.. _salt-cloud-config: ================== Core Configuration ================== A number of core configuration options and some options that are global to the VM profiles can be set in the cloud configuration file. By default this file is located at ``/etc/salt/cloud``. Thread Pool Size ================ When salt cloud is operating in parallel mode via the ``-P`` argument, you can control the thread pool size by specifying the ``pool_size`` parameter with a positive integer value. By default, the thread pool size will be set to the number of VMs that salt cloud is operating on. .. code-block:: yaml pool_size: 10 Minion Configuration ==================== The default minion configuration is set up in this file. Minions created by salt-cloud derive their configuration from this file. Almost all parameters found in :ref:`Configuring the Salt Minion ` can be used here. .. code-block:: yaml minion: master: saltmaster.example.com In particular, this is the location to specify the location of the salt master and its listening port, if the port is not set to the default. Similar to most other settings, Minion configuration settings are inherited across configuration files. For example, the master setting might be contained in the main ``cloud`` configuration file as demonstrated above, but additional settings can be placed in the provider, profile or map configuration files: .. code-block:: yaml ec2-web: size: t1.micro minion: environment: test startup_states: sls sls_list: - web When salt cloud creates a new minion, it can automatically add grain information to the minion configuration file identifying the sources originally used to define it. The generated grain information will appear similar to: .. code-block:: yaml grains: salt-cloud: driver: ec2 provider: my_ec2:ec2 profile: ec2-web The generation of the salt-cloud grain can be suppressed by the option ``enable_cloud_grains: 'False'`` in the cloud configuration file. Cloud Configuration Syntax ========================== The data specific to interacting with public clouds is set up :ref:`here `. Cloud provider configuration settings can live in several places. The first is in ``/etc/salt/cloud``: .. code-block:: yaml # /etc/salt/cloud providers: my-aws-migrated-config: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem driver: ec2 Cloud provider configuration data can also be housed in ``/etc/salt/cloud.providers`` or any file matching ``/etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf``. All files in any of these locations will be parsed for cloud provider data. Using the example configuration above: .. code-block:: yaml # /etc/salt/cloud.providers # or could be /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf my-aws-config: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem driver: ec2 .. note:: Salt Cloud provider configurations within ``/etc/cloud.provider.d/`` should not specify the ``providers`` starting key. It is also possible to have multiple cloud configuration blocks within the same alias block. For example: .. code-block:: yaml production-config: - id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem driver: ec2 - user: example_user apikey: 123984bjjas87034 driver: rackspace However, using this configuration method requires a change with profile configuration blocks. The provider alias needs to have the provider key value appended as in the following example: .. code-block:: yaml rhel_aws_dev: provider: production-config:ec2 image: ami-e565ba8c size: t1.micro rhel_aws_prod: provider: production-config:ec2 image: ami-e565ba8c size: High-CPU Extra Large Instance database_prod: provider: production-config:rackspace image: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS size: 256 server Notice that because of the multiple entries, one has to be explicit about the provider alias and name, from the above example, ``production-config: ec2``. This data interactions with the ``salt-cloud`` binary regarding its ``--list-location``, ``--list-images``, and ``--list-sizes`` which needs a cloud provider as an argument. The argument used should be the configured cloud provider alias. If the provider alias has multiple entries, ``: `` should be used. To allow for a more extensible configuration, ``--providers-config``, which defaults to ``/etc/salt/cloud.providers``, was added to the cli parser. It allows for the providers' configuration to be added on a per-file basis. Pillar Configuration ==================== It is possible to configure cloud providers using pillars. This is only used when inside the cloud module. You can setup a variable called ``cloud`` that contains your profile, provider, and map to pass