25 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. '''
  3. :codeauthor: Pedro Algarvio (
  4. tests.conftest
  5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. Prepare py.test for our test suite
  7. '''
  8. # Import python libs
  9. from __future__ import absolute_import
  10. import os
  11. import sys
  12. import stat
  13. import socket
  14. import logging
  15. from collections import namedtuple
  16. TESTS_DIR = os.path.dirname(
  17. os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(__file__))
  18. )
  19. CODE_DIR = os.path.dirname(TESTS_DIR)
  20. os.chdir(CODE_DIR)
  21. try:
  22. # If we have a system-wide salt module imported, unload it
  23. import salt
  24. for module in list(sys.modules):
  25. if module.startswith(('salt',)):
  26. try:
  27. if not sys.modules[module].__file__.startswith(CODE_DIR):
  28. sys.modules.pop(module)
  29. except AttributeError:
  30. continue
  31. sys.path.insert(0, CODE_DIR)
  32. except ImportError:
  33. sys.path.insert(0, CODE_DIR)
  34. # Import test libs
  35. import # pylint: disable=unused-import
  36. from tests.integration import TestDaemon
  37. # Import pytest libs
  38. import pytest
  39. from _pytest.terminal import TerminalReporter
  40. # Import 3rd-party libs
  41. import psutil
  42. from salt.ext import six
  43. # Import salt libs
  44. import salt.utils.files
  45. import salt.utils.path
  46. import salt.log.setup
  47. from salt.utils.odict import OrderedDict
  48. # Define the pytest plugins we rely on
  49. pytest_plugins = ['tempdir', 'helpers_namespace', 'salt-from-filenames'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  50. # Define where not to collect tests from
  51. collect_ignore = ['']
  52. log = logging.getLogger('salt.testsuite')
  53. # Reset logging root handlers
  54. for handler in logging.root.handlers:
  55. logging.root.removeHandler(handler)
  56. def pytest_tempdir_basename():
  57. '''
  58. Return the temporary directory basename for the salt test suite.
  59. '''
  60. return 'salt-tests-tmp'
  61. # ----- CLI Options Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  62. def pytest_addoption(parser):
  63. '''
  64. register argparse-style options and ini-style config values.
  65. '''
  66. parser.addoption(
  67. '--sysinfo',
  68. default=False,
  69. action='store_true',
  70. help='Print some system information.'
  71. )
  72. parser.addoption(
  73. '--transport',
  74. default='zeromq',
  75. choices=('zeromq', 'raet', 'tcp'),
  76. help=('Select which transport to run the integration tests with, '
  77. 'zeromq, raet, or tcp. Default: %default')
  78. )
  79. test_selection_group = parser.getgroup('Tests Selection')
  80. test_selection_group.addoption(
  81. '--ssh',
  82. '--ssh-tests',
  83. dest='ssh',
  84. action='store_true',
  85. default=False,
  86. help='Run salt-ssh tests. These tests will spin up a temporary '
  87. 'SSH server on your machine. In certain environments, this '
  88. 'may be insecure! Default: False'
  89. )
  90. test_selection_group.addoption(
  91. '--proxy',
  92. '--proxy-tests',
  93. dest='proxy',
  94. action='store_true',
  95. default=False,
  96. help='Run proxy tests'
  97. )
  98. test_selection_group.addoption(
  99. '--run-destructive',
  100. action='store_true',
  101. default=False,
  102. help='Run destructive tests. These tests can include adding '
  103. 'or removing users from your system for example. '
  104. 'Default: False'
  105. )
  106. test_selection_group.addoption(
  107. '--run-expensive',
  108. action='store_true',
  109. default=False,
  110. help='Run expensive tests. These tests usually involve costs '
  111. 'like for example bootstrapping a cloud VM. '
  112. 'Default: False'
  113. )
  114. output_options_group = parser.getgroup('Output Options')
  115. output_options_group.addoption(
  116. '--output-columns',
  117. default=80,
  118. type=int,
  119. help='Number of maximum columns to use on the output'
  120. )
  121. output_options_group.addoption(
  122. '--no-colors',
  123. '--no-colours',
  124. default=False,
  125. action='store_true',
  126. help='Disable colour printing.'
