# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' integration.reactor.reactor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test Salt's reactor system ''' # Import Python libs from __future__ import absolute_import # Import Salt testing libs from tests.support.case import ModuleCase from tests.support.mixins import SaltMinionEventAssertsMixin # Import Salt libs import salt.utils.event class ReactorTest(SaltMinionEventAssertsMixin, ModuleCase): ''' Test Salt's reactor system ''' def test_ping_reaction(self): ''' Fire an event on the master and ensure that it pings the minion ''' # Create event bus connection e = salt.utils.event.get_event('minion', sock_dir=self.minion_opts['sock_dir'], opts=self.minion_opts) e.fire_event({'a': 'b'}, '/test_event') self.assertMinionEventReceived({'a': 'b'}, timeout=30)