# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Integration tests for timezone module Linux and Solaris are supported ''' # Import python libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals try: import tzlocal # pylint: disable=unused-import HAS_TZLOCAL = True except ImportError: HAS_TZLOCAL = False # Import Salt Testing libs from tests.support.case import ModuleCase from tests.support.helpers import destructiveTest from tests.support.unit import skipIf # Import salt libs import salt.utils.platform class TimezoneLinuxModuleTest(ModuleCase): def setUp(self): ''' Set up Linux test environment ''' ret_grain = self.run_function('grains.item', ['kernel']) if 'Linux' not in ret_grain['kernel']: self.skipTest('For Linux only') super(TimezoneLinuxModuleTest, self).setUp() def test_get_hwclock(self): timescale = ['UTC', 'localtime'] ret = self.run_function('timezone.get_hwclock') self.assertIn(ret, timescale) class TimezoneSolarisModuleTest(ModuleCase): def setUp(self): ''' Set up Solaris test environment ''' ret_grain = self.run_function('grains.item', ['os_family']) if 'Solaris' not in ret_grain['os_family']: self.skipTest('For Solaris only') super(TimezoneSolarisModuleTest, self).setUp() def test_get_hwclock(self): timescale = ['UTC', 'localtime'] ret = self.run_function('timezone.get_hwclock') self.assertIn(ret, timescale) @skipIf(not salt.utils.platform.is_windows(), 'windows test only') class TimezoneWindowsModuleTest(ModuleCase): def setUp(self): self.pre = self.run_function('timezone.get_zone') def tearDown(self): post = self.run_function('timezone.get_zone') if self.pre != post: self.run_function('timezone.set_zone', [self.pre]) def test_get_hwclock(self): timescale = ['UTC', 'localtime'] ret = self.run_function('timezone.get_hwclock') self.assertIn(ret, timescale) @destructiveTest def test_get_zone(self): ''' test timezone.set_zone, get_zone and zone_compare ''' zone = 'America/Inuvik' if not HAS_TZLOCAL else 'America/Denver' # first set the zone assert self.run_function('timezone.set_zone', [zone]) # check it set the correct zone ret = self.run_function('timezone.get_zone') assert zone in ret # compare zones assert self.run_function('timezone.zone_compare', [zone]) def test_get_offset(self): ''' test timezone.get_offset ''' ret = self.run_function('timezone.get_offset') self.assertIn('-', ret)