.. _master-tops-system: ================== Master Tops System ================== In 0.10.4 the `external_nodes` system was upgraded to allow for modular subsystems to be used to generate the top file data for a :ref:`highstate ` run on the master. The old `external_nodes` option has been removed. The master tops system provides a pluggable and extendable replacement for it, allowing for multiple different subsystems to provide top file data. Using the new `master_tops` option is simple: .. code-block:: yaml master_tops: ext_nodes: cobbler-external-nodes for :mod:`Cobbler ` or: .. code-block:: yaml master_tops: reclass: inventory_base_uri: /etc/reclass classes_uri: roles for :mod:`Reclass `. .. code-block:: yaml master_tops: varstack: /path/to/the/config/file/varstack.yaml for :mod:`Varstack `. It's also possible to create custom master_tops modules. Simply place them into ``salt://_tops`` in the Salt fileserver and use the :py:func:`saltutil.sync_tops ` runner to sync them. If this runner function is not available, they can manually be placed into ``extmods/tops``, relative to the master cachedir (in most cases the full path will be ``/var/cache/salt/master/extmods/tops``). Custom tops modules are written like any other execution module, see the source for the two modules above for examples of fully functional ones. Below is a bare-bones example: **/etc/salt/master:** .. code-block:: yaml master_tops: customtop: True **customtop.py:** (custom master_tops module) .. code-block:: python import logging import sys # Define the module's virtual name __virtualname__ = "customtop" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __virtual__(): return __virtualname__ def top(**kwargs): log.debug("Calling top in customtop") return {"base": ["test"]} `salt minion state.show_top` should then display something like: .. code-block:: bash $ salt minion state.show_top minion ---------- base: - test .. note:: If a master_tops module returns :ref:`top file ` data for a given minion, it will be added to the states configured in the top file. It will *not* replace it altogether. The 2018.3.0 release adds additional functionality allowing a minion to treat master_tops as the single source of truth, irrespective of the top file.