============================ Salt 2015.5.11 Release Notes ============================ :release: 2015-07-22 Version 2015.5.11 is a bugfix release for :ref:`2015.5.0 `. Statistics ========== - Total Merges: **101** - Total Issue References: **73** - Total PR References: **162** - Contributors: **46** (`AndrewPashkin`_, `Ch3LL`_, `DmitryKuzmenko`_, `TheNullByte`_, `UtahDave`_, `abednarik`_, `amontalban`_, `anlutro`_, `attiasr`_, `basepi`_, `borgstrom`_, `brejoc`_, `bstevenson`_, `cachedout`_, `carlwgeorge`_, `efficks`_, `gerhardqux`_, `gtmanfred`_, `heyfife`_, `jacobhammons`_, `jfindlay`_, `justinta`_, `lomeroe`_, `lorengordon`_, `mtorromeo`_, `nmadhok`_, `notpeter`_, `paclat`_, `pcn`_, `phistrom`_, `rallytime`_, `robgott`_, `sacren`_, `sastorsl`_, `serge-p`_, `sjmh`_, `sjorge`_, `techhat`_, `terminalmage`_, `thatch45`_, `thegoodduke`_, `toanju`_, `tomwalsh`_, `twangboy`_, `whiteinge`_, `yannis666`_) Changelog for v2015.5.10..v2015.5.11 ==================================== *Generated at: 2018-05-27 22:41:56 UTC* * **PR** `#33412`_: (`jfindlay`_) update 2015.5.11 release notes * **PR** `#33405`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#33386`_ to 2015.5 * **PR** `#33386`_: (`terminalmage`_) Fix traceback in logging for config validation (refs: `#33405`_) * **ISSUE** `#33376`_: (`tmehlinger`_) pip state broken in 2015.8.9 with pip <6.0 (refs: `#33383`_) * **PR** `#33383`_: (`thatch45`_) maintain the fallabck because I am totally sick of this crap @ *2016-05-20 00:03:59 UTC* * d15f5e2cef Merge pull request `#33383`_ from thatch45/2015.5 * f5ebcba21c restore whitespace * 1d8b289db1 blast, put the try/except int he right place * 081e6c5b83 maintain the fallabck because I am totally sick of this crap * **PR** `#33379`_: (`cachedout`_) Improve doc clarity for disable_modules documentation * **ISSUE** `#26574`_: (`jfindlay`_) minion stacktrace on top file yaml syntax error (refs: `#33375`_) * **PR** `#33375`_: (`cachedout`_) Better YAML syntax error handling * **PR** `#33372`_: (`jacobhammons`_) revved 2015.8 branch to .9 in version selector @ *2016-05-19 20:05:35 UTC* * bb3e98cad2 Merge pull request `#33372`_ from jacobhammons/release-update * 5ce502160b revved 2015.8 branch to .9 in version selector * **PR** `#33341`_: (`phistrom`_) Expanded documentation for boto_elb state and module * **ISSUE** `#32400`_: (`rallytime`_) Document Default Config Values (refs: `#33286`_, `#33292`_, `#32538`_, `#33287`_, `#32454`_, `#33282`_) * **PR** `#33292`_: (`rallytime`_) Added some more docs for master and minion config settings * **ISSUE** `#23643`_: (`falzm`_) Error in iptables module: argument --match-set: expected 2 argument(s) (refs: `#33301`_) * **PR** `#33301`_: (`gerhardqux`_) Fix iptables --match-set (`#23643`_) * **PR** `#33290`_: (`UtahDave`_) fix "loose" typo * **ISSUE** `#32400`_: (`rallytime`_) Document Default Config Values (refs: `#33286`_, `#33292`_, `#32538`_, `#33287`_, `#32454`_, `#33282`_) * **PR** `#33287`_: (`rallytime`_) Add auth_tries config option to minion.rst docs * **PR** `#33286`_: (`rallytime`_) Document new master and minion config opts for 2016.3.0 (refs: `#33287`_) * **ISSUE** `#33276`_: (`sjmh`_) minion_id_caching has no documentation (refs: `#33282`_) * **ISSUE** `#32400`_: (`rallytime`_) Document Default Config Values (refs: `#33286`_, `#33292`_, `#32538`_, `#33287`_, `#32454`_, `#33282`_) * **PR** `#33282`_: (`rallytime`_) Document minion_id_caching config value * **ISSUE** `#33118`_: (`saltuser`_) file.replace not working correctly on newer minions (refs: `#33137`_) * **PR** `#33137`_: (`lorengordon`_) Clarify file.replace MULTILINE flag interaction with regex anchors * **PR** `#33236`_: (`jfindlay`_) update 2015.5.11 release notes * **ISSUE** `#32250`_: (`ikryten`_) Cannot run salt-minion as unprivileged user using 'user' directive (refs: `#33211`_) * **PR** `#33211`_: (`cachedout`_) Don't try to kill a parent proc if we can't @ *2016-05-12 21:29:50 UTC* * 698f1eb657 Merge pull request `#33211`_ from cachedout/user_kill * d4f2e5baa7 Don't try to kill a parent proc if we can't * **ISSUE** `#32198`_: (`goatjam`_) State 'pkg.installed' was not found in SLS (refs: `#33205`_) * **PR** `#33205`_: (`cachedout`_) Resolve issue with pkg module on Mint Linux * **PR** `#33178`_: (`justinta`_) Add pip installed and removed test * **PR** `#33197`_: (`jfindlay`_) update 2015.5.11 release notes * **PR** `#33181`_: (`twangboy`_) Fix file.managed for Windows * **PR** `#33185`_: (`rallytime`_) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2016.05.11 * **ISSUE** `#33163`_: (`jaybocc2`_) Salt 2015.8.5 incompatible with Pip v8.1.2 (refs: `#33180`_) * **PR** `#33180`_: (`thatch45`_) Pip fix * **PR** `#33160`_: (`jfindlay`_) add 2015.5.11 release notes * **PR** `#33155`_: (`rallytime`_) [2015.5] Update to latest bootstrap script v2016.05.10 * **PR** `#33141`_: (`justinta`_) Skipping salt-call --local test @ *2016-05-10 17:05:17 UTC* * 6cd1641840 Merge pull request `#33141`_ from jtand/disable_local_pkg_install_test * 8b1e34fb17 Skipping salt-call --local test * **ISSUE** `#33085`_: (`fmnisme`_) salt doc err (refs: `#33132`_) * **PR** `#33132`_: (`whiteinge`_) Doc mock decorators * **ISSUE** `#33074`_: (`robnagler`_) Critical error in msgpack exposes pillar data (refs: `#33078`_) * **PR** `#33078`_: (`cachedout`_) Lower display of msgpack failure msg to debug * **PR** `#33080`_: (`justinta`_) Use saltstack repo in buildpackage.py on CentOS 5 * **PR** `#33025`_: (`Ch3LL`_) add test for installing package while using salt-call --local * **PR** `#33055`_: (`justinta`_) File and User test fixes for 2015.5 on Fedora23 * **PR** `#33060`_: (`Ch3LL`_) Test pillar.items output * **PR** `#33067`_: (`sacren`_) Fix