/patch-2
  530. * cd63541325 Add listen/listen_in support to stateconf.py
  531. * **PR** `#34283`_: (`sjorge`_) 2016.3 mount vfstab support
  532. @ *2016-06-28 19:23:39 UTC*
  533. * 80a659bb51 Merge pull request `#34283`_ from sjorge/2016.3-mount-fstab
  534. * b8c6948cd5 fixes broken rm_fstab test due to missing __grain__.kernel
  535. * d633e774ea actually do the cleanup, oops
  536. * 987c240850 minor cleanup
  537. * c3667203bf add test for vfstab
  538. * 80e9d1d278 set __grains__ for fstab unit test
  539. * f0f5d449c3 mount.vfstab implemented on Solaris like platforms
  540. * 4398e8841b undo some changes to mount.fstab and mount.rm_fstab, create mount.vfstab and mount.rm_vfstab
  541. * 133d3bb2bb mount.set_fstab errors out on Solaris like platforms
  542. * c0863fb024 mount.rm_fstab works with Solaris like platforms
  543. * 151799ea74 initial vfstab support (Solaris like platforms)
  544. * **ISSUE** `#34321`_: (`Ch3LL`_) Raspberry Pi salt-minion missing osmajorrelease grain (refs: `#34322`_)
  545. * **PR** `#34322`_: (`Ch3LL`_) add osmajorrelease grain for raspbian
  546. @ *2016-06-28 19:08:39 UTC*
  547. * 75aad073a9 Merge pull request `#34322`_ from Ch3LL/add_grains_majorrelease_test
  548. * 693cc61aa4 add osmajorrelease to ubuntu and fix pylint
  549. * 2fc3e8a54b add osmajorrelease grain for raspbian
  550. * **PR** `#34337`_: (`clinta`_) Change merge-if-exists logic to properly report changes
  551. @ *2016-06-28 18:41:56 UTC*
  552. * 81547f413d Merge pull request `#34337`_ from clinta/serialize-merge
  553. * ebe7def2fb Change merge-if-exists logic to properly report changes
  554. * **PR** `#34300`_: (`vutny`_) Make apache.configfile state handle the Options list correctly
  555. @ *2016-06-28 18:34:45 UTC*
  556. * affc65dc79 Merge pull request `#34300`_ from vutny/fix-apache-vhost-options
  557. * 52001afdde Fix apache.configfile state example
  558. * 64a9442e38 apache.config: correctly output a list of the Options
  559. * **ISSUE** `#33588`_: (`whytewolf`_) rabbitmq_user.present error (refs: `#34333`_)
  560. * **PR** `#34333`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#33734`_ to 2016.3
  561. * **PR** `#34304`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#33734`_ to 2016.3 (refs: `#34333`_)
  562. * **PR** `#33734`_: (`glomium`_) modules/rabbitmq.py version checking had a logical error (refs: `#34333`_, `#34304`_)
  563. * **ISSUE** `#34329`_: (`clinta`_) file.serialize merge_if_exists fails: 'function' object has no attribute 'deserialize' (refs: `#34330`_)
  564. * **PR** `#34330`_: (`clinta`_) fix `#34329`_
  565. * **ISSUE** `#34170`_: (`rodoyle`_) ps.top raises ValueError "too many values to unpack" when psutil > 4.1.0 (refs: `#34318`_)
  566. * **PR** `#34318`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#32182`_ to 2016.3
  567. * **PR** `#32182`_: (`dongweiming`_) Fix psutil.cpu_times unpack error (refs: `#34318`_)
  568. * **PR** `#34311`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Update to latest bootstrap script v2016.06.27
  569. @ *2016-06-27 18:59:27 UTC*
  570. * 1398b1c51e Merge pull request `#34311`_ from rallytime/bootstrap-2016.3
  571. * 75aa7047bc [2016.3] Update to latest bootstrap script v2016.06.27
  572. * **ISSUE** `#34129`_: (`onorua`_) fqdn_ip4 and fqdn_ip6 are empty on 2016.3+ (refs: `#34284`_)
  573. * **PR** `#34284`_: (`rallytime`_) Don't require 'domain' to be present before checking fqdn_ip* grains
  574. @ *2016-06-27 17:06:17 UTC*
  575. * dc8462451d Merge pull request `#34284`_ from rallytime/fix-34129
  576. * 5f45a8ff73 Don't require 'domain' to be present before checking fqdn_ip* grains
  577. * **ISSUE** `#30493`_: (`sjorge`_) salt.modules.status mostly broken on solaris like operating systems. (refs: `#34296`_)
  578. * **PR** `#34296`_: (`sjorge`_) 2016.3 status module now works on Solaris like platforms
  579. @ *2016-06-27 16:49:41 UTC*
  580. * 259935d6d2 Merge pull request `#34296`_ from sjorge/2016.3-module.status
  581. * a26340c555 make status.all_status work on Solaris like platforms
  582. * 33e24fa697 make status.cpustats work on Solaris like platforms
  583. * d214e9c776 correctly cast to int for status.netdevs on Solaris like platforms
  584. * b74761b52d make status.cpuinfo support Solaris like platforms and OpenBSD
  585. * 2cd76d5ab5 make status.diskstats work on Solaris like platforms
  586. * 3211538830 make status.diskusage work on Solaris like platforms
  587. * a12b311a62 make status.netdev compatible with Solaris like platforms
  588. * 3bc01458aa make status.netstats compatible with Solaris like platforms
  589. * 25678901fa avoid KeyError in ping_master
  590. * 81d7fc98d8 make status.vmstats work on Solaris like platforms and OpenBSD
  591. * **PR** `#34281`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  592. @ *2016-06-24 21:51:43 UTC*
  593. * 376bec0455 Merge pull request `#34281`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  594. * ae8ad9329c Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  595. * d235b1245b Merge pull request `#34233`_ from thegoodduke/for_2015.8_ipset
