# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ :codeauthor: Tyler Johnson """ # Import Salt Libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals # Import Salt Libs from salt.cloud.clouds import proxmox # Import Salt Testing Libs from tests.support.mixins import LoaderModuleMockMixin from tests.support.mock import MagicMock, patch from tests.support.unit import TestCase class ProxmoxTest(TestCase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): def setup_loader_modules(self): return { proxmox: { "__utils__": { "cloud.fire_event": MagicMock(), "cloud.bootstrap": MagicMock(), }, "__opts__": { "sock_dir": True, "transport": True, "providers": {"my_proxmox": {}}, "profiles": {"my_proxmox": {}}, }, "__active_provider_name__": "my_proxmox:proxmox", } } def setUp(self): self.vm_ = { "profile": "my_proxmox", "name": "vm4", "driver": "proxmox", "technology": "qemu", "host": "", "clone": True, "ide0": "data", "sata0": "data", "scsi0": "data", "net0": "a=b,c=d", } def tearDown(self): del self.vm_ def test__stringlist_to_dictionary(self): result = proxmox._stringlist_to_dictionary("") self.assertEqual(result, {}) result = proxmox._stringlist_to_dictionary( "foo=bar, ignored_space=bar,internal space=bar" ) self.assertEqual( result, {"foo": "bar", "ignored_space": "bar", "internal space": "bar"} ) # Negative cases self.assertRaises(ValueError, proxmox._stringlist_to_dictionary, "foo=bar,foo") self.assertRaises( ValueError, proxmox._stringlist_to_dictionary, "foo=bar,totally=invalid=assignment", ) def test__dictionary_to_stringlist(self): result = proxmox._dictionary_to_stringlist({}) self.assertEqual(result, "") result = proxmox._dictionary_to_stringlist({"a": "a"}) self.assertEqual(result, "a=a") result = proxmox._dictionary_to_stringlist({"a": "a", "b": "b"}) self.assertEqual(result, "a=a,b=b") def test__reconfigure_clone(self): # The return_value is for the net reconfigure assertions, it is irrelevant for the rest with patch.object( proxmox, "query", return_value={"net0": "c=overwritten,g=h"} ) as query: # Test a vm that lacks the required attributes proxmox._reconfigure_clone({}, 0) query.assert_not_called() # Test a fully mocked vm proxmox._reconfigure_clone(self.vm_, 0) # net reconfigure query.assert_any_call("get", "nodes/") query.assert_any_call( "post", "nodes/", {"net0": "a=b,c=d,g=h"} ) # hdd reconfigure query.assert_any_call( "post", "nodes/", {"ide0": "data"} ) query.assert_any_call( "post", "nodes/", {"sata0": "data"} ) query.assert_any_call( "post", "nodes/", {"scsi0": "data"} )