minor document error of test.assertion * **PR** `#33045`_: (`Ch3LL`_) Saltfile with pillar tests * **PR** `#33044`_: (`thatch45`_) Backport `#33021`_ manually to 2015.5 * **PR** `#33021`_: (`UtahDave`_) Fix syndic regression (refs: `#33044`_) * **ISSUE** `#22580`_: (`ryanwalder`_) minion runs highstate on start if schedule set in pillar (refs: `#32958`_) * **PR** `#32958`_: (`rallytime`_) Add run_on_start docs to schedule.rst * **ISSUE** `#23714`_: (`naemono`_) file.copy force ignored during highstate, but not with 'salt-call state.sls_id' (refs: `#32732`_, `#32848`_) * **PR** `#32848`_: (`lomeroe`_) backport PR `#32732`_ to 2015.5 fixes `#23714`_ * **PR** `#32732`_: (`lomeroe`_) correct use of force flag in file.copy `#23714`_ (refs: `#32848`_) * **PR** `#32837`_: (`jfindlay`_) `salt-cloud -u` downloads stable version from bootstrap.saltstack.com by default * **PR** `#32667`_: (`jfindlay`_) [2015.5] update bootstrap to 2016.04.18 release * **PR** `#32776`_: (`rallytime`_) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ *2016-04-25 15:18:12 UTC* * c842e1e437 Merge pull request `#32776`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.5 * 7ecbf9f885 Merge pull request `#14`_ from whiteinge/runner-async-low * 211f7b4af1 Format low data correct for runner_async * ce72851861 Merge branch '2014.7' into '2015.5' * 2775edc176 Saltnado /run fix (`#32590`_) * b19c5a5ce7 Verify auth in saltnado run (`#32552`_) * **PR** `#32691`_: (`terminalmage`_) Support remote sources in a source list * **ISSUE** `#32661`_: (`dergrunepunkt`_) Batch exception w/dulpicated minion IDs (refs: `#32686`_) * **PR** `#32686`_: (`cachedout`_) Fix stacktrace in batch with dup minion ids @ *2016-04-19 19:18:50 UTC* * bd5442d768 Merge pull request `#32686`_ from cachedout/issue_32661 * f704df90bc Fix stacktrace in batch with dup minion ids * **PR** `#32675`_: (`basepi`_) [2015.5] Update "Low Hanging Fruit" to "Help Wanted" * **ISSUE** `#32612`_: (`oliver-dungey`_) Calling Salt Modules from Templates - more complex examples would be great (refs: `#32657`_) * **PR** `#32657`_: (`cachedout`_) Additional documentation on calling exec modules from templates * **PR** `#32639`_: (`nmadhok`_) [2015.5] - Fixing critical bug to remove only the specified Host instead of the entire Host cluster * **PR** `#32638`_: (`nmadhok`_) [2015.5] Adding _syspaths.py to .gitignore * **ISSUE** `#32381`_: (`tbaker57`_) user.present state includes shadow hash in return when user updated (refs: `#32561`_) * **PR** `#32561`_: (`gtmanfred`_) redact passwords and hashes from user.present updates @ *2016-04-14 15:48:59 UTC* * 027b502335 Merge pull request `#32561`_ from gtmanfred/user_passwords * 3db5e78d5d redact passwords and hashes from user.present updates * **ISSUE** `#32400`_: (`rallytime`_) Document Default Config Values (refs: `#33286`_, `#33292`_, `#32538`_, `#33287`_, `#32454`_, `#33282`_) * **PR** `#32538`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#32528`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-04-13 15:06:14 UTC* * **PR** `#32528`_: (`AndrewPashkin`_) Document "grains" setting in the minion configuration reference (refs: `#32538`_) * 7307bcb88e Merge pull request `#32538`_ from rallytime/bp-32528 * 46a4e8a310 Remove merge conflict line * e0d947c707 Document "grains" setting in the minion configuration reference * **ISSUE** `#32400`_: (`rallytime`_) Document Default Config Values (refs: `#33286`_, `#33292`_, `#32538`_, `#33287`_, `#32454`_, `#33282`_) * **PR** `#32454`_: (`rallytime`_) Add documentation for some master/minion configs * **ISSUE** `#32413`_: (`commutecat`_) Raspbian detected by both systemd.py and service.py __virtual__ functions (refs: `#32421`_, `#32458`_) * **PR** `#32458`_: (`terminalmage`_) Improve and clarify docs on provider overrides. @ *2016-04-09 14:25:42 UTC* * 100c6e1b25 Merge pull request `#32458`_ from terminalmage/clarify-providers-docs * 500d3ebbaa Add link to provider override docs to all group providers * 83ca01f620 dd link to provider override docs to all shadow providers * c5fe38789d Add link to provider override docs to all user providers * 5c1c1dda59 Add link to provider override docs to all service providers * 736f2befc9 Add link to provider override docs to all package providers * f9306347cc Clarify the scope of the provider param in states. * af24c82ab0 Add documentation on virtual module provider overrides to the module docs * 0bc6c97a63 Improve docstrings * 1948920674 Add external ref to windows package manager docs * e7fa21438c Add new doc pages to toctree * f0de1236ec Move the tables of virtual modules to individual documentation pages * **ISSUE** `#11497`_: (`eeaston`_) cmd.run cwd should not be checked before preconditions (refs: `#32293`_) * **PR** `#32418`_: (`rallytime`_) Merge `#32293`_ with test fixes * **PR** `#32293`_: (`efficks`_) Fix issue `#11497`_ (refs: `#32418`_) * **ISSUE** `#32413`_: (`commutecat`_) Raspbian detected by both systemd.py and service.py __virtual__ functions (refs: `#32421`_, `#32458`_) * **PR** `#32421`_: (`terminalmage`_) Ignore Raspbian in service.py __virtual__ * **ISSUE** `#1409`_: (`twinshadow`_) module/network.py: Interfaces do not list multiple addesses * **ISSUE** `saltstack/salt#28262`_: (`palica`_) FreeBSD pkgng provider raising error for minion (refs: `#32376`_) * **ISSUE** `#28262`_: (`palica`_) FreeBSD pkgng provider raising error for minion (refs: `#32399`_, `#32376`_) * **PR** `#32399`_: (`amontalban`_) Backport to fix `#28262`_ for 2015.5 as requested in PR `#32376`_ @ *2016-04-06 22:48:23 UTC* * **PR** `#32376`_: (`amontalban`_) Fixes `saltstack/salt#28262`_ (refs: `#32399`_) * a36866d7db Merge pull request `#32399`_ from amontalban/2015.5 * e1ffbd615a