  596. * 4da5e35bf4 ipset: fix the comment containing blank
  597. * 65c5675a3f Merge pull request `#34257`_ from rallytime/fix-34037
  598. * d7a5e9b10e Remove test that doesn't actually test anything
  599. * c4c037d600 Use 'config_dir' setting instead of CONFIG_DIR in gpg renderer
  600. * 203870f147 Merge pull request `#34274`_ from clinta/2015.8
  601. * 6572454918 Don't escape source before calling managed
  602. * a59dc85a15 Merge pull request `#34258`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  603. * ea914b67cd Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  604. * 8d5ed91980 Merge pull request `#34225`_ from richardscollin/fix-win-set-datetime
  605. * 6286771ef7 Fix win_system.set_system_date_time
  606. * cb1e8bf082 Merge pull request `#34232`_ from thegoodduke/for_2015.5_ipset
  607. * 344eb60762 ipset: fix commont containing blank
  608. * **PR** `#34271`_: (`opdude`_) Fixed symlinks on windows where the slashes don't match
  609. @ *2016-06-24 17:05:25 UTC*
  610. * 805171c949 Merge pull request `#34271`_ from Unity-Technologies/hotfix/windows_symlinks
  611. * e0a1a55431 Fixed symlinks on windows where the slashes don't match
  612. * **ISSUE** `#14915`_: (`johngrasty`_) SmartOS/OmniOS - mount module fails. (refs: `#34254`_)
  613. * **PR** `#34254`_: (`sjorge`_) Fix for `#14915`_
  614. * **PR** `#34259`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  615. @ *2016-06-24 14:27:30 UTC*
  616. * 39579ce5f6 Merge pull request `#34259`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  617. * eeaf3cc1e7 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  618. * 92962957c8 Merge pull request `#34093`_ from terminalmage/issue33873
  619. * 5edb45d746 win_pkg: refresh pkg database if refresh=True passed to version() or list_pkgs()
  620. * 0078adee35 Catch CommandExecutionError in pkg states
  621. * cb5399787c Merge pull request `#34136`_ from meaksh/salt-suse-os-detection-2015.8
  622. * 97f1958863 some cleanup and renaming
  623. * 72c8e5d78f better way to check for openSUSE Leap
  624. * 548971bdc9 Fix for SUSE OS grains in 2015.8
  625. * **PR** `#34134`_: (`meaksh`_) Fixed behavior for SUSE OS grains in 2016.3 (refs: `#34136`_)
  626. @ *2016-06-23 20:24:51 UTC*
  627. * **PR** `#33903`_: (`meaksh`_) Fetching grains['os'] from /etc/os-release on SUSE systems if it is possible (refs: `#34134`_)
  628. * 3acda896f2 Merge pull request `#34134`_ from meaksh/salt-suse-os-detection
  629. * 23ce0b431b some cleanup and renaming
  630. * 516bbc454d better way to check for openSUSE Leap
  631. * 44eda2ad9f Fix for openSUSE Tumbleweed
  632. * 0d4a710d86 fixes for fopen mock and some os_release_map for SLES11SP3
  633. * d6410a03b8 unit tests for SUSE os grains detection
  634. * 47ecb7013b Normalization of osfullname grain for openSUSE
  635. * 9c81f434fa one clause to set OS grain from CPE_NAME
  636. * d78d57b717 Test fixed: get OS grain from /etc/os-release if possible
  637. * d80e0532ff fix: osarch_mock
  638. * db00ec756d osarch mock for unit test
  639. * dabc5cab7e lint fix
  640. * 9ac514724b testing if SUSE os grain is set from /etc/os-release
  641. * bc671336a7 Getting the 'os' grain from CPE_NAME inside /etc/os-release for SUSE and openSUSE
  642. * 64af4d4145 Adding SLES_SAP to OS_FAMILY_MAP
  643. * **ISSUE** `#34137`_: (`christoe`_) Win_task info function broken (refs: `#34159`_)
  644. * **ISSUE** `#34135`_: (`christoe`_) Arguments to Windows task creation module are not used (refs: `#34159`_)
  645. * **PR** `#34159`_: (`christoe`_) Fixes to the win_task module
  646. @ *2016-06-23 17:54:53 UTC*
  647. * 5f42fd4486 Merge pull request `#34159`_ from christoe/2016.3
  648. * f4143669db Fixes `#34135`_, Fixes `#34137`_
  649. * **PR** `#34223`_: (`peterdemin`_) Fixed typo in filtering LDAP's potential_ous
  650. @ *2016-06-23 17:26:31 UTC*
  651. * 0a0267149f Merge pull request `#34223`_ from peterdemin/bugfix-eauth-ldap-expanding
  652. * 8bb03ec109 Fixed typo in filtering LDAP's potential_ous
  653. * **PR** `#34239`_: (`vutny`_) file.find module: fix handling of broken symlinks
  654. @ *2016-06-23 17:25:17 UTC*
  655. * f74f176bd5 Merge pull request `#34239`_ from vutny/file-find-broken-symlinks
  656. * 7e164c4f86 file.find module: fix handling of broken symlinks
  657. * **PR** `#34229`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  658. @ *2016-06-22 22:57:00 UTC*
  659. * 4157f6fd39 Merge pull request `#34229`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  660. * 940ac86d4e Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  661. * 56c7267631 fix regression from `#33681`_ which causes pulling a list of s3 objects via s3.query to fail (`#34208`_)
  662. * 02eb331494 Fix a pair of gitfs bugs (`#34218`_)
  663. * 6d643cd528 Merge pull request `#34182`_ from rallytime/fix-34043
  664. * b7d49c5052 Handle child PIDs differently depending on the availability of psutils
  665. * 5d3ec31564 Clarify pkg.list_repo_pkgs docstring for held packages (`#34188`_)
  666. * 5bca5c42f1 Change target for dockerng assuming default status to Nitrogen release (`#34206`_)
