# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ :codeauthor: Daniel Mizyrycki (mzdaniel@glidelink.net) tests.integration.cli.grains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test salt-ssh grains id work for localhost. (gh #16129) $ salt-ssh localhost grains.get id localhost: localhost """ from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import logging import os import pytest import salt.utils.files from tests.support.case import ShellCase, SSHCase from tests.support.helpers import flaky from tests.support.unit import skipIf log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted class GrainsTargetingTest(ShellCase): """ Integration tests for targeting with grains. """ @skipIf(True, "SLOWTEST skip") def test_grains_targeting_os_running(self): """ Tests running "salt -G 'os:' test.ping and minions both return True """ test_ret = ["sub_minion:", " True", "minion:", " True"] os_grain = "" for item in self.run_salt("minion grains.get os"): if item != "minion:": os_grain = item.strip() ret = self.run_salt('-G "os:{0}" test.ping'.format(os_grain)) self.assertEqual(sorted(ret), sorted(test_ret)) @skipIf(True, "SLOWTEST skip") def test_grains_targeting_minion_id_running(self): """ Tests return of each running test minion targeting with minion id grain """ minion = self.run_salt('-G "id:minion" test.ping') self.assertEqual(sorted(minion), sorted(["minion:", " True"])) sub_minion = self.run_salt('-G "id:sub_minion" test.ping') self.assertEqual(sorted(sub_minion), sorted(["sub_minion:", " True"])) @flaky @skipIf(True, "SLOWTEST skip") def test_grains_targeting_disconnected(self): """ Tests return of minion using grains targeting on a disconnected minion. """ test_ret = "Minion did not return. [No response]" # Create a minion key, but do not start the "fake" minion. This mimics a # disconnected minion. key_file = os.path.join(self.master_opts["pki_dir"], "minions", "disconnected") with salt.utils.files.fopen(key_file, "a"): pass # ping disconnected minion and ensure it times out and returns with correct message try: ret = "" for item in self.run_salt( '-t 1 -G "id:disconnected" test.ping', timeout=40 ): if item != "disconnected:": ret = item.strip() break assert ret == test_ret finally: os.unlink(key_file) @pytest.mark.windows_whitelisted class SSHGrainsTest(SSHCase): """ Test salt-ssh grains functionality Depend on proper environment set by SSHCase class """ @skipIf(True, "SLOWTEST skip") def test_grains_id(self): """ Test salt-ssh grains id work for localhost. """ cmd = self.run_function("grains.get", ["id"]) self.assertEqual(cmd, "localhost")