Fixes `saltstack/salt#28262`_ for 2015.5 branch * **ISSUE** `#32066`_: (`guettli`_) Proxmox docs outdated (refs: `#32374`_) * **PR** `#32374`_: (`cachedout`_) Update proxmox documentation @ *2016-04-05 22:25:16 UTC* * 3f03c5fcf9 Merge pull request `#32374`_ from cachedout/issue_32066 * 62389d1d1a Update proxmox documentation * **PR** `#32339`_: (`Ch3LL`_) remove reference to master_alive_check in 2015.5 @ *2016-04-04 20:39:24 UTC* * 8578089beb Merge pull request `#32339`_ from Ch3LL/fix_doc_multi-master * 2774da288d remove reference to master_alive_check * **ISSUE** `#32044`_: (`ScoreUnder`_) Multiple masters throwing warnings? "Key master with value [...] has an invalid type of list, a str is required for this value" (refs: `#32129`_) * **PR** `#32284`_: (`rallytime`_) Audit config.py default types and values @ *2016-04-02 02:00:38 UTC* * **PR** `#32129`_: (`terminalmage`_) Support multiple valid option types when performing type checks (refs: `#32284`_) * fbdc47cc55 Merge pull request `#32284`_ from rallytime/config-audit * 0491513204 Don't be so explicit. Just use string_types. * 083c477fd3 Use six.string_types in config default tuples * 7e642b8381 Audit config.py default types and values - first sweep * **ISSUE** `#32301`_: (`terminalmage`_) pkg.latest_version returns inaccurate version when blank "Release" param set in package metadata (refs: `#32302`_) * **PR** `#32302`_: (`terminalmage`_) Properly support packages with blank "Release" param in pkg.latest_version @ *2016-04-01 22:13:27 UTC* * 0a6d44e57b Merge pull request `#32302`_ from terminalmage/fix-missing-release * 413c371ccd Properly support packages with blank "Release" param in pkg.latest_version * **ISSUE** `#31963`_: (`UtahDave`_) pkgrepo.managed state test=True doesn't actually test if changes need to be made. (refs: `#32162`_) * **PR** `#32162`_: (`terminalmage`_) Properly handle yum/zypper repositories in pkgrepo.managed @ *2016-03-30 17:51:05 UTC* * 5d08db7c92 Merge pull request `#32162`_ from terminalmage/issue31963 * 5c1bdb812c Fix pkgrepo integration test * e7fb3095ce Properly handle yum/zypper repositories in pkgrepo.managed * add2111fec Use six.iteritems instead of dict.items * 6c21881c38 Docstring tweaks * ecbb78b649 Remove useless function * 06f3309552 Normalize variable naming to match other functions * 690537ca8b Look for apt-add-repository in PATH instead of assuming it's there * 709d80bb1b aptpkg: Accept \*\*kwargs instead of a dict for pkg.expand_repo_def * **ISSUE** `#31976`_: (`moltob`_) Schedules not persisted on Windows minion (Installer issue) (refs: `#32223`_) * **PR** `#32223`_: (`twangboy`_) Create minion.d directory on install for Windows @ *2016-03-30 14:43:27 UTC* * 4fcdaab428 Merge pull request `#32223`_ from twangboy/fix_31976 * b7fcae97ce Create minion.d directory, fixes `#31976`_ * **ISSUE** `#31501`_: (`grep4linux`_) Salt states fail with error 'Failed to return clean data' when using salt-ssh in Amazon EC2 (refs: `#32218`_) * **PR** `#32218`_: (`cachedout`_) Only display error when tty is True in salt-ssh @ *2016-03-29 19:13:44 UTC* * 3309ff6a29 Merge pull request `#32218`_ from cachedout/issue_31501 * 6795d6aef0 Only display error when tty is True in salt-ssh * **PR** `#32196`_: (`justinta`_) Fixed pylint error in app_pam_test.py @ *2016-03-28 23:59:42 UTC* * 6e0cb22c96 Merge pull request `#32196`_ from jtand/cherrypy_pam_test_lint_fix * bd3942e0fd Fixed pylint error in app_pam_test.py * **PR** `#32154`_: (`Ch3LL`_) Add integration tests for salt-api using pam eauth @ *2016-03-28 16:06:36 UTC* * **PR** `#31826`_: (`gtmanfred`_) Remove ability of authenticating user to specify pam service (refs: `#32154`_) * 6b8b8b51c0 Merge pull request `#32154`_ from Ch3LL/ch3ll_pam_2015.5 * ba605b0128 fix more pylint and add ability to close cherrypy engine * 2d4dc4da05 add teardown call * d115878714 fix pylint error * 4c1ab082b6 add pam salt-api tests * **PR** `#32170`_: (`gtmanfred`_) add name for lxc for use with cloud cache @ *2016-03-28 14:34:16 UTC* * 230443be6c Merge pull request `#32170`_ from gtmanfred/lxc_cloud_name * eb7d82e7be add name for lxc for use with cloud cache * **ISSUE** `#31731`_: (`sjorge`_) rh_service references osrelease before it is available, also does not return bool (refs: `#32165`_) * **PR** `#32165`_: (`terminalmage`_) Make __virtual__ for rhservice.py more robust (refs: `#32164`_) * **PR** `#32164`_: (`terminalmage`_) Make __virtual__ for rhservice.py more robust (2015.5 branch) (refs: `#32165`_) @ *2016-03-27 18:21:52 UTC* * 32b0421a34 Merge pull request `#32164`_ from terminalmage/issue31731-2015.5 * 18439c4f89 Make __virtual__ for rhservice.py more robust (2015.5 branch) * **PR** `#32141`_: (`paclat`_) fixes 32108 @ *2016-03-25 16:50:59 UTC* * 6212e9aa56 Merge pull request `#32141`_ from paclat/issue_32108 * 72c5d12d43 fixes 32108 * **ISSUE** `#32044`_: (`ScoreUnder`_) Multiple masters throwing warnings? "Key master with value [...] has an invalid type of list, a str is required for this value" (refs: `#32129`_) * **PR** `#32129`_: (`terminalmage`_) Support multiple valid option types when performing type checks (refs: `#32284`_) @ *2016-03-24 21:16:29 UTC* * bdd7ea89d5 Merge pull request `#32129`_ from terminalmage/issue32044 * 34ca1ea12e Change type check errors to debug loglevel * 5462081488 Support multiple valid option types when performing type checks * **ISSUE** `#32052`_: (`bstevenson`_) list_absent function doesn't loop through list of values (refs: `#32056`_) * **PR** `#32056`_: (`bstevenson`_) Fix list absent @ *2016-03-24 17:35:00 UTC* * c42014eb54 Merge pull request `#32056`_ from bstevenson/fix-list_absent * 1500aae027 set deleted value to list * 1dc8f5f289 unit test update * 39adf86fec