  667. * **ISSUE** `#33879`_: (`Ch3LL`_) saltutil.wheel minions.connected does not return anything with remote minions (refs: `#34214`_)
  668. * **PR** `#34214`_: (`rallytime`_) Update saltutil.wheel docs to specify remote vs local minion behavior
  669. @ *2016-06-22 19:22:30 UTC*
  670. * b5ea1495af Merge pull request `#34214`_ from rallytime/fix-33879
  671. * 1be05f6a87 Update saltutil.wheel docs to specify remote vs local minion behavior
  672. * **ISSUE** `#34074`_: (`fooka03`_) Unable to use S3 file backend with 2016.3.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 (refs: `#34209`_, `#34208`_)
  673. * **ISSUE** `#32916`_: (`giannello`_) file.managed memory usage with s3 sources (refs: `#33599`_, `#33682`_)
  674. * **PR** `#34209`_: (`lomeroe`_) fix regression in s3.query from `#33682`_
  675. @ *2016-06-22 18:50:19 UTC*
  676. * **PR** `#33682`_: (`lomeroe`_) backport `#33599`_ to 2016.3 (refs: `#34209`_)
  677. * **PR** `#33599`_: (`lomeroe`_) Fix s3 large file download (refs: `#33681`_, `#33682`_)
  678. * 4205fd605c Merge pull request `#34209`_ from lomeroe/fix_s3_utils_regression_33682
  679. * a2b99703b1 fix regression in s3.query from `#33682`_
  680. * **PR** `#34222`_: (`cachedout`_) Lint 34200
  681. @ *2016-06-22 18:48:54 UTC*
  682. * **PR** `#34200`_: (`secumod`_) Fix parted module set CLI example (refs: `#34222`_)
  683. * 05a4785c8c Merge pull request `#34222`_ from cachedout/lint_34200
  684. * eadf80a56f Linted `#34200`_
  685. * 2cd0433f8d Fix parted module set CLI example
  686. * **PR** `#34197`_: (`eliasp`_) Make `module.ssh.recv_known_host()` more resilient against hosts not returning a key
  687. @ *2016-06-22 17:26:02 UTC*
  688. * 0cbdb73fc5 Merge pull request `#34197`_ from eliasp/2016.3-salt.modules.ssh.recv_known_host-empty_results
  689. * 82c4b1229e Make `module.ssh.recv_known_host()` more resilient against hosts not returning a key
  690. * **ISSUE** `#34199`_: (`DarkKnightCZ`_) cmdmod.exec_all doesn't work with Windows PowerShell (refs: `#34201`_)
  691. * **ISSUE** `#34196`_: (`DarkKnightCZ`_) Salt call cmdmod.exec_code_all fails on Windows minion due to invalid file mode (refs: `#34198`_)
  692. * **PR** `#34201`_: (`DarkKnightCZ`_) Suffix temp file with .sr1 and add mandatory argument when executing PowerShell script
  693. @ *2016-06-22 17:21:24 UTC*
  694. * **PR** `#34198`_: (`DarkKnightCZ`_) Don't use binary mode for cmdmod.exec_code (refs: `#34201`_)
  695. * 606ae3c886 Merge pull request `#34201`_ from DarkKnightCZ/cmdmod-34199
  696. * 05748743bc Suffix temp file with .sr1 and add -File argument when executing PowerShell code via cmdmod.exec_code
  697. * **ISSUE** `#34196`_: (`DarkKnightCZ`_) Salt call cmdmod.exec_code_all fails on Windows minion due to invalid file mode (refs: `#34198`_)
  698. * **PR** `#34198`_: (`DarkKnightCZ`_) Don't use binary mode for cmdmod.exec_code (refs: `#34201`_)
  699. @ *2016-06-22 17:14:06 UTC*
  700. * cb704b780b Merge pull request `#34198`_ from DarkKnightCZ/cmdmod-34196
  701. * 04553cd3de Don't use binary mode for cmdmod.exec_code
  702. * **PR** `#34172`_: (`dmurphy18`_) Support for building with local packages on Debian and Ubuntu
  703. @ *2016-06-22 16:36:44 UTC*
  704. * 0578a2f87d Merge pull request `#34172`_ from dmurphy18/debbuild_deps
  705. * f7f8a5d33f Fixed pylint issues
  706. * 82fa276141 Support for building with local packages on Debian and Ubuntu
  707. * **PR** `#34194`_: (`vutny`_) Correct the docstrings formatting in pkgbuild modules and state
  708. * **PR** `#34056`_: (`vutny`_) Make rpmbuild module work on non-RPM based GNU/Linux systems (refs: `#34194`_)
  709. * **PR** `#34186`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  710. @ *2016-06-21 23:26:34 UTC*
  711. * a8429c2595 Merge pull request `#34186`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  712. * 318c2ed6a1 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  713. * 1c4369d093 Merge pull request `#34184`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  714. * 8e36e90966 Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  715. * 5411ebb3b4 Merge pull request `#34141`_ from jtand/boto_vpc_test_fix
  716. * b7ac6c735a Moved imports to top, out of _get_moto_version function
  717. * 02f9ba99ba Updated version check. Moved check into it's own function
  718. * d445026c56 Updated test to work with new moto version. Changed strings to unicode
  719. * c059d6c08c Merge pull request `#34176`_ from rallytime/bp-34103
  720. * 2e5e7ed03c Fix diskusage beacon
  721. * 5cbaaed167 Merge pull request `#34179`_ from terminalmage/issue34114
  722. * 86d1b8e864 Raise the correct exception when gitfs lockfile is empty
  723. * 67deded119 Merge pull request `#34178`_ from terminalmage/remove-comment
  724. * 4965be72b1 Remove unnecesssary comment
  725. * 6387d1636e fix salt --summary to count not responding minions correctly (`#34165`_)
  726. * e5949ea6f1 doc: add missing dot (`#34175`_)
  727. * 47595d6795 Typo fix (`#34174`_)
  728. * 3669048654 Merge pull request `#34077`_ from rallytime/grains-tests
  729. * 2199bb8a78 Add integration tests for grains.append
