# This is a compilation of requirements installed on salt-jenkins git.salt state run #ansible; python_version < '3.0' boto3 boto>=2.46.0 clustershell croniter>=0.3.0,!=0.3.22 dnspython docker<4.0 jsonschema<=2.6.0 junos-eznc jxmlease keyring==5.7.1 kubernetes<4.0 mock>=2.0.0; python_version < '3.6' more-itertools==5.0.0 moto # Not installing pygit2 for now since we need to have libgit2 installed first for OSX #pygit2 pyinotify pylxd>=2.2.5 python-etcd>0.4.2 pyvmomi rfc3987 salttesting==2017.6.1 strict_rfc3339 supervisor==3.3.5; python_version < '3' virtualenv yamlordereddictloader