# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ :codeauthor: Jayesh Kariya """ # Import Python Libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import salt.modules.win_network as win_network # Import Salt Libs import salt.utils.network # Import Salt Testing Libs from tests.support.mixins import LoaderModuleMockMixin from tests.support.mock import MagicMock, Mock, patch from tests.support.unit import TestCase, skipIf try: import wmi HAS_WMI = True except ImportError: HAS_WMI = False class Mockwmi(object): """ Mock wmi class """ NetConnectionID = "Ethernet" def __init__(self): pass class Mockwinapi(object): """ Mock winapi class """ def __init__(self): pass class winapi(object): """ Mock winapi class """ def __init__(self): pass class Com(object): """ Mock Com method """ def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): return False class WinNetworkTestCase(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): """ Test cases for salt.modules.win_network """ def setup_loader_modules(self): self.WMI = Mock() self.addCleanup(delattr, self, "WMI") return {win_network: {}} # 'ping' function tests: 1 def test_ping(self): """ Test if it performs a ping to a host. """ mock = MagicMock(return_value=True) with patch.dict(win_network.__salt__, {"cmd.run": mock}): self.assertTrue(win_network.ping("")) # 'netstat' function tests: 1 def test_netstat(self): """ Test if it return information on open ports and states """ ret = ( " Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID\n" " TCP LISTENING 1728\n" " UDP *:* 4240" ) mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret) with patch.dict(win_network.__salt__, {"cmd.run": mock}): self.assertListEqual( win_network.netstat(), [ { "local-address": "", "program": "1728", "proto": "TCP", "remote-address": "", "state": "LISTENING", }, { "local-address": "", "program": "4240", "proto": "UDP", "remote-address": "*:*", "state": None, }, ], ) # 'traceroute' function tests: 1 def test_traceroute(self): """ Test if it performs a traceroute to a 3rd party host """ ret = ( " 1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms\n" " 2 1 ms <1 ms 1 ms[]\n" " 3 3 ms 2 ms 2 ms[]\n" ) mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret) with patch.dict(win_network.__salt__, {"cmd.run": mock}): self.assertListEqual( win_network.traceroute("google.com"), [ { "count": "1", "hostname": None, "ip": "", "ms1": "1", "ms2": "<1", "ms3": "<1", }, { "count": "2", "hostname": None, "ip": "[]", "ms1": "1", "ms2": "<1", "ms3": "1", }, { "count": "3", "hostname": None, "ip": "[]", "ms1": "3", "ms2": "2", "ms3": "2", }, ], ) # 'nslookup' function tests: 1 def test_nslookup(self): """ Test if it query DNS for information about a domain or ip address """ ret = ( "Server: ct-dc-3-2.cybage.com\n" "Address:\n" "Non-authoritative answer:\n" "Name: google.com\n" "Addresses: 2404:6800:4007:806::200e\n" "\n" ) mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret) with patch.dict(win_network.__salt__, {"cmd.run": mock}): self.assertListEqual( win_network.nslookup("google.com"), [ {"Server": "ct-dc-3-2.cybage.com"}, {"Address": ""}, {"Name": "google.com"}, {"Addresses": ["2404:6800:4007:806::200e", ""]}, ], ) # 'dig' function tests: 1 def test_dig(self): """ Test if it performs a DNS lookup with dig """ mock = MagicMock(return_value=True) with patch.dict(win_network.__salt__, {"cmd.run": mock}): self.assertTrue(win_network.dig("google.com")) # 'interfaces_names' function tests: 1 @skipIf(not HAS_WMI, "WMI only available on Windows") def test_interfaces_names(self): """ Test if it return a list of all the interfaces names """ self.WMI.Win32_NetworkAdapter = MagicMock(return_value=Mockwmi) with patch("salt.utils.winapi.Com", MagicMock()), patch.object( self.WMI, "Win32_NetworkAdapter", return_value=[Mockwmi()] ), patch("salt.utils", Mockwinapi), patch.object( wmi, "WMI", Mock(return_value=self.WMI) ): self.assertListEqual(win_network.interfaces_names(), ["Ethernet"]) # 'interfaces' function tests: 1 def test_interfaces(self): """ Test if it return information about all the interfaces on the minion """ with patch.object( salt.utils.network, "win_interfaces", MagicMock(return_value=True) ): self.assertTrue(win_network.interfaces()) # 'hw_addr' function tests: 1 def test_hw_addr(self): """ Test if it return the hardware address (a.k.a. MAC address) for a given interface """ with patch.object( salt.utils.network, "hw_addr", MagicMock(return_value="Ethernet") ): self.assertEqual(win_network.hw_addr("Ethernet"), "Ethernet") # 'subnets' function tests: 1 def test_subnets(self): """ Test if it returns a list of subnets to which the host belongs """ with patch.object( salt.utils.network, "subnets", MagicMock(return_value="") ): self.assertEqual(win_network.subnets(), "") # 'in_subnet' function tests: 1 def test_in_subnet(self): """ Test if it returns True if host is within specified subnet, otherwise False """ with patch.object( salt.utils.network, "in_subnet", MagicMock(return_value=True) ): self.assertTrue(win_network.in_subnet("")) # 'get_route' function tests: 1 def test_get_route(self): """ Test if it return information on open ports and states """ ret = ( "\n\n" "IPAddress :\n" "InterfaceIndex : 3\n" "InterfaceAlias : Wi-Fi\n" "AddressFamily : IPv4\n" "Type : Unicast\n" "PrefixLength : 24\n" "PrefixOrigin : Dhcp\n" "SuffixOrigin : Dhcp\n" "AddressState : Preferred\n" "ValidLifetime : 6.17:52:39\n" "PreferredLifetime : 6.17:52:39\n" "SkipAsSource : False\n" "PolicyStore : ActiveStore\n" "\n\n" "Caption :\n" "Description :\n" "ElementName :\n" "InstanceID : :8:8:8:9:55=55;:8;8;:8;55;\n" "AdminDistance :\n" "DestinationAddress :\n" "IsStatic :\n" "RouteMetric : 0\n" "TypeOfRoute : 3\n" "AddressFamily : IPv4\n" "CompartmentId : 1\n" "DestinationPrefix :\n" "InterfaceAlias : Wi-Fi\n" "InterfaceIndex : 3\n" "NextHop :\n" "PreferredLifetime : 6.23:14:43\n" "Protocol : NetMgmt\n" "Publish : No\n" "Store : ActiveStore\n" "ValidLifetime : 6.23:14:43\n" "PSComputerName :\n" "ifIndex : 3" ) mock = MagicMock(return_value=ret) with patch.dict(win_network.__salt__, {"cmd.run": mock}): self.assertDictEqual( win_network.get_route(""), { "destination": "", "gateway": "", "interface": "Wi-Fi", "source": "", }, )