  730. * 37cfe70724 Add some grains targeting tests
  731. * **ISSUE** `#34162`_: (`ryanwalder`_) salt-call default loglevel regression (refs: `#34173`_)
  732. * **PR** `#34173`_: (`rallytime`_) Update docs to match log_level default
  733. @ *2016-06-21 17:15:53 UTC*
  734. * 3413c494bd Merge pull request `#34173`_ from rallytime/fix-34162
  735. * f577681f0b Update docs to match log_level warning default
  736. * **ISSUE** `#34094`_: (`avandendorpe`_) cron.file is broken (refs: `#34095`_)
  737. * **PR** `#34095`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#32396`_ to 2016.3
  738. @ *2016-06-21 16:12:39 UTC*
  739. * **PR** `#32396`_: (`eradman`_) Unbreak cron.file (refs: `#34095`_)
  740. * c596bf5744 Merge pull request `#34095`_ from rallytime/bp-32396
  741. * 074b6ab5c2 Correct pylint error
  742. * 20ff5c879a Unbreak cron.file
  743. * **PR** `#34108`_: (`l2ol33rt`_) Make dockerng.absent state honor test=true
  744. @ *2016-06-21 15:55:29 UTC*
  745. * b98687875f Merge pull request `#34108`_ from l2ol33rt/docker_absent_dryrun
  746. * 5598cb4a21 Make docker.absent honor test=true
  747. * **ISSUE** `#34012`_: (`viq`_) States mount.* fail on OpenBSD's tmpfs (refs: `#34133`_)
  748. * **PR** `#34133`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#34057`_ to 2016.3
  749. @ *2016-06-21 15:53:46 UTC*
  750. * **PR** `#34057`_: (`ajacoutot`_) _active_mounts_openbsd: unbreak output for special filesystems (refs: `#34133`_)
  751. * a75386a669 Merge pull request `#34133`_ from rallytime/bp-34057
  752. * f7be5e182b _active_mounts_openbsd: unbreak output for special filesystems
  753. * **PR** `#34156`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  754. @ *2016-06-21 15:52:59 UTC*
  755. * dd989dac78 Merge pull request `#34156`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  756. * b061b86946 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  757. * 65fba5b4d7 Merge pull request `#34142`_ from isbm/isbm-getid-loglevel-shift
  758. * 236a67b702 Move log message from INFO to DEBUG.
  759. * 79a719b719 Update documentation on "refresh" behavior in pkg states (`#34100`_)
  760. * 6d0d52fa86 modules.pkg int tests: skip refresh_db upon error (`#34072`_)
  761. * **PR** `#34110`_: (`garethgreenaway`_) Fixes to git module & state module related to identity file
  762. @ *2016-06-21 15:52:17 UTC*
  763. * b302cb03ef Merge pull request `#34110`_ from garethgreenaway/git_needs_saltenv_for_identity
  764. * 68092cdc8c When specifying the SSH identity to use with Git as a salt URL, eg. salt://files/identity, if that file exists outside of the default base environment the file won't be accessible so we need to include the saltenv.
  765. * **ISSUE** `#34120`_: (`rmohta`_) Correct package name to systemd-python for RHEL 7 in docs.saltstack.com (refs: `#34138`_)
  766. * **ISSUE** `#31402`_: (`vutny`_) [repo] systemd-python required package is missing from RHEL7 archive (refs: `#34138`_)
  767. * **PR** `#34138`_: (`rallytime`_) Update package dep note to systemd-python for RHEL7 install
  768. @ *2016-06-21 15:51:24 UTC*
  769. * 6c3405755a Merge pull request `#34138`_ from rallytime/fix-34120
  770. * 73f3e12ce6 Update package dep note to systemd-python for RHEL7 install
  771. * **PR** `#34166`_: (`vutny`_) Fix YAML indentation in Apache state docstrings
  772. * **PR** `#34098`_: (`terminalmage`_) Restore old refresh logic
  773. * **PR** `#34087`_: (`bbinet`_) Encourage to report issues to upstream PillarStack project
  774. * **PR** `#34075`_: (`jfindlay`_) modules.inspectlib.kiwiproc: import gate lxml
  775. @ *2016-06-17 15:36:08 UTC*
  776. * 9da592a297 Merge pull request `#34075`_ from jfindlay/import_xml
  777. * f882a72348 modules.inspectlib.kiwiproc: import gate lxml
  778. * **PR** `#34056`_: (`vutny`_) Make rpmbuild module work on non-RPM based GNU/Linux systems (refs: `#34194`_)
  779. @ *2016-06-17 15:14:51 UTC*
  780. * 52b852216a Merge pull request `#34056`_ from vutny/rpmbuild-support-debian
  781. * 8ff36d4f2b Expose virtual pkgbuild module as rpmbuild on non-RPM based systems if all required utilities are in place
  782. * 758f5cd77c Make rpmbuild module work on Debian GNU/Linux and derivatives
  783. * **PR** `#34073`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  784. @ *2016-06-16 23:02:32 UTC*
  785. * f2a2c2bf53 Merge pull request `#34073`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  786. * f6bfaede21 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  787. * 1b76de1557 Merge pull request `#34069`_ from rallytime/test-minion-return-message
  788. * 60561ac6fc Add a test to check for disconnected minion messaging
  789. * 3119693dac Merge pull request `#34048`_ from terminalmage/issue30100
  790. * 715e7af8a4 Ensure only one fileserver update in a masterless run
  791. * dd03024931 Merge pull request `#34011`_ from rallytime/bp-33948-2015.8
  792. * a4660d1ff7 Warn when custom returners don't have minions kwarg in save_load
  793. * 78befde62f Add note to release notes about returner minions kwarg change
  794. * 4e7f35fa36 Fix loop over cache in auth checking!