  127. )
  128. # <---- CLI Options Setup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. # ----- CLI Terminal Reporter --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  130. class SaltTerminalReporter(TerminalReporter):
  131. def __init__(self, config):
  132. TerminalReporter.__init__(self, config)
  133. @pytest.hookimpl(trylast=True)
  134. def pytest_sessionstart(self, session):
  135. TerminalReporter.pytest_sessionstart(self, session)
  136. self._session = session
  137. def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report):
  138. TerminalReporter.pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report)
  139. if self.verbosity <= 0:
  140. return
  141. if report.when != 'call':
  142. return
  143. if self.config.getoption('--sys-stats') is False:
  144. return
  145. test_daemon = getattr(self._session, 'test_daemon', None)
  146. if self.verbosity == 1:
  147. line = ' [CPU:{0}%|MEM:{1}%]'.format(psutil.cpu_percent(),
  148. psutil.virtual_memory().percent)
  149. self._tw.write(line)
  150. return
  151. else:
  152. self.ensure_newline()
  153. template = ' {} - CPU: {:6.2f} % MEM: {:6.2f} % SWAP: {:6.2f} %\n'
  154. self._tw.write(
  155. template.format(
  156. ' System',
  157. psutil.cpu_percent(),
  158. psutil.virtual_memory().percent,
  159. psutil.swap_memory().percent
  160. )
  161. )
  162. for name, psproc in self._session.stats_processes.items():
  163. with psproc.oneshot():
  164. cpu = psproc.cpu_percent()
  165. mem = psproc.memory_percent('vms')
  166. swap = psproc.memory_percent('swap')
  167. self._tw.write(template.format(name, cpu, mem, swap))
  168. def pytest_sessionstart(session):
  169. session.stats_processes = OrderedDict((
  170. #('Log Server', test_daemon.log_server),
  171. (' Test Suite Run', psutil.Process(os.getpid())),
  172. ))
  173. # <---- CLI Terminal Reporter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  174. # ----- Register Markers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  175. @pytest.mark.trylast
  176. def pytest_configure(config):
  177. '''
  178. called after command line options have been parsed
  179. and all plugins and initial conftest files been loaded.
  180. '''
  181. config.addinivalue_line('norecursedirs', os.path.join(CODE_DIR, 'templates'))
  182. config.addinivalue_line(
  183. 'markers',
  184. 'destructive_test: Run destructive tests. These tests can include adding '
  185. 'or removing users from your system for example.'
  186. )
  187. config.addinivalue_line(
  188. 'markers',
  189. 'skip_if_not_root: Skip if the current user is not `root`.'
  190. )
  191. config.addinivalue_line(
  192. 'markers',
  193. 'skip_if_binaries_missing(*binaries, check_all=False, message=None): Skip if '
  194. 'any of the passed binaries are not found in path. If \'check_all\' is '
  195. '\'True\', then all binaries must be found.'
  196. )
  197. config.addinivalue_line(
  198. 'markers',
  199. 'requires_network(only_local_network=False): Skip if no networking is set up. '
  200. 'If \'only_local_network\' is \'True\', only the local network is checked.'
  201. )
  202. # Register our terminal reporter
  203. if not getattr(config, 'slaveinput', None):
  204. standard_reporter = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('terminalreporter')
  205. salt_reporter = SaltTerminalReporter(standard_reporter.config)
  206. config.pluginmanager.unregister(standard_reporter)
  207. config.pluginmanager.register(salt_reporter, 'terminalreporter')
  208. # Transplant configuration
  209. TestDaemon.transplant_configs(transport=config.getoption('--transport'))
  210. # <---- Register Markers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  211. # ----- Test Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  212. @pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True)
  213. def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
  214. '''
  215. Fixtures injection based on markers or test skips based on CLI arguments
  216. '''
  217. destructive_tests_marker = item.get_marker('destructive_test')
  218. if destructive_tests_marker is not None:
  219. if item.config.getoption('--run-destructive') is False:
  220. pytest.skip('Destructive tests are disabled')
  221. os.environ['DESTRUCTIVE_TESTS'] = six.text_type(item.config.getoption('--run-destructive'))
  222. expensive_tests_marker = item.get_marker('expensive_test')
  223. if expensive_tests_marker is not None:
  224. if item.config.getoption('--run-expensive') is False:
  225. pytest.skip('Expensive tests are disabled')
  226. os.environ['EXPENSIVE_TESTS'] = six.text_type(item.config.getoption('--run-expensive'))
  227. skip_if_not_root_marker = item.get_marker('skip_if_not_root')
  228. if skip_if_not_root_marker is not None:
  229. if os.getuid() != 0:
  230. pytest.skip('You must be logged in as root to run this test')
  231. skip_if_binaries_missing_marker = item.get_marker('skip_if_binaries_missing')
  232. if skip_if_binaries_missing_marker is not None:
