# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import salt.utils.pkg from salt.utils.pkg import rpm from tests.support.mock import MagicMock, patch from tests.support.unit import TestCase class PkgUtilsTestCase(TestCase): """ TestCase for salt.utils.pkg module """ test_parameters = [ ("", "", ""), ("> 15.0.0", ">", "15.0.0"), ("< 15.0.0", "<", "15.0.0"), ("<< 15.0.0", "<<", "15.0.0"), (">> 15.0.0", ">>", "15.0.0"), (">= 15.0.0", ">=", "15.0.0"), ("<= 15.0.0", "<=", "15.0.0"), ("!= 15.0.0", "!=", "15.0.0"), ("<=> 15.0.0", "<=>", "15.0.0"), ("<> 15.0.0", "<>", "15.0.0"), ("= 15.0.0", "=", "15.0.0"), (">15.0.0", ">", "15.0.0"), ("<15.0.0", "<", "15.0.0"), ("<<15.0.0", "<<", "15.0.0"), (">>15.0.0", ">>", "15.0.0"), (">=15.0.0", ">=", "15.0.0"), ("<=15.0.0", "<=", "15.0.0"), ("!=15.0.0", "!=", "15.0.0"), ("<=>15.0.0", "<=>", "15.0.0"), ("<>15.0.0", "<>", "15.0.0"), ("=15.0.0", "=", "15.0.0"), ("", "", ""), ] def test_split_comparison(self): """ Tests salt.utils.pkg.split_comparison """ for test_parameter in self.test_parameters: oper, verstr = salt.utils.pkg.split_comparison(test_parameter[0]) self.assertEqual(test_parameter[1], oper) self.assertEqual(test_parameter[2], verstr) class PkgRPMTestCase(TestCase): """ Test case for pkg.rpm utils """ @patch("salt.utils.path.which", MagicMock(return_value=True)) def test_get_osarch_by_rpm(self): """ Get os_arch if RPM package is installed. :return: """ subprocess_mock = MagicMock() subprocess_mock.Popen = MagicMock() subprocess_mock.Popen().communicate = MagicMock(return_value=["Z80"]) with patch("salt.utils.pkg.rpm.subprocess", subprocess_mock): assert rpm.get_osarch() == "Z80" assert subprocess_mock.Popen.call_count == 2 # One within the mock assert subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args[1]["close_fds"] assert subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args[1]["shell"] assert len(subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args_list) == 2 assert subprocess_mock.Popen.call_args[0][0] == 'rpm --eval "%{_host_cpu}"' @patch("salt.utils.path.which", MagicMock(return_value=False)) @patch("salt.utils.pkg.rpm.subprocess", MagicMock(return_value=False)) @patch( "salt.utils.pkg.rpm.platform.uname", MagicMock( return_value=( "Sinclair BASIC", "motophone", "1982 Sinclair Research Ltd", "1.0", "ZX81", "Z80", ) ), ) def test_get_osarch_by_platform(self): """ Get os_arch if RPM package is not installed (inird image, for example). :return: """ assert rpm.get_osarch() == "Z80" @patch("salt.utils.path.which", MagicMock(return_value=False)) @patch("salt.utils.pkg.rpm.subprocess", MagicMock(return_value=False)) @patch( "salt.utils.pkg.rpm.platform.uname", MagicMock( return_value=( "Sinclair BASIC", "motophone", "1982 Sinclair Research Ltd", "1.0", "ZX81", "", ) ), ) def test_get_osarch_by_platform_no_cpu_arch(self): """ Get os_arch if RPM package is not installed (inird image, for example) but cpu arch cannot be determined. :return: """ assert rpm.get_osarch() == "ZX81" @patch("salt.utils.path.which", MagicMock(return_value=False)) @patch("salt.utils.pkg.rpm.subprocess", MagicMock(return_value=False)) @patch( "salt.utils.pkg.rpm.platform.uname", MagicMock( return_value=( "Sinclair BASIC", "motophone", "1982 Sinclair Research Ltd", "1.0", "", "", ) ), ) def test_get_osarch_by_platform_no_cpu_arch_no_machine(self): """ Get os_arch if RPM package is not installed (inird image, for example) where both cpu arch and machine cannot be determined. :return: """ assert rpm.get_osarch() == "unknown"