  795. * 06963e0505 Save an entire minion cache traversal on each master pub
  796. * bca437128e Fixed a bug in the consul.py module that was preventing services (`#34051`_)
  797. * 8ba117c7f6 Merge pull request `#34045`_ from jacobhammons/release-prev
  798. * 43b4a12aa2 Updated latest release version
  799. * f9bfcde61f Always make changes to minion config if set (`#34020`_)
  800. * e25dba49e2 More YAML indentation fixes in state module examples (`#34030`_)
  801. * 5b5eae4ca9 Merge pull request `#34018`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  802. * 77f44f3087 Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  803. * 871f7966ce Lint fix for `#34000`_ (`#34005`_)
  804. * f758e42172 Fix incorrectly written test (`#34000`_)
  805. * cf6281b4cf Add loader.utils() example to calling minion_mods (`#33953`_)
  806. * 6b98e8a9ea Merge pull request `#33880`_ from terminalmage/zh744
  807. * ea726d11c8 pkg.uptodate: Pass kwargs to pkg.list_upgrades
  808. * de90b35d2b salt/modules/zypper.py: add fromrepo support to list_upgrades
  809. * 35fbb06df5 salt/modules/win_pkg.py: add kwargs to list_upgrades
  810. * bf5505f425 salt/modules/solarisips.py: add kwargs to list_upgrades
  811. * 6e89a8be98 salt/modules/pkgutil.py: add kwargs to list_upgrades
  812. * 5179dbcec4 salt/modules/pacman.py: add kwargs to list_upgrades
  813. * 46e5a52784 salt/modules/macports.py: add kwargs to list_upgrades
  814. * 76143b76ca salt/modules/ebuild.py: add kwargs to list_upgrades
  815. * b40fc9bc62 salt/modules/brew.py: add kwargs to list_upgrades
  816. * 4f11c16d86 salt/modules/aptpkg.py: add fromrepo support to list_upgrades
  817. * cb88960ed1 Merge pull request `#33904`_ from rallytime/bp-33806
  818. * 638ccf501d Work around upstream cherrypy bug
  819. * 7d940aed1f states.file: fix indentation in YAML examples (`#34003`_)
  820. * 4c7fac0aaa Remove loader test for pam module (`#34002`_)
  821. * c4dab6a074 Merge pull request `#33990`_ from jacobhammons/community-projects
  822. * b20213fd79 Adds links to several current Salt-related projects Removes the salt_projects.rst file which hasn't been updated in a long time, this is replaced by the updated topics/projects/index.rst file Adds a note about Salt Pack to the installation doc
  823. * 444c15792c Merge pull request `#33983`_ from twangboy/fix_docs_join_domain
  824. * b057be04b4 Fix typo, more documentation
  825. * d8c2f3e57a Clarify the `account_exists` parameter
  826. * 9bd2317992 Merge pull request `#33951`_ from jfindlay/gem_tests
  827. * 2eb633ccad modules.gem int tests: only check known installed gems
  828. * 9f3e18b037 modules.gem int tests: (un)install a non-core gem
  829. * 53baae6eb1 Merge pull request `#33984`_ from jfindlay/disk_capacity
  830. * 6cbe31e6c2 states.disk: rewrite unit tests
  831. * 82c77b533f states.disk.status: validate percent values
  832. * aedc4e15e5 states.disk: add documentation
  833. * fa5efb6a69 Merge pull request `#33985`_ from rallytime/more-batch-tests
  834. * 3e7ab8c7b3 Write some more simple batch command tests
  835. * 6080846cce acl.ClientACL: add unit tests (`#33684`_)
  836. * **ISSUE** `#33831`_: (`astehlik`_) file.managed state should not download a file if the checksum did not change (refs: `#34010`_)
  837. * **PR** `#34010`_: (`terminalmage`_) Do not cache remote files if they are already cached
  838. @ *2016-06-16 21:03:47 UTC*
  839. * 790384f413 Merge pull request `#34010`_ from terminalmage/issue33831
  840. * 636d081ae0 Do not cache remote files if they are already cached
  841. * **PR** `#34009`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#33948`_ to 2016.3 + add log message (refs: `#34011`_)
  842. @ *2016-06-16 21:01:09 UTC*
  843. * **PR** `#33948`_: (`cachedout`_) Save an entire minion cache traversal on each master pub (refs: `#34011`_, `#34009`_)
  844. * dd26d6fd74 Merge pull request `#34009`_ from rallytime/bp-33948
  845. * 239af9ae5e Warn when custom returners don't have minions kwarg in save_load
  846. * c776d2d795 Add note to release notes about returner minions kwarg change
  847. * 5f696082e3 Fix loop over cache in auth checking!
  848. * 180c312715 Save an entire minion cache traversal on each master pub
  849. * **ISSUE** `#33927`_: (`phil123456`_) Salt - windows minion cannot do anything (refs: `#33941`_)
  850. * **PR** `#33941`_: (`cachedout`_) Don't call os.getppid() on Windows
  851. @ *2016-06-16 20:56:17 UTC*
  852. * 5f4ef46d2f Merge pull request `#33941`_ from cachedout/issue_33927
  853. * 5fe889c7f1 Don't call os.getppid() on Windows
  854. * **PR** `#34067`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Fixes doc refresh bug on chrome mobile.
  855. @ *2016-06-16 18:44:12 UTC*
  856. * fa253aa62b Merge pull request `#34067`_ from jacobhammons/mobile-fix
  857. * ce027fd769 Fixes doc refresh bug on chrome mobile.
  858. * **PR** `#34050`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#34026`_ to 2016.3
  859. * **PR** `#34026`_: (`bensherman`_) removed method that doesn't exist (refs: `#34050`_)
  860. * **PR** `#33987`_: (`isbm`_) inspectlib cleanup
  861. @ *2016-06-15 22:09:31 UTC*
  862. * 73ff11585e Merge pull request `#33987`_ from isbm/isbm-inspectlib-cleanup
  863. * e36821510f Fix documentation: add an example how to export system to the Kiwi
  864. * fe300ccf73 Lintfix
  865. * 96423076b1 Add unit test for file tree
  866. * 8975036b27 Add get_unmanaged_files test
  867. * be5f12fcaf Add initial unit test for inspectlib.collector.Inspector
  868. * 652c96d7e7 Stop build (not implemented yet)
  869. * 58e85ea0ab Refactor class caller
  870. * 878f67674a Sort package names
  871. * c31818b4aa Fix lint: PEP8 multiplication of 4.
  872. * c87fff3680 Add root-only warning when exporting system with Kiwi
  873. * 9bd80f02fc Implement users Kiwi export
  874. * e191f338c7 Cleanup code
  875. * 80f45defae Implement packages and patterns gathering
  876. * ad45a265f5 Add Debian support for the repo generator
  877. * 6280ad137e Semifix: sometimes SQLite3 is locked. TODO: a proper handling required.