  233. binaries = skip_if_binaries_missing_marker.args
  234. if len(binaries) == 1:
  235. if isinstance(binaries[0], (list, tuple, set, frozenset)):
  236. binaries = binaries[0]
  237. check_all = skip_if_binaries_missing_marker.kwargs.get('check_all', False)
  238. message = skip_if_binaries_missing_marker.kwargs.get('message', None)
  239. if check_all:
  240. for binary in binaries:
  241. if salt.utils.path.which(binary) is None:
  242. pytest.skip(
  243. '{0}The "{1}" binary was not found'.format(
  244. message and '{0}. '.format(message) or '',
  245. binary
  246. )
  247. )
  248. elif salt.utils.path.which_bin(binaries) is None:
  249. pytest.skip(
  250. '{0}None of the following binaries was found: {1}'.format(
  251. message and '{0}. '.format(message) or '',
  252. ', '.join(binaries)
  253. )
  254. )
  255. requires_network_marker = item.get_marker('requires_network')
  256. if requires_network_marker is not None:
  257. only_local_network = requires_network_marker.kwargs.get('only_local_network', False)
  258. has_local_network = False
  259. # First lets try if we have a local network. Inspired in verify_socket
  260. try:
  261. pubsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  262. retsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  263. pubsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
  264. pubsock.bind(('', 18000))
  265. pubsock.close()
  266. retsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
  267. retsock.bind(('', 18001))
  268. retsock.close()
  269. has_local_network = True
  270. except socket.error:
  271. # I wonder if we just have IPV6 support?
  272. try:
  273. pubsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  274. retsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  275. pubsock.setsockopt(
  276. socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1
  277. )
  278. pubsock.bind(('', 18000))
  279. pubsock.close()
  280. retsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
  281. retsock.bind(('', 18001))
  282. retsock.close()
  283. has_local_network = True
  284. except socket.error:
  285. # Let's continue
  286. pass
  287. if only_local_network is True:
  288. if has_local_network is False:
  289. # Since we're only supposed to check local network, and no
  290. # local network was detected, skip the test
  291. pytest.skip('No local network was detected')
  292. # We are using the DNS records as numerical IPs to avoid
  293. # DNS lookups which could greatly slow down this check
  294. for addr in ('', '', '',
  295. '', '', '',
  296. '', '', '',
  297. '', ''):
  298. try:
  299. sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
  300. sock.settimeout(0.25)
  301. sock.connect((addr, 80))
  302. sock.close()
  303. # We connected? Stop the loop
  304. break
  305. except socket.error:
  306. # Let's check the next IP
  307. continue
  308. else:
  309. pytest.skip('No internet network connection was detected')
  310. # <---- Test Setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  311. # ----- Automatic Markers Setup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  312. def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items):
  313. '''
  314. Automatically add markers to tests based on directory layout
  315. '''
  316. for item in items:
  317. fspath = str(item.fspath)
  318. if '/integration/' in fspath:
  319. if 'test_daemon' not in item.fixturenames:
  320. item.fixturenames.append('test_daemon')
  321. item.add_marker(pytest.mark.integration)
  322. for kind in ('cli', 'client', 'cloud', 'fileserver', 'loader', 'minion', 'modules',
  323. 'netapi', 'output', 'reactor', 'renderers', 'runners', 'sdb', 'shell',
  324. 'ssh', 'states', 'utils', 'wheel'):
  325. if '/{0}/'.format(kind) in fspath:
  326. item.add_marker(getattr(pytest.mark, kind))
  327. break
  328. if '/unit/' in fspath:
  329. item.add_marker(pytest.mark.unit)
  330. for kind in ('acl', 'beacons', 'cli', 'cloud', 'config', 'grains', 'modules', 'netapi',
  331. 'output', 'pillar', 'renderers', 'runners', 'serializers', 'states',
  332. 'templates', 'transport', 'utils'):
  333. if '/{0}/'.format(kind) in fspath:
  334. item.add_marker(getattr(pytest.mark, kind))
  335. break
  336. # <---- Automatic Markers Setup --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  337. # ----- Pytest Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  338. if six.PY2:
  339. # backport mock_open from the python 3 unittest.mock library so that we can
  340. # mock read, readline, readlines, and file iteration properly
  341. file_spec = None
  342. def _iterate_read_data(read_data):
  343. # Helper for mock_open:
  344. # Retrieve lines from read_data via a generator so that separate calls to
  345. # readline, read, and readlines are properly interleaved
  346. data_as_list = ['{0}\n'.format(l) for l in read_data.split('\n')]
  347. if data_as_list[-1] == '\n':
  348. # If the last line ended in a newline, the list comprehension will have an
  349. # extra entry that's just a newline. Remove this.