Fixed negation logic * be9388173b Removed has_key in lieu of in * e48593ed81 Comments and Changes output fixes * b98f5517de Updated to conform to proper ret values * d18b4be80b remove whitespace end of line 186:q * d2b89c85ad fix formating * 103cee9e29 cleaned up formating * 7a4d7f0bff added whitespace * 8ea5b545b0 Loop through list values in list_absent * **PR** `#32096`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#32065`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-03-23 22:01:36 UTC* * **PR** `#32065`_: (`TheNullByte`_) Fix an issue with the minion targeting example in docs (refs: `#32096`_) * 848ce5647f Merge pull request `#32096`_ from rallytime/bp-32065 * 36a9d6a374 Fix an issue with the minion targeting example * **PR** `#32104`_: (`jacobhammons`_) One additional known issue for 2015.5.10 release notes @ *2016-03-23 21:20:50 UTC* * 9b332d48b9 Merge pull request `#32104`_ from jacobhammons/dot10 * b9fc882a1e One additional known issue for 2015.5.10 release notes * **PR** `#32100`_: (`jacobhammons`_) 2015.5.10 release docs @ *2016-03-23 20:05:21 UTC* * ff51d548e1 Merge pull request `#32100`_ from jacobhammons/dot10 * 544a1661ce 2015.5.10 release docs * **ISSUE** `#32037`_: (`terminalmage`_) Increase the visibility of state.apply in Salt's documentation (refs: `#32038`_) * **PR** `#32038`_: (`terminalmage`_) Improve state module docs, replace references to state.highstate/state.sls with state.apply @ *2016-03-23 17:08:02 UTC* * 72a20f9799 Merge pull request `#32038`_ from terminalmage/issue32037 * 8b2d983324 Add reference to state tutorial to state.apply docstring * 9b4fe8443e Move highstate usage details to top of state.apply docstring * 74ee8c54bc Clarify prior role of state.highstate in states tutorial * 1b97e4a3df Improve state module docs, replace references to state.highstate/state.sls with state.apply * **PR** `#32051`_: (`terminalmage`_) Fix outputter for state.apply @ *2016-03-23 16:42:43 UTC* * 908a7bf5cd Merge pull request `#32051`_ from terminalmage/fix-state-apply-output * 7d7cb45565 Fix outputter for state.apply * **ISSUE** `#31788`_: (`crocket`_) pkg.installed doesn't work on Manjaro. (refs: `#32002`_) * **PR** `#32002`_: (`abednarik`_) Added Manajro Linux to virtual. @ *2016-03-21 17:55:16 UTC* * 0e66f678d4 Merge pull request `#32002`_ from abednarik/pkg_manjaron_issue31788 * 1b052d0a66 Added Manajro Linux to virtual. List extended with ManajaroLinux in order su load pacman module. * **PR** `#31957`_: (`rallytime`_) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ *2016-03-18 15:12:22 UTC* * ba5bf62c1a Merge pull request `#31957`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.5 * 1b6ec5d445 Merge branch '2014.7' into '2015.5' * ba73deee46 Merge pull request `#31929`_ from twangboy/fix_build_script * 2c5599d2bc Backport build script from 2015.8 * ce74991dd0 Fix nsi script to work with new build process * **PR** `#31972`_: (`terminalmage`_) Make lack of python-ldap module more explicit when LDAP eauth is enabled @ *2016-03-18 15:11:59 UTC* * a52e3ad7a1 Merge pull request `#31972`_ from terminalmage/zh-584 * 1e5639e495 Make lack of python-ldap module more explicit when LDAP eauth is enabled * **PR** `#31935`_: (`twangboy`_) Back port nullsoft build script from 2015.8 @ *2016-03-17 14:54:50 UTC* * 2d1f2a0c2e Merge pull request `#31935`_ from twangboy/fix_build_script2 * 4af8c9dbfc Back port nullsoft build script from 2015.8 * **PR** `#31912`_: (`jfindlay`_) log.mixins: remove extermporaneous .record @ *2016-03-16 01:56:46 UTC* * 43240dc566 Merge pull request `#31912`_ from jfindlay/log_mixin * 9f9c694654 log.mixins: remove extermporaneous .record * **PR** `#31825`_: (`justinta`_) Updated .testing.pylintrc to match newer versions of pylint @ *2016-03-15 18:12:44 UTC* * 440e0dcbe0 Merge pull request `#31825`_ from jtand/udpate_pylintrc * 9a14e02766 Updated beacons/sh.py to work with enumerate() * 0ecec691a0 Adjusted beacons to work with enumerate better * f509b4113e Fixed final lint error * 5945b3f11f Fix and disable pylint errors * 06ae6eaf55 Fixed pylint errors on jboss state and module * de96db97c8 Fixed more pylint errors, and disabled some more * c07b0a20b5 Merge branch 'lint_fixes' into udpate_pylintrc * 2e6a152308 Fixed lint error in lxc.py * 908ca1a439 Fixed lint error in ssh_py_shim * 404c1b50f7 Changed range(len()) to enumerate() * 1e13586546 Changed range(len()) to enumerate() * 9ccce7a9a5 Added more disables * 9c1aab3b4e Updated .testing.pylintrc to match newer versions of pylint * **ISSUE** `#31867`_: (`damon-atkins`_) " __virtual__ returned False" is not a clear error message (refs: `#31878`_, `#31900`_) * **PR** `#31900`_: (`rallytime`_) Add "python module" clarification to ps __virtual__ warning. @ *2016-03-15 17:59:35 UTC* * 471c9444a3 Merge pull request `#31900`_ from rallytime/fix-psutil-warning * 22403d69ae Add "python module" clarification to ps __virtual__ warning. * **ISSUE** `#31867`_: (`damon-atkins`_) " __virtual__ returned False" is not a clear error message (refs: `#31878`_, `#31900`_) * **ISSUE** `#19659`_: (`wonderslug`_) state process.absent is failing on Ubuntu 14.04 because psutil is not installed (refs: `#31878`_) * **PR** `#31878`_: (`rallytime`_) Make sure __virtual__ error message is helpful when psutil is missing @ *2016-03-14 21:31:42 UTC* * c44c1b5e59 Merge pull request `#31878`_ from rallytime/fix-psutil-warning * 44b29f72a1 Make sure __virtual__ error message is helpful when psutil is missing * **PR** `#31852`_: (`rallytime`_) [2015.5] Merge forward from 2014.7 to 2015.5 @ *2016-03-13 02:47:02 UTC* * 5c592b6768 Merge pull request `#31852`_ from rallytime/merge-2015.5 * 1470de17fa Merge branch '2014.7' into '2015.5' * 218c902091 Merge