  878. * 51567ab61d Implement SUSE repositories export
  879. * e4ac113927 Add Kiwi support to the collector/inspector
  880. * eceeb4ecf2 Add ability to specify an additional PID file
  881. * f522a91ac6 Add ISO/image build (stub) and export to the Kiwi
  882. * bb19684606 Add Kiwi processor exception
  883. * 805e2ce204 Add Kiwi exported (initial)
  884. * a52f9f7107 Add default configuration
  885. * **ISSUE** `#34038`_: (`Ch3LL`_) user.list_users does not work on smartos (refs: `#34042`_)
  886. * **PR** `#34042`_: (`sjorge`_) fix `#34038`_
  887. * **PR** `#34025`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  888. @ *2016-06-15 19:41:00 UTC*
  889. * f546a00dc9 Merge pull request `#34025`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  890. * **PR** `#34044`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Updated latest release to 2016.3.1
  891. @ *2016-06-15 19:20:28 UTC*
  892. * 3035520594 Merge pull request `#34044`_ from jacobhammons/3.1
  893. * a4b67fd1e9 Updated latest release to 2016.3.1 Clean up installation instructions code-block type updates Add link to jinja tutorial
  894. * **PR** `#34014`_: (`jnhmcknight`_) fix launch config creation params
  895. * **PR** `#34021`_: (`twangboy`_) Always make changes to minion config if set (2016.3)
  896. * **PR** `#34031`_: (`eliasp`_) `states.postgres_privileges` expects a real list, not a comma-separated string
  897. @ *2016-06-15 16:34:04 UTC*
  898. * 5f90717fd3 Merge pull request `#34031`_ from eliasp/2016.3-salt.states.postgres_privileges-doc-priv-list
  899. * d3198ea538 `states.postgres_privileges` expects a real list, not a comma-separated string for `privileges`
  900. * **ISSUE** `#33023`_: (`cmclaughlin`_) rest_cherrypy eauth can't handle some characters (refs: `#33995`_)
  901. * **ISSUE** `#23522`_: (`nbirnel`_) Update the best practices documentation to include simpler examples of of jinja dictionaries (refs: `#33995`_)
  902. * **ISSUE** `#12470`_: (`whiteinge`_) Document how to (and not NOT to) use Jinja in states (refs: `#33995`_)
  903. * **ISSUE** `#10480`_: (`gravyboat`_) Create documentation that talks about using Jinja specifically for Salt. (refs: `#33995`_)
  904. * **ISSUE** `#10206`_: (`rabits`_) Jinja import: Jinja variable 'salt' is undefined (refs: `#33995`_)
  905. * **PR** `#33995`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Understanding Jinja topic, Jinja doc issues.
  906. @ *2016-06-14 02:00:29 UTC*
  907. * 1132bc5d0b Merge pull request `#33995`_ from jacobhammons/doc-fixes
  908. * 887a415138 Adds new Understanding Jinja topic, and fixes several Jinja doc issues. Removes the "Full list of builtin ..." from each module reference list, leaving just the module type for scanability.
  909. * **PR** `#33900`_: (`amendlik`_) Document sudo policy for gitfs post-recieve hook
  910. @ *2016-06-14 01:04:35 UTC*
  911. * a400f6a6c3 Merge pull request `#33900`_ from amendlik/gitfs-hook-doc
  912. * b4a28e2684 Add clarifying documentation about the need for sudo in the git hook
  913. * 1046279cb7 Document sudo policy for gitfs post-recieve hook
  914. * **PR** `#33980`_: (`twangboy`_) Use full path to python.exe
  915. @ *2016-06-14 00:46:14 UTC*
  916. * 28c886edd0 Merge pull request `#33980`_ from twangboy/fix_build
  917. * dd7d55afb9 Use full path to python.exe
  918. * **PR** `#33993`_: (`s0undt3ch`_) Call `sys.exit()` instead of `exit()`
  919. @ *2016-06-14 00:30:46 UTC*
  920. * 26fee377ec Merge pull request `#33993`_ from s0undt3ch/2016.3
  921. * 34f7d90d9f Call `sys.exit()` instead of `exit()`
  922. * **PR** `#33976`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  923. @ *2016-06-13 19:29:40 UTC*
  924. * 2e934cffef Merge pull request `#33976`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  925. * 19d49d94f2 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  926. * a74f1b8077 ZD 762 (`#33942`_)
  927. * 0281d491c6 Merge pull request `#33946`_ from rallytime/bp-33698
  928. * 5fdfed1cb9 Make sure we only use GetConnection if we are using a proxy salt minion
  929. * 1505c5724b Fix a bug with self signed certificates and creating a new VM
  930. * dff3f51955 Merge pull request `#33952`_ from rallytime/fix-33911
  931. * 03b7cbbd2c Add base argument to salt-ssh grains wrapper for filter_by func
  932. * 4a8064918a Adds a "Generated on <timestamp>" line to the footer of each doc html page in the doc (`#33962`_)
  933. * **ISSUE** `#33868`_: (`abalashov`_) Returner configuration override options don't work for scheduled jobs (schedule module) (refs: `#33912`_)
  934. * **PR** `#33912`_: (`abalashov`_) utils/schedule.py:handle_func() - Fix for accessing returner configur…
  935. @ *2016-06-13 17:18:04 UTC*
  936. * 8d8ed59b85 Merge pull request `#33912`_ from abalashov/abalashov/fix-schedule-returner-config
  937. * b5a4f8b313 utils/schedule.py:handle_func() - Fix for accessing returner configuration attributes 'return_config' and 'return_kwargs'.