that information to the cloud servers instead of having to copy the full configuration to every minion. In your pillar file, you would use something like this: .. code-block:: yaml cloud: ssh_key_name: saltstack ssh_key_file: /root/.ssh/id_rsa update_cachedir: True diff_cache_events: True providers: my-openstack: driver: openstack region_name: ORD cloud: mycloud profiles: ubuntu-openstack: provider: my-openstack size: ds512M image: CentOS 7 script_args: git develop maps: my-dev-map: ubuntu-openstack: - dev-test01 - dev-test02 - dev-test03 - dev-test04 my-prd-map: ubuntu-openstack: - prd-web01 - prd-web02 minion: id: custom-minion-id-app1-stack1-frontend grains: roles: - webserver deployment: datacenter4-openstack - prod-db01 - prod-db02 Cloud Configurations ==================== Scaleway -------- To use Salt Cloud with Scaleway, you need to get an ``access key`` and an ``API token``. ``API tokens`` are unique identifiers associated with your Scaleway account. To retrieve your ``access key`` and ``API token``, log-in to the Scaleway control panel, open the pull-down menu on your account name and click on "My Credentials" link. If you do not have ``API token`` you can create one by clicking the "Create New Token" button on the right corner. .. code-block:: yaml my-scaleway-config: access_key: 15cf404d-4560-41b1-9a0c-21c3d5c4ff1f token: a7347ec8-5de1-4024-a5e3-24b77d1ba91d driver: scaleway .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-scaleway-config``. Rackspace --------- Rackspace cloud requires two configuration options; a ``user`` and an ``apikey``: .. code-block:: yaml my-rackspace-config: user: example_user apikey: 123984bjjas87034 driver: rackspace .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-rackspace-config``. Amazon AWS ---------- A number of configuration options are required for Amazon AWS including ``id``, ``key``, ``keyname``, ``securitygroup``, and ``private_key``: .. code-block:: yaml my-aws-quick-start: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem driver: ec2 my-aws-default: id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: default private_key: /root/test.pem driver: ec2 .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be either ``provider: my-aws-quick-start`` or ``provider: my-aws-default``. Linode ------ Linode requires a single API key, but the default root password also needs to be set: .. code-block:: yaml my-linode-config: apikey: asldkgfakl;sdfjsjaslfjaklsdjf;askldjfaaklsjdfhasldsadfghdkf password: F00barbaz ssh_pubkey: ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIKHEOLLbeXgaqRQT9NBAopVz366SdYc0KKX33vAnq+2R user@host ssh_key_file: ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 driver: linode The password needs to be 8 characters and contain lowercase, uppercase, and numbers. .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-linode-config`` Joyent Cloud ------------ The Joyent cloud requires three configuration parameters: The username and password that are used to log into the Joyent system, as well as the location of the private SSH key associated with the Joyent account. The SSH key is needed to send the provisioning commands up to the freshly created virtual machine. .. code-block:: yaml my-joyent-config: user: fred password: saltybacon private_key: /root/joyent.pem driver: joyent .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-joyent-config`` GoGrid ------ To use Salt Cloud with GoGrid, log into the GoGrid web interface and create an API key. Do this by clicking on "My Account" and then going to the API Keys tab. The ``apikey`` and the ``sharedsecret`` configuration parameters need to be set in the configuration file to enable interfacing with GoGrid: .. code-block:: yaml my-gogrid-config: apikey: asdff7896asdh789 sharedsecret: saltybacon driver: gogrid .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-gogrid-config``. OpenStack --------- Using Salt for OpenStack uses the `shade ` driver managed by the openstack-infra team. This driver can be configured using the ``/etc/openstack/clouds.yml`` file with `os-client-config ` .. code-block:: yaml myopenstack: driver: openstack region_name: RegionOne cloud: mycloud Or by just configuring the same auth block directly in the cloud provider config. .. code-block:: yaml myopenstack: driver: openstack region_name: RegionOne auth: username: 'demo' password: secret project_name: 'demo' auth_url: 'http://openstack/identity' Both of these methods support using the `vendor ` options. For more information, look at :mod:`Openstack Cloud Driver Docs ` DigitalOcean ------------ Using Salt for DigitalOcean requires a ``client_key`` and an ``api_key``. These can be found in the DigitalOcean web interface, in the "My Settings" section, under the API Access tab. .. code-block:: yaml my-digitalocean-config: driver: digitalocean personal_access_token: xxx location: New York 1 .