pull request `#31834`_ from jfindlay/2014.7 * 358fdad0c8 add 2014.7.8 release notes * a423c6cd04 Merge pull request `#31833`_ from jfindlay/2014.7 * 6910fcc584 add 2014.7.9 release notes * c5e7c03953 Merge pull request `#31826`_ from gtmanfred/2014.7 * d73f70ebb2 Remove ability of authenticating user to specify pam service * **PR** `#31827`_: (`gtmanfred`_) Remove ability of authenticating user to specify pam service @ *2016-03-11 20:40:19 UTC* * 0cc1d5db03 Merge pull request `#31827`_ from gtmanfred/2015.5 * 979173b78a Remove ability of authenticating user to specify pam service * **PR** `#31810`_: (`whiteinge`_) Fix outdated Jinja 'env' variable reference @ *2016-03-11 03:52:21 UTC* * 8cf0b9eb3d Merge pull request `#31810`_ from whiteinge/saltenv-jinja-var * cb72b19240 Fix outdated Jinja 'env' variable reference * **ISSUE** `#31729`_: (`brejoc`_) Creating VM with salt-cloud fails for provider Exoscale (Cloudstack) (refs: `#31744`_) * **PR** `#31744`_: (`brejoc`_) Fix for AttributeError with libcloud <0.15 @ *2016-03-10 00:15:26 UTC* * 970ef0e445 Merge pull request `#31744`_ from brejoc/fix-attribute-error-with-older-libcloud/2015.5 * bb29dc2283 Added version to libcloud depends statement * 87f9534fce Added log message with update suggestion for libcloud * 72eab406cd Fix for AttributeError with libcloud <0.15 * **ISSUE** `#31666`_: (`sjorge`_) salt-call --local pillar.items is overly eager to give data (refs: `#31740`_) * **PR** `#31740`_: (`terminalmage`_) Assume pillar_opts is False when not specified in masterless mode @ *2016-03-09 22:57:57 UTC* * df2d23ba5d Merge pull request `#31740`_ from terminalmage/issue31666 * aeaf5864cd Fall back to False when pillar_opts not set * fe19d77eb4 Add default value for pillar_opts on minion * **ISSUE** `#31749`_: (`milan-milo`_) salt-cloud spitting out error 'AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'pop'' (refs: `#31750`_) * **ISSUE** `#26162`_: (`nmadhok`_) VMware cloud driver create function failing with traceback on latest develop (refs: `#26170`_) * **PR** `#31750`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#26170`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-03-09 17:44:14 UTC* * **PR** `#26170`_: (`nmadhok`_) [Backport] Make sure variable is a dictionary before popping something from it. (refs: `#31750`_) * e22f5c0a26 Merge pull request `#31750`_ from rallytime/bp-26170 * 3c11234a05 Make sure variable is a dictionary before popping something from it. * **ISSUE** `#30559`_: (`kaidokert`_) module.wait does not fail when called state fails (refs: `#31689`_) * **PR** `#31689`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#29467`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-03-06 19:26:11 UTC* * **PR** `#29467`_: (`serge-p`_) Update module.py (refs: `#31689`_) * 9162925dd0 Merge pull request `#31689`_ from rallytime/bp-29467 * 1f8f4cb99b Update module.py * **PR** `#31687`_: (`cachedout`_) Removed useless GPG tests @ *2016-03-05 00:08:27 UTC* * d7914cdb14 Merge pull request `#31687`_ from cachedout/rm_gpg_test * 8b00513ebb Removed useless tests * **ISSUE** `#31619`_: (`alexxannar`_) 2015.8.7 pkg.installed problem with version parameter (refs: `#31660`_) * **PR** `#31660`_: (`terminalmage`_) Remove epoch from version string if present when installing with yum @ *2016-03-04 20:49:23 UTC* * bd4d12a155 Merge pull request `#31660`_ from terminalmage/issue31619 * da954d7b92 Add integration test for packages with epoch in version * 4fa7e4defe Move epoch removal * 290192af56 Remove epoch from version string if present when installing with yum * **PR** `#31683`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#31578`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-03-04 20:47:41 UTC* * **PR** `#31578`_: (`anlutro`_) Allow queueing of state runs through saltmod (refs: `#31683`_) * e33c1f456a Merge pull request `#31683`_ from rallytime/bp-31578 * 8fe46789b7 allow queueing of state runs through saltmod * **ISSUE** `#31671`_: (`guettli`_) Word "Job Cache" does not match (refs: `#31682`_) * **PR** `#31682`_: (`cachedout`_) Add definition of job cache to glossary @ *2016-03-04 20:07:19 UTC* * 27f443895d Merge pull request `#31682`_ from cachedout/cache_meaning * a75e146125 Add definition of job cache to glossary * **PR** `#31658`_: (`rallytime`_) Add mentioned of Salt's Coding Style docs to the Contributing docs @ *2016-03-03 22:14:57 UTC* * bd04c964d1 Merge pull request `#31658`_ from rallytime/add-style-to-contrib * 6b526b5878 Add mentioned of Salt's Coding Style docs to the Contributing docs * **ISSUE** `#21932`_: (`clinta`_) Salt Coding Style docs should list requirements for salt pylintrc (refs: `#31655`_) * **PR** `#31655`_: (`rallytime`_) Make note of pylint dependencies in docs @ *2016-03-03 18:37:06 UTC* * 10658dffe6 Merge pull request `#31655`_ from rallytime/pylint-docs * 6e0377d376 Make note of pylint dependencies in docs * **PR** `#31440`_: (`cachedout`_) Set correct type for master_tops config value @ *2016-03-02 21:17:14 UTC* * 6075774a01 Merge pull request `#31440`_ from cachedout/master_tops_type * f49cc75049 Set correct type for master_tops config value * **ISSUE** `#31614`_: (`frizzby`_) salt.utils.http.query() implementation contradicts it's documentation. decode arg (refs: `#31622`_) * **PR** `#31622`_: (`jfindlay`_) doc/topics/tutorials/http: update query decoding docs @ *2016-03-02 18:23:44 UTC* * 6d31b8918f Merge pull request `#31622`_ from jfindlay/query_doc * 4e48fec806 doc/topics/tutorials/http: update query decoding docs * **PR** `#31558`_: (`cachedout`_) Don't stacktrace if ssh binary is not installed with salt-ssh @ *2016-02-29 22:15:44 UTC* * dbf6e0786c Merge pull request `#31558`_ from cachedout/ensure_ssh_installed * cecc6e0a5f Don't stacktrace if ssh binary is not installed with salt-ssh * **PR** `#31521`_: (`terminalmage`_) salt-ssh: Fix race condition when caching files to build the thin tarball @ *2016-02-29 15:32:22 UTC* * 060a60fd90 Merge pull request `#31521`_ from terminalmage/issue24753 * 0d352bbc16 Add fileclient tests * d9370a8041 Update cp module salt-ssh wrapper to use new cachedir param * 0320494b1d Update the SSH state module wrappers to pass an alternate cachedir * 65bdcb3afa Accept and pass through the alternate cachedir when prepping the thin tar * c3f7a2f2e5 Add ability to specify an alternate base dir for file caching * **PR** `#31497`_: (`rallytime`_) Remove duplicate "timeout" definition in Roster docs @ *2016-02-26 15:01:30 UTC* * 92f8f89218 Merge pull request `#31497`_ from rallytime/remove-timeout-dup * 83e6480d20 Remove duplicate "timeout" definition in Roster docs * **PR** `#31472`_: (`rallytime`_) Update contributing docs @ *2016-02-25 16:05:59 UTC* * da001bcb49 Merge pull request `#31472`_ from rallytime/update-contributing-docs * 5871e4d1e0 Update contributing docs * **ISSUE** `#30183`_: (`jakehilton`_) Minion startup extremely delayed when first master in failover multi master setup is down (refs: `#31382`_) * **PR** `#31461`_: (`DmitryKuzmenko`_) Set auth retry count to 0 if multimaster mode is failover. @ *2016-02-24 17:15:30 UTC* * **PR** `#31382`_: (`DmitryKuzmenko`_) Set auth retry count to 0 if multimaster mode is failover (refs: `#31461`_) * f35e2dd1d3 Merge pull request `#31461`_ from DSRCompany/issues/30183_fix_multimaster_failover_2015.5 * 3d09c3b7a3 Set auth retry count to 0 if multimaster mode is failover. * **ISSUE** `#31356`_: (`sastorsl`_) file.copy module with recurse=true and non-existing src dir does not fail and resets dst dir permissions (refs: `#31442`_) * **PR** `#31442`_: (`sastorsl`_) Add os.path.exists(src) to file.py, def copy @ *2016-02-23 23:40:03 UTC* * 26733ce988 Merge pull request `#31442`_ from sastorsl/salt-modules-file.py-copy-check-src * 0a4132866d removed lint in the exception string * f8b5d498c3 Add os.path.exists(src) to file.py, def copy * **ISSUE** `#30739`_: (`paclat`_) manage.present does not work when minion is using localhost (refs: `#31441`_) * **PR** `#31441`_: (`cachedout`_) Include localhost minions in presence detection for runner @ *2016-02-23 23:36:59 UTC* * e480727d27 Merge pull request `#31441`_ from cachedout/issue_30739 * ffcfad1570 Include localhost minions in presence detection for runner * **PR** `#31416`_: (`carlwgeorge`_) selinux module documentation fix @ *2016-02-22 21:49:28 UTC* * 91ff95f093 Merge pull request `#31416`_ from carlwgeorge/selinux_doc_fix * 0e6846d72e selinux module documentation fix * **PR** `#31336`_: (`terminalmage`_) Improve config validation logging @ *2016-02-22 19:34:24 UTC* * 7d01979898 Merge pull request `#31336`_ from terminalmage/config-validation-logging * 795008bad1 Improve config validation logging * **ISSUE** `#31369`_: (`sjorge`_) illumos/solaris/smartos display compacted hwaddrs (refs: `#31374`_) * **PR** `#31374`_: (`sjorge`_) fix for `#31369`_ @ *2016-02-22 16:22:21 UTC* * fed096a29d Merge pull request `#31374`_ from sjorge/solarish_hwaddr * bdf2576dfb missed a .format and messed up the join * bbd2fdc96d fix for illumos/solaris hwaddr * **PR** `#31339`_: (`jacobhammons`_) changed latest release to 2015.8.7 @ *2016-02-19 00:30:24 UTC* * 6ee17f905b Merge pull request `#31339`_ from jacobhammons/dot7prev * 07120a8d48 changed latest release to 2015.8.7 * **PR** `#31288`_: (`notpeter`_) Improve salt.states.ssh_known_hosts documentation. @ *2016-02-17 22:09:18 UTC* * cd3400e67e Merge pull request `#31288`_ from notpeter/ssh_known_hosts_docs * 3f573d89a2 Improve salt.states.ssh_known_hosts documentation. * **PR** `#31183`_: (`heyfife`_) Fixed named external_ip reservation/re-use code in gce driver. @ *2016-02-17 19:02:27 UTC* * 875d9925fa Merge pull request `#31183`_ from heyfife/fix-gce-named-static-ip-reservation * 26774e2323 Fixed named external_ip reservation/re-use code. * **ISSUE** `#31001`_: (`toanju`_) Fedora 23 check installed packages fails (refs: `#31032`_) * **PR** `#31032`_: (`terminalmage`_) (2015.5 branch) yumpkg: ensure that dnf-plugins-core >= 0.1.15 is installed @ *2016-02-17 19:02:03 UTC* * e56c402c0c Merge pull request `#31032`_ from terminalmage/issue31001 * 42daea4509 yumpkg.py: Remove repoquery usage everywhere but check_db * 50befbc149 backport salt.utils.pkg.rpm to 2015.5 * a1ad14994a Move salt.utils.itersplit() to salt.utils.itertools.split() * 5b8646ce64 Ignore failure to install new enough dnf-plugins-core * defe0859fd Ensure that dnf-plugins-core 0.1.15 is installed * **ISSUE** `#31174`_: (`sjorge`_) salt.states.archive.extacted displays incorrect message: (refs: `#31176`_) * **PR** `#31264`_: (`sjorge`_) fix if_missing gets appended to dirs list, take III @ *2016-02-17 17:12:25 UTC* * **PR** `#31250`_: (`sjorge`_) if_missing append to array as far back as 2014.1 (refs: `#31264`_) * **PR** `#31176`_: (`sjorge`_) if_missing incorrected appended to directories_created (refs: `#31250`_, `#31264`_) * cec69b74f0 Merge pull request `#31264`_ from sjorge/if_missing-155-fix * 545edbf5e1 fix if_missing gets appended to dirs list, take III * **PR** `#31110`_: (`cachedout`_) Fixup 30730 @ *2016-02-10 21:37:55 UTC* * fa3f474de9 Merge pull request `#31110`_ from cachedout/fixup_30730 * 5bf5848e04 Fixup unit test * f558f68e0a Fixes pylint warnings * 56a975ec43 Attempt to fix pylint warnings * 55d71be057 Make documentation and code examples consistent with code * 1f04fed6f8 Change parameter name from includes to skips * ccf5e13e7d Adding support for skipHidden in SetInclude * 4f2d4af2e7 