  938. * **PR** `#33945`_: (`rallytime`_) [2016.3] Merge forward from 2015.8 to 2016.3
  939. @ *2016-06-13 15:44:30 UTC*
  940. * 81e16bb93f Merge pull request `#33945`_ from rallytime/merge-2016.3
  941. * b4ab322ce1 Merge branch '2015.8' into '2016.3'
  942. * b3ec39d644 Correct issue with ping on rotate with minion cache (`#33765`_)
  943. * 378dd7ca06 Merge pull request `#33888`_ from jfindlay/random_check
  944. * 6acee3cc30 modules.random_org._query: only return text if present
  945. * 82f95429db modules.random_org unit tests: skip if random.org down
  946. * 1f9422e0cd utils.http.query: also except gaierror with tornado
  947. * 2dc1914e7c Add connecting_settings to boto_elb state attributes list (`#33936`_)
  948. * 91a2184f2d Wait for up to a minute for sync_after_install (`#33917`_)
  949. * ef6da0be5d Merge pull request `#33877`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.8
  950. * 398534a9e7 Fix ret return from merge-conflict resolution
  951. * b8e4706074 Merge branch '2015.5' into '2015.8'
  952. * cdda593c50 Merge pull request `#33829`_ from terminalmage/update-versionchanged
  953. * f7028eb1c6 Update versionchanged directive
  954. * b8e6c144d8 Merge pull request `#33833`_ from terminalmage/issue33645
  955. * 91745c2a67 Support syncing pillar modules to masterless minions
  956. * e061788e81 Merge pull request `#33814`_ from terminalmage/archive-extracted-xz
  957. * 897a716df2 Support extraction of XZ archives in archive.extracted state
  958. * fa983e91cf Merge pull request `#33778`_ from sodium-chloride/2015.5-2016-0604-1938
  959. * a5fb6d7a69 Fix minor docstring issues
  960. * b9133326c8 Merge pull request `#33726`_ from jtand/sysmod_skip_valid_docs_glance
  961. * ebee8a89af glance.warn_until shouldn't be checked for a doc string
  962. * 137f0b19f3 Merge pull request `#33611`_ from TargetHolding/2015.5
  963. * 1dd15a603b solve' TypeError: expected string or buffer' in json/decoder.py
  964. * eaf42ca892 solve AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'exception'
  965. * **PR** `#33960`_: (`nulfox`_) Fix mongo get_load to return full mongo record instead of non-existant 'load' key
  966. @ *2016-06-13 15:37:46 UTC*
  967. * 68d261fe5b Merge pull request `#33960`_ from mecarus/2016.3
  968. * d622133a49 The jid load comes in directly, not as 'load' key. Should return the mongo record directly without accessing keys
  969. * **PR** `#33961`_: (`jacobhammons`_) 2016.3.0 known issues update
  970. @ *2016-06-13 02:59:21 UTC*
  971. * 8f56406507 Merge pull request `#33961`_ from jacobhammons/release
  972. * 2cf787d4ba 2016.3.0 known issues update
  973. * **PR** `#33908`_: (`ticosax`_) [boto_lambda] handle ommitted Permissions parameter
  974. * **ISSUE** `#33575`_: (`anlutro`_) File states seem slower in 2016.3, especially on first cache retrieval (refs: `#33896`_)
  975. * **ISSUE** `#29643`_: (`matthayes`_) Can't get batch mode and --failhard to work as expected (refs: `#31164`_)
  976. * **ISSUE** `#28569`_: (`andrejohansson`_) Reactor alert on highstate fail (refs: `#31164`_)
  977. * **PR** `#33896`_: (`DmitryKuzmenko`_) Don't deep copy context dict values.
  978. @ *2016-06-10 15:32:54 UTC*
  979. * **PR** `#31164`_: (`DmitryKuzmenko`_) Issues/29643 fix invalid retcode (refs: `#33896`_)
  980. * 16b5e9dcc1 Merge pull request `#33896`_ from DSRCompany/issues/33575_do_not_deep_copy_context
  981. * 8e34d0a9c3 Don't deep copy context dict values.
  982. * **ISSUE** `#3077`_: (`torhve`_) Client ACL and external auth system should have support for limiting functions to certain arguments (refs: `#29153`_)
  983. * **PR** `#33905`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#33847`_ to 2016.3
  984. @ *2016-06-10 15:22:34 UTC*
  985. * **PR** `#33847`_: (`whiteinge`_) Add docs for arg/kwarg eauth matching (refs: `#33905`_)
  986. * **PR** `#29153`_: (`DmitryKuzmenko`_) ACL limit args (refs: `#33847`_)
  987. * 01323322b0 Merge pull request `#33905`_ from rallytime/bp-33847
  988. * b6ebd7b6ef Add docs for arg/kwarg eauth matching
  989. * 261baeb5b5 Ensure tht pillar have freshest grains (`#33910`_)
  990. * 00e016ecfc Add note about Xenial packages to 2016.3.0 release notes (`#33870`_)
  991. .. _`#10206`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/10206
  992. .. _`#10480`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/10480
  993. .. _`#12470`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/12470
  994. .. _`#14915`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/14915
  995. .. _`#23522`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/23522
  996. .. _`#24744`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/24744
  997. .. _`#25213`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/25213
  998. .. _`#28569`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/28569
  999. .. _`#29153`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/29153
  1000. .. _`#29643`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/29643
  1001. .. _`#30493`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/30493
  1002. .. _`#3077`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/3077
  1003. .. _`#31164`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/31164
  1004. .. _`#31402`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/31402
  1005. .. _`#32182`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/32182
  1006. .. _`#32396`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/32396
  1007. .. _`#32916`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/32916
  1008. .. _`#33023`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33023
  1009. .. _`#33575`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33575
  1010. .. _`#33588`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33588
  1011. .. _`#33599`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33599
  1012. .. _`#33611`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33611
  1013. .. _`#33620`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33620
  1014. .. _`#33681`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33681
  1015. .. _`#33682`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33682
  1016. .. _`#33684`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33684
  1017. .. _`#33697`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33697
  1018. .. _`#33726`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33726
  1019. .. _`#33734`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33734
  1020. .. _`#33765`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33765
  1021. .. _`#33778`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33778
  1022. .. _`#33814`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33814
  1023. .. _`#33829`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33829
  1024. .. _`#33831`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33831
  1025. .. _`#33833`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33833
  1026. .. _`#33847`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33847
  1027. .. _`#33868`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33868
  1028. .. _`#33870`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33870
  1029. .. _`#33877`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33877
  1030. .. _`#33879`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33879
  1031. .. _`#33880`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33880
  1032. .. _`#33888`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33888
  1033. .. _`#33896`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33896
  1034. .. _`#33900`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33900
  1035. .. _`#33903`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33903
  1036. .. _`#33904`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33904
  1037. .. _`#33905`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33905
  1038. .. _`#33908`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33908
  1039. .. _`#33910`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33910
  1040. .. _`#33912`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33912
  1041. .. _`#33915`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33915
  1042. .. _`#33917`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33917
  1043. .. _`#33927`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33927
  1044. .. _`#33936`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33936
  1045. .. _`#33941`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33941
  1046. .. _`#33942`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33942
  1047. .. _`#33945`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33945
  1048. .. _`#33946`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33946
  1049. .. _`#33948`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33948