  350. data_as_list = data_as_list[:-1]
  351. else:
  352. # If there wasn't an extra newline by itself, then the file being
  353. # emulated doesn't have a newline to end the last line remove the
  354. # newline that our naive format() added
  355. data_as_list[-1] = data_as_list[-1][:-1]
  356. for line in data_as_list:
  357. yield line
  358. @pytest.helpers.mock.register
  359. def mock_open(mock=None, read_data=''):
  360. """
  361. A helper function to create a mock to replace the use of `open`. It works
  362. for `open` called directly or used as a context manager.
  363. The `mock` argument is the mock object to configure. If `None` (the
  364. default) then a `MagicMock` will be created for you, with the API limited
  365. to methods or attributes available on standard file handles.
  366. `read_data` is a string for the `read` methoddline`, and `readlines` of the
  367. file handle to return. This is an empty string by default.
  368. """
  369. _mock = pytest.importorskip('mock', minversion='2.0.0')
  370. def _readlines_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
  371. if handle.readlines.return_value is not None:
  372. return handle.readlines.return_value
  373. return list(_data)
  374. def _read_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
  375. if is not None:
  376. return
  377. return ''.join(_data)
  378. def _readline_side_effect():
  379. if handle.readline.return_value is not None:
  380. while True:
  381. yield handle.readline.return_value
  382. for line in _data:
  383. yield line
  384. global file_spec
  385. if file_spec is None:
  386. file_spec = file # pylint: disable=undefined-variable
  387. if mock is None:
  388. mock = _mock.MagicMock(name='open', spec=open)
  389. handle = _mock.MagicMock(spec=file_spec)
  390. handle.__enter__.return_value = handle
  391. _data = _iterate_read_data(read_data)
  392. handle.write.return_value = None
  393. = None
  394. handle.readline.return_value = None
  395. handle.readlines.return_value = None
  396. = _read_side_effect
  397. handle.readline.side_effect = _readline_side_effect()
  398. handle.readlines.side_effect = _readlines_side_effect
  399. mock.return_value = handle
  400. return mock
  401. else:
  402. @pytest.helpers.mock.register
  403. def mock_open(mock=None, read_data=''):
  404. _mock = pytest.importorskip('mock', minversion='2.0.0')
  405. return _mock.mock_open(mock=mock, read_data=read_data)
  406. # <---- Pytest Helpers -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  407. # ----- Fixtures Overrides ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
  408. # ----- Generate CLI Scripts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  409. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  410. def cli_master_script_name():
  411. '''
  412. Return the CLI script basename
  413. '''
  414. return 'cli_salt_master'
  415. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  416. def cli_minion_script_name():
  417. '''
  418. Return the CLI script basename
  419. '''
  420. return 'cli_salt_minion'
  421. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  422. def cli_salt_script_name():
  423. '''
  424. Return the CLI script basename
  425. '''
  426. return 'cli_salt'
  427. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  428. def cli_run_script_name():
  429. '''
  430. Return the CLI script basename
  431. '''
  432. return 'cli_salt_run'
  433. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  434. def cli_key_script_name():
  435. '''
  436. Return the CLI script basename
  437. '''
  438. return 'cli_salt_key'
  439. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  440. def cli_call_script_name():
  441. '''
  442. Return the CLI script basename
  443. '''
  444. return 'cli_salt_call'
  445. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  446. def cli_syndic_script_name():
  447. '''
  448. Return the CLI script basename
  449. '''
  450. return 'cli_salt_syndic'
  451. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  452. def cli_ssh_script_name():
  453. '''
  454. Return the CLI script basename
  455. '''
  456. return 'cli_salt_ssh'
  457. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  458. def cli_bin_dir(tempdir,
  459. request,
  460. python_executable_path,
  461. cli_master_script_name,
  462. cli_minion_script_name,
  463. cli_salt_script_name,
  464. cli_call_script_name,
  465. cli_key_script_name,
  466. cli_run_script_name,
  467. cli_ssh_script_name):
  468. '''
  469. Return the path to the CLI script directory to use
  470. '''
  471. tmp_cli_scripts_dir = tempdir.join('cli-scrips-bin')
  472. tmp_cli_scripts_dir.ensure(dir=True)