Variable names standardization * f5917ac1e8 Fixes typo * 26e5236073 Invert RebootRequired logic * 8065a7abf6 Add basic documentation and define how the skips parameter works. * 389fea7508 Change parameter name from includes to skips * 30e1fef906 Adding support for skipHidden in SetInclude * 1244eea5be Variable names standardization, consistent if/else logic with states.win_update * **ISSUE** `#30900`_: (`mchugh19`_) modules/qemu_nbd.py assumes versions of utilities that don't exist on ubuntu (refs: `#30949`_) * **PR** `#30974`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#30949`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-02-08 16:38:46 UTC* * **PR** `#30949`_: (`techhat`_) Replace cfdisk with sfdisk (refs: `#30974`_) * 1c699a1664 Merge pull request `#30974`_ from rallytime/bp-30949 * ff6542f593 Replace cfdisk with sfdisk * **ISSUE** `#28951`_: (`ClaudiuPID`_) CloudLinux 7 changes (refs: `#30897`_) * **PR** `#30942`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#30897`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-02-05 19:00:55 UTC* * **PR** `#30897`_: (`mtorromeo`_) Only remove the word linux from distroname when its not part of the name (refs: `#30942`_) * c7f87cc371 Merge pull request `#30942`_ from rallytime/bp-30897 * 885e00ba54 Only remove the word linux from distroname when its not part of the name * **PR** `#30922`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Rev latest version to 2015.8.5 @ *2016-02-05 01:20:27 UTC* * 35b7f62669 Merge pull request `#30922`_ from jacobhammons/prev-rel-notes * 57c1ec637a Rev latest version to 2015.8.5 * **ISSUE** `#30840`_: (`HeathNaylor`_) Generic Error for SALT.STATES.BOTO_ELB (refs: `#30865`_) * **PR** `#30865`_: (`abednarik`_) Better boto elb error message. @ *2016-02-04 21:02:05 UTC* * 2488bb902e Merge pull request `#30865`_ from abednarik/better_boto_elb_error * 3561e8c19b Better boto elb error message. * **PR** `#30831`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Updated readme @ *2016-02-02 21:06:02 UTC* * 4da04f82c8 Merge pull request `#30831`_ from jacobhammons/readme-update * 01a92f5d98 Updated readme * **PR** `#30829`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Updated latest version to 2015.8.4 @ *2016-02-02 20:06:13 UTC* * 90c1ea9f6c Merge pull request `#30829`_ from jacobhammons/release-2015.5 * c95bb60148 Version to 2015.8.4 * **ISSUE** `#24575`_: (`BrandKNY`_) raid.present inside mdadm.py triggers IndexError: list index out of range (refs: `#30784`_) * **ISSUE** `#23694`_: (`gmolight`_) mdadm.py module (refs: `#30784`_) * **PR** `#30784`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#24952`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-02-01 21:43:01 UTC* * **PR** `#24952`_: (`pcn`_) Don't split the string on a single line (refs: `#30784`_) * 80a36793cb Merge pull request `#30784`_ from rallytime/bp-24952 * a07908bdea Don't split the string on a single line * **ISSUE** `#30560`_: (`terminalmage`_) yumpkg.py: pkg.unhold fails in yum (refs: `#30764`_) * **PR** `#30764`_: (`terminalmage`_) Work around yum versionlock's inability to remove holds by package name alone @ *2016-02-01 18:14:27 UTC* * e978f5392f Merge pull request `#30764`_ from terminalmage/issue30560 * 39736afcd7 Work around yum versionlock's inability to remove holds by package name alone * **PR** `#30760`_: (`toanju`_) Changed output format of arp_ip_target from list to comma delimited... @ *2016-01-31 19:05:02 UTC* * **PR** `#27952`_: (`tomwalsh`_) Corrected format of arp_ip_target in network config files and modprobe files (refs: `#30760`_) * 6f565c0d76 Merge pull request `#30760`_ from toanju/2015.5 * dc4256f7df Changed output format of arp_ip_target from list to comma delimited string * **ISSUE** `#30722`_: (`yannis666`_) mine config is not merged from minion config and pillar (refs: `#30757`_) * **PR** `#30757`_: (`yannis666`_) Fix to mine update to merge configuration @ *2016-01-31 19:02:44 UTC* * 1c205b4898 Merge pull request `#30757`_ from yannis666/fix-for-mine-update-merge * 61bb23e256 Fix to mine update to merge configuration * **ISSUE** `#28751`_: (`olfway`_) network.system state ignores test=True on debian/ubuntu (refs: `#30749`_) * **PR** `#30749`_: (`abednarik`_) Fix Netwotk hostname Module in Debian systems. @ *2016-01-29 23:01:09 UTC* * f9fde8f6a7 Merge pull request `#30749`_ from abednarik/fix_network_system_test * 1e9e97df59 Fix Netwotk hostname Module in Debian systems. * **ISSUE** `#28438`_: (`vakulich`_) Master failed to save job cache file: "Could not write job invocation cache file: [Errno 2] No such file or directory" (refs: `#30699`_) * **PR** `#30699`_: (`abednarik`_) Add Retry to save_load. @ *2016-01-29 16:08:30 UTC* * 076268089a Merge pull request `#30699`_ from abednarik/save_load_retry_time * 186872cf49 Add Retry to save_load. * **ISSUE** `#30565`_: (`heaje`_) scsi.ls fails to run both on CentOS 6 and CentOS 7 (refs: `#30659`_) * **PR** `#30659`_: (`sjmh`_) Fix lsscsi issues for certain platforms @ *2016-01-28 15:53:38 UTC* * 8d79d1b9c7 Merge pull request `#30659`_ from sjmh/fix-scsi * 3544dd995e Fix lsscsi issues for certain platforms * **ISSUE** `#18980`_: (`lrhazi`_) salt-cloud: ExtraData: unpack(b) received extra data. (refs: `#30671`_) * **PR** `#30671`_: (`techhat`_) Add file locking to cloud index @ *2016-01-27 17:14:55 UTC* * 516919525a Merge pull request `#30671`_ from techhat/lockcloud * 4719f8d4ea Whitespace * 8e7eca23e4 Add file locking to cloud index * **ISSUE** `#28320`_: (`Grokzen`_) file.comment & file.uncomment changes file permissions on edit (refs: `#30586`_) * **PR** `#30586`_: (`abednarik`_) Fix comment_line permissions. @ *2016-01-25 23:24:02 UTC* * 643c9c9616 Merge pull request `#30586`_ from abednarik/fix_comment_line_perms * 8b395a42cb Fix comment_line permissions. * **PR** `#30582`_: (`terminalmage`_) yumpkg.check_db: run separate repoquery commands when multiple names passed @ *2016-01-24 17:15:04 UTC* * a823e21428 Merge pull request `#30582`_ from terminalmage/dnf-repoquery-multiple-targets * 410da789f9 yumpkg.check_db: run separate repoquery commands when multiple names passed * **PR** `#30548`_: (`jacobhammons`_) Added placeholder release notes for 2015.5.10 @ *2016-01-22 18:36:01 UTC* * 8e56be7f4c Merge pull request `#30548`_ from jacobhammons/doc-fixes * 03c51bb54d Added placeholder release notes for 2015.5.10 Changed old doc links from docs.saltstack.org to docs.saltstack.com * **PR** `#30530`_: (`terminalmage`_) 2015.5 tweaks from `#30529`_ @ *2016-01-22 16:26:21 UTC* * **PR** `#30529`_: (`terminalmage`_) Merge 2015.5 into 2015.8 (refs: `#30530`_) * 1aafd4c5b5 Merge pull request `#30530`_ from terminalmage/yumpkg-dnf-cleanup * 2586f71bcf 2015.5 tweaks from `#30529`_ * **ISSUE** `#23553`_: (`aboe76`_) dnf a new package provider for fedora 22 (refs: `#30484`_) * **PR** `#30484`_: (`terminalmage`_) Backport DNF support to 2015.5 branch @ *2016-01-21 22:14:46 UTC* * 7798d42272 Merge pull request `#30484`_ from terminalmage/dnf-yumpkg-2015.5 * 330e26d1da Hide get_locked_packages * 5a637420e8 Backport DNF support to 2015.5 branch * **PR** `#30512`_: (`jfindlay`_) disable pkgrepo test for ubuntu 15.10+ @ *2016-01-21 21:32:58 UTC* * b348f804b1 Merge pull request `#30512`_ from jfindlay/repo_test * 66f06f2bd3 disable pkgrepo test for ubuntu 15.10+ * **PR** `#30478`_: (`justinta`_) Updated pip_state to work with pip 8.0 @ *2016-01-21 16:02:41 UTC* * a9348dfef8 Merge pull request `#30478`_ from jtand/pip_8_update * 6227368830 Convert version to int, instead of comparing strings to ints * 20384a4810 Added InstallationError to except block * baa274bca9 Updated pip_state to work with pip 8.0 * **ISSUE** `#30465`_: (`alandrees`_) Nested imports with pyobjects (refs: `#30482`_) * **PR** `#30482`_: (`borgstrom`_) Pyobjects recursive import support (for 2015.5) @ *2016-01-21 15:54:32 UTC* * a30147c64f Merge pull request `#30482`_ from borgstrom/pyobjects_recursive * 2c55a7580b Fixup lint errors * b46df0e4b5 Allow recursive salt:// imports * 51bfa16173 Add test to prove that recursive imports are currently broken * **PR** `#30459`_: (`jfindlay`_) modules.pkg: disable repo int test for ubuntu 15.10 @ *2016-01-20 16:41:12 UTC* * 5c7cc51937 Merge pull request `#30459`_ from jfindlay/pkg_tests * fb9972f590 modules.pkg: disable repo int test for ubuntu 15.10 * **PR** `#30443`_: (`justinta`_) Boto uses False for is_default instead of None @ *2016-01-19 18:28:08 UTC* * dd2ceb4c07 Merge pull request `#30443`_ from jtand/boto_vpc_5 * 2f77152479 Boto uses False for is_default instead of None * **ISSUE** `#26833`_: (`twangboy`_) salt-cloud fails to spin up windows minion on 2015.8 Head (refs: `#26853`_) * **ISSUE** `#21256`_: (`dhs-rec`_) win.exe package for RH 6 (refs: `#26853`_) * **PR** `#30420`_: (`attiasr`_) Backport `#26853`_ @ *2016-01-19 17:33:58 UTC* * **PR** `#26853`_: (`UtahDave`_) Fix salt-cloud on windows (refs: `#30420`_) * 62d9dddced Merge pull request `#30420`_ from attiasr/patch-1 * 4de343c5a1 Backport `#26853`_ * **ISSUE** `#30341`_: (`dnd`_) salt-cloud linode connection reset by peer (refs: `#30364`_) * **PR** `#30364`_: (`rallytime`_) Add TLS version imports and add linode driver documentation notices @ *2016-01-14 19:04:47 UTC* * 5a923b3aa9 Merge pull request `#30364`_ from rallytime/fix-30341 * 79bcf151cb Add TLS version imports and add linode driver documentation notices * **ISSUE** `#28822`_: (`HerrBerg`_) saltenv url-parameter not working in file.managed for salt:// sources since 2015.8 (refs: `#30166`_) * **PR** `#30184`_: (`rallytime`_) Back-port `#30166`_ to 2015.5 @ *2016-01-13 18:27:36 UTC* * **PR** `#30166`_: (`robgott`_) adding split_env call to cp.hash_file to pick up saltenv in file quer… (refs: `#30184`_) * f037fd9c27 Merge pull request `#30184`_ from rallytime/bp-30166 * fa6b1b3022 adding split_env call to cp.hash_file to pick up saltenv in file query parameter * **PR** `#30291`_: (`thegoodduke`_) ipset: fix test=true & add comment for every entry @ *2016-01-12 19:40:23 UTC* * **PR** `#30170`_: (`thegoodduke`_) ipset: fix comment and test (refs: `#30291`_) * 1d8413fd2f Merge pull request `#30291`_ from thegoodduke/for_fix_ipset * 62d6ccf561 ipset: fix test=true & add comment for every entry .. _`#11497`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/11497 .. _`#1409`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/1409 .. _`#14`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/14 .. _`#18980`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/18980 .. _`#19659`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/19659 .. _`#21256`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/21256 .. _`#21932`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/21932 .. _`#22580`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/22580 .. _`#23553`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/23553 .. _`#23643`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/23643 .. _`#23694`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/23694 .. _`#23714`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/23714 .. _`#24575`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/24575 .. _`#24952`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/24952 .. _`#26162`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/issues/26162 .. _`#26170`: https://github.com/saltstack/salt/pull/26170 .. _`#26574`: 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