  1050. .. _`#33951`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33951
  1051. .. _`#33952`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33952
  1052. .. _`#33953`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33953
  1053. .. _`#33960`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33960
  1054. .. _`#33961`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33961
  1055. .. _`#33962`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33962
  1056. .. _`#33976`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33976
  1057. .. _`#33980`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33980
  1058. .. _`#33983`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33983
  1059. .. _`#33984`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33984
  1060. .. _`#33985`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33985
  1061. .. _`#33987`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33987
  1062. .. _`#33990`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33990
  1063. .. _`#33993`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33993
  1064. .. _`#33995`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/33995
  1065. .. _`#34000`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34000
  1066. .. _`#34002`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34002
  1067. .. _`#34003`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34003
  1068. .. _`#34005`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34005
  1069. .. _`#34009`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34009
  1070. .. _`#34010`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34010
  1071. .. _`#34011`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34011
  1072. .. _`#34012`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34012
  1073. .. _`#34014`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34014
  1074. .. _`#34018`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34018
  1075. .. _`#34020`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34020
  1076. .. _`#34021`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34021
  1077. .. _`#34025`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34025
  1078. .. _`#34026`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34026
  1079. .. _`#34030`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34030
  1080. .. _`#34031`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34031
  1081. .. _`#34038`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34038
  1082. .. _`#34042`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34042
  1083. .. _`#34044`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34044
  1084. .. _`#34045`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34045
  1085. .. _`#34048`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34048
  1086. .. _`#34050`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34050
  1087. .. _`#34051`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34051
  1088. .. _`#34056`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34056
  1089. .. _`#34057`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34057
  1090. .. _`#34067`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34067
  1091. .. _`#34069`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34069
  1092. .. _`#34072`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34072
  1093. .. _`#34073`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34073
  1094. .. _`#34074`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34074
  1095. .. _`#34075`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34075
  1096. .. _`#34077`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34077
  1097. .. _`#34087`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34087
  1098. .. _`#34093`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34093
  1099. .. _`#34094`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34094
  1100. .. _`#34095`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34095
  1101. .. _`#34098`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34098
  1102. .. _`#34100`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34100
  1103. .. _`#34108`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34108
  1104. .. _`#34110`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34110
  1105. .. _`#34120`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34120
  1106. .. _`#34129`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34129
  1107. .. _`#34133`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34133
  1108. .. _`#34134`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34134
  1109. .. _`#34135`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34135
  1110. .. _`#34136`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34136
  1111. .. _`#34137`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34137
  1112. .. _`#34138`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34138
  1113. .. _`#34141`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34141
  1114. .. _`#34142`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34142
  1115. .. _`#34156`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34156
  1116. .. _`#34159`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34159
  1117. .. _`#34162`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34162
  1118. .. _`#34165`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34165
  1119. .. _`#34166`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34166
  1120. .. _`#34170`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34170
  1121. .. _`#34172`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34172
  1122. .. _`#34173`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34173
  1123. .. _`#34174`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34174
  1124. .. _`#34175`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34175
  1125. .. _`#34176`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34176
  1126. .. _`#34178`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34178
  1127. .. _`#34179`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34179
  1128. .. _`#34182`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34182
  1129. .. _`#34184`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34184
  1130. .. _`#34186`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34186
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  1432. .. _`saltstack/salt#27980`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/27980
  1433. .. _`saltstack/salt#32525`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/32525
  1434. .. _`saltstack/salt#32591`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/32591
  1435. .. _`saltstack/salt#33452`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33452
  1436. .. _`saltstack/salt#33923`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/33923
  1437. .. _`saltstack/salt#34345`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34345
  1438. .. _`saltstack/salt#34382`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34382
  1439. .. _`saltstack/salt#34548`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34548
  1440. .. _`saltstack/salt#34549`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34549
  1441. .. _`saltstack/salt#34607`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34607
  1442. .. _`saltstack/salt#34630`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34630
  1443. .. _`saltstack/salt#34816`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34816
  1444. .. _`saltstack/salt#34873`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34873
  1445. .. _`saltstack/salt#34878`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/34878
  1446. .. _`saltstack/salt#34890`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34890
  1447. .. _`saltstack/salt#34893`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34893
  1448. .. _`saltstack/salt#34908`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/34908
  1449. .. _`secumod`: https://github.com/secumod
  1450. .. _`sjmh`: https://github.com/sjmh
  1451. .. _`sjorge`: https://github.com/sjorge
  1452. .. _`stjack99`: https://github.com/stjack99
  1453. .. _`tehsu`: https://github.com/tehsu
  1454. .. _`terminalmage`: https://github.com/terminalmage
  1455. .. _`thatch45`: https://github.com/thatch45
  1456. .. _`themalkolm`: https://github.com/themalkolm
  1457. .. _`ticosax`: https://github.com/ticosax
  1458. .. _`tmehlinger`: https://github.com/tmehlinger
  1459. .. _`torhve`: https://github.com/torhve
  1460. .. _`twangboy`: https://github.com/twangboy
  1461. .. _`viq`: https://github.com/viq
  1462. .. _`vutny`: https://github.com/vutny
  1463. .. _`whiteinge`: https://github.com/whiteinge
  1464. .. _`whytewolf`: https://github.com/whytewolf