  473. cli_bin_dir_path = tmp_cli_scripts_dir.strpath
  474. # Now that we have the CLI directory created, lets generate the required CLI scripts to run salt's test suite
  475. script_templates = {
  476. 'salt': [
  477. 'from salt.scripts import salt_main\n',
  478. 'if __name__ == \'__main__\':\n'
  479. ' salt_main()'
  480. ],
  481. 'salt-api': [
  482. 'import salt.cli\n',
  483. 'def main():\n',
  484. ' sapi = salt.cli.SaltAPI()',
  485. '\n',
  486. 'if __name__ == \'__main__\':',
  487. ' main()'
  488. ],
  489. 'common': [
  490. 'from salt.scripts import salt_{0}\n',
  491. 'if __name__ == \'__main__\':\n',
  492. ' salt_{0}()'
  493. ]
  494. }
  495. for script_name in (cli_master_script_name,
  496. cli_minion_script_name,
  497. cli_call_script_name,
  498. cli_key_script_name,
  499. cli_run_script_name,
  500. cli_salt_script_name,
  501. cli_ssh_script_name):
  502. original_script_name = script_name.split('cli_')[-1].replace('_', '-')
  503. script_path = os.path.join(cli_bin_dir_path, script_name)
  504. if not os.path.isfile(script_path):
  505.'Generating {0}'.format(script_path))
  506. with salt.utils.files.fopen(script_path, 'w') as sfh:
  507. script_template = script_templates.get(original_script_name, None)
  508. if script_template is None:
  509. script_template = script_templates.get('common', None)
  510. if script_template is None:
  511. raise RuntimeError(
  512. 'Salt\'s test suite does not know how to handle the "{0}" script'.format(
  513. original_script_name
  514. )
  515. )
  516. sfh.write(
  517. '#!{0}\n\n'.format(python_executable_path) +
  518. 'import sys\n' +
  519. 'CODE_DIR="{0}"\n'.format(request.config.startdir.realpath().strpath) +
  520. 'if CODE_DIR not in sys.path:\n' +
  521. ' sys.path.insert(0, CODE_DIR)\n\n' +
  522. '\n'.join(script_template).format(original_script_name.replace('salt-', ''))
  523. )
  524. fst = os.stat(script_path)
  525. os.chmod(script_path, fst.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
  526. # Return the CLI bin dir value
  527. return cli_bin_dir_path
  528. # <---- Generate CLI Scripts -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  529. # ----- Salt Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>
  530. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  531. def session_integration_files_dir(request):
  532. '''
  533. Fixture which returns the salt integration files directory path.
  534. Creates the directory if it does not yet exist.
  535. '''
  536. return request.config.startdir.join('tests').join('integration').join('files')
  537. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  538. def session_state_tree_root_dir(session_integration_files_dir):
  539. '''
  540. Fixture which returns the salt state tree root directory path.
  541. Creates the directory if it does not yet exist.
  542. '''
  543. return session_integration_files_dir.join('file')
  544. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  545. def session_pillar_tree_root_dir(session_integration_files_dir):
  546. '''
  547. Fixture which returns the salt pillar tree root directory path.
  548. Creates the directory if it does not yet exist.
  549. '''
  550. return session_integration_files_dir.join('pillar')
  551. # <---- Salt Configuration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  552. # <---- Fixtures Overrides -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  553. # ----- Custom Fixtures Definitions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  554. @pytest.fixture(scope='session')
  555. def test_daemon(request):
  556. values = (('transport', request.config.getoption('--transport')),
  557. ('sysinfo', request.config.getoption('--sysinfo')),
  558. ('no_colors', request.config.getoption('--no-colors')),
  559. ('output_columns', request.config.getoption('--output-columns')),
  560. ('ssh', request.config.getoption('--ssh')),
  561. ('proxy', request.config.getoption('--proxy')))
  562. options = namedtuple('options', [n for n, v in values])(*[v for n, v in values])
  563. fake_parser = namedtuple('parser', 'options')(options)
  564. test_daemon = TestDaemon(fake_parser)
  565. with test_daemon as test_daemon_running:
  566. request.session.test_daemon = test_daemon_running
  567. request.session.stats_processes.update(OrderedDict((
  568. (' Salt Master', psutil.Process(,
  569. (' Salt Minion', psutil.Process(,
  570. (' Salt Sub Minion', psutil.Process(,
  571. ('Salt Syndic Master', psutil.Process(,
  572. (' Salt Syndic', psutil.Process(,
  573. )).items())
  574. yield
  575. TestDaemon.clean()
  576. # <---- Custom Fixtures Definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------