============== salt-api 0.7.0 ============== :program:`salt-api` is ready for alpha-testing in the real world. This release solidifies how :program:`salt-api` will communicate with the larger Salt ecosystem. In addition authentication and encryption (via SSL) have been added. The first netapi module was a proof of concept written in Flask. It was quite useful to be able to quickly hammer out a URL structure and solidify on an interface for programmatically calling out to Salt components. As of this release that module has been deprecated and removed in favor of a netapi module written in CherryPy. CherryPy affords tremendous flexibility when composing a REST interface and will present a stable platform for building out a very adaptable and featureful REST APIā€”also we're using the excellent and fast CherryPy webserver for securely serving the API. Low-data interface ================== The last release introduced a proof-of-concept for how the various Salt components will communicate with each other. This is done by passing a data structure to a client interface. This release expands on that. There are currently three client interfaces in Salt. .. seealso:: :ref:`netapi-introduction` Encryption and authentication ============================= Encryption has been added via SSL. You can supply an existing certificate or generate a self-signed certificate through Salt's :py:mod:`~salt.modules.tls` module. Authentication is performed through Salt's incredibly flexible :ref:`external auth ` system and is maintained when accessing the API via session tokens. Participation ============= :program:`salt-api` is just getting off the ground so feedback, questions, and ideas are critical as we solidify how this project fits into the overall Salt infrastructure management stack. Please get involved by `filing issues`__ on GitHub, `discussing on the mailing list`__, and chatting in ``#salt-devel`` on Freenode. .. __: https://github.com/saltstack/salt-api/issues .. __: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/salt-users