@Library('salt@master-1.4') _ // Define the maximum time, in hours, that a test run should run for def testrun_timeout = 6 def distro_name = 'ubuntu' def distro_version = '1604' def python_version = 'py3' def nox_env_name = 'pytest-zeromq' def golden_images_branch = 'master' def nox_passthrough_opts = '--ssh-tests --log-cli-level=warning --ignore=tests/utils' def concurrent_builds = 1 def use_spot_instances = true def jenkins_slave_label = 'kitchen-slave' def splits = ['unit', 'multimaster', 'integration'] properties([ buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '', numToKeepStr: '30')), parameters([ booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: 'Run full test suite', name: 'runFull') ]) ]) runTests( env: env, distro_name: distro_name, distro_version: distro_version, python_version: python_version, golden_images_branch: golden_images_branch, nox_env_name: nox_env_name, nox_passthrough_opts: nox_passthrough_opts, testrun_timeout: testrun_timeout, concurrent_builds: concurrent_builds, run_full: params.runFull, use_spot_instances: use_spot_instances, jenkins_slave_label: jenkins_slave_label, splits: splits) // vim: ft=groovy