.coveragerc 1.8 KB

  1. [run]
  2. branch = True
  3. cover_pylib = False
  4. parallel = True
  5. concurrency = multiprocessing
  6. relative_files = True
  7. omit =
  8. setup.py
  9. .nox/*
  10. [report]
  11. # Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration
  12. exclude_lines =
  13. # Have to re-enable the standard pragma
  14. pragma: no cover
  15. # Don't complain about missing debug-only code:
  16. def __repr__
  17. # Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code:
  18. raise AssertionError
  19. raise NotImplementedError
  20. # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run:
  21. if 0:
  22. if False:
  23. if __name__ == .__main__.:
  24. ignore_errors = True
  25. [paths]
  26. salt =
  27. salt/
  28. /tmp/kitchen/testing/salt/
  29. /private/tmp/kitchen/testing/salt/
  30. C:\Users\admini~1\AppData\Local\Temp\kitchen\testing\salt\
  31. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\kitchen\testing\salt\
  32. tests =
  33. tests/
  34. /tmp/kitchen/testing/tests/
  35. /private/tmp/kitchen/testing/tests/
  36. C:\Users\admini~1\AppData\Local\Temp\kitchen\testing\tests\
  37. C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Temp\kitchen\testing\tests\
  38. extension_modules =
  39. tests/integration/files/extension_modules/
  40. */extension_modules/
  41. *\extension_modules\
  42. executors =
  43. tests/integration/files/file/base/_executors/
  44. */extmods/executors/
  45. *\extmods\executors\
  46. grains =
  47. tests/integration/files/file/base/_grains/
  48. */extmods/grains/
  49. *\extmods\grains\
  50. modules =
  51. tests/integration/files/file/base/_modules/
  52. */extmods/modules/
  53. *\extmods\modules\
  54. renderers =
  55. tests/integration/files/file/base/_renderers/
  56. */extmods/renderers/
  57. *\extmods\renderers\
  58. runners =
  59. tests/integration/files/file/base/_runners/
  60. */extmods/runners/
  61. *\extmods\runners\
  62. states =
  63. tests/integration/files/file/base/_states/
  64. */extmods/states/
  65. *\extmods\states\
  66. wheel =
  67. tests/integration/files/file/base/_wheel/
  68. */extmods/wheel/
  69. *\extmods\wheel\