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-digital-ocean-config``. Parallels --------- Using Salt with Parallels requires a ``user``, ``password`` and ``URL``. These can be obtained from your cloud provider. .. code-block:: yaml my-parallels-config: user: myuser password: xyzzy url: https://api.cloud.xmission.com:4465/paci/v1.0/ driver: parallels .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-parallels-config``. Proxmox ------- Using Salt with Proxmox requires a ``user``, ``password``, and ``URL``. These can be obtained from your cloud host. Both PAM and PVE users can be used. .. code-block:: yaml my-proxmox-config: driver: proxmox user: saltcloud@pve password: xyzzy url: your.proxmox.host .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: my-proxmox-config``. LXC --- The lxc driver uses saltify to install salt and attach the lxc container as a new lxc minion. As soon as we can, we manage baremetal operation over SSH. You can also destroy those containers via this driver. .. code-block:: yaml devhost10-lxc: target: devhost10 driver: lxc And in the map file: .. code-block:: yaml devhost10-lxc: provider: devhost10-lxc from_container: ubuntu backing: lvm sudo: True size: 3g ip: minion: master: master_port: 4506 lxc_conf: - lxc.utsname: superlxc .. note:: In the cloud profile that uses this provider configuration, the syntax for the ``provider`` required field would be ``provider: devhost10-lxc``. .. _config_saltify: Saltify ------- The Saltify driver is a new, experimental driver designed to install Salt on a remote machine, virtual or bare metal, using SSH. This driver is useful for provisioning machines which are already installed, but not Salted. For more information about using this driver and for configuration examples, please see the :ref:`Getting Started with Saltify ` documentation. .. _config_vagrant: Vagrant ------- The Vagrant driver is a new, experimental driver for controlling a VagrantBox virtual machine, and installing Salt on it. The target host machine must be a working salt minion, which is controlled via the salt master using salt-api. For more information, see :ref:`Getting Started With Vagrant `. Extending Profiles and Cloud Providers Configuration ==================================================== As of 0.8.7, the option to extend both the profiles and cloud providers configuration and avoid duplication was added. The extends feature works on the current profiles configuration, but, regarding the cloud providers configuration, **only** works in the new syntax and respective configuration files, i.e. ``/etc/salt/salt/cloud.providers`` or ``/etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/*.conf``. .. note:: Extending cloud profiles and providers is not recursive. For example, a profile that is extended by a second profile is possible, but the second profile cannot be extended by a third profile. Also, if a profile (or provider) is extending another profile and each contains a list of values, the lists from the extending profile will override the list from the original profile. The lists are not merged together. Extending Profiles ------------------ Some example usage on how to use ``extends`` with profiles. Consider ``/etc/salt/salt/cloud.profiles`` containing: .. code-block:: yaml development-instances: provider: my-ec2-config size: t1.micro ssh_username: ec2_user securitygroup: - default deploy: False Amazon-Linux-AMI-2012.09-64bit: image: ami-54cf5c3d extends: development-instances Fedora-17: image: ami-08d97e61 extends: development-instances CentOS-5: provider: my-aws-config image: ami-09b61d60 extends: development-instances The above configuration, once parsed would generate the following profiles data: .. code-block:: python [ { "deploy": False, "image": "ami-08d97e61", "profile": "Fedora-17", "provider": "my-ec2-config", "securitygroup": ["default"], "size": "t1.micro", "ssh_username": "ec2_user", }, { "deploy": False, "image": "ami-09b61d60", "profile": "CentOS-5", "provider": "my-aws-config", "securitygroup": ["default"], "size": "t1.micro", "ssh_username": "ec2_user", }, { "deploy": False, "image": "ami-54cf5c3d", "profile": "Amazon-Linux-AMI-2012.09-64bit", "provider": "my-ec2-config", "securitygroup": ["default"], "size": "t1.micro", "ssh_username": "ec2_user", }, { "deploy": False, "profile": "development-instances", "provider": "my-ec2-config", "securitygroup": ["default"], "size": "t1.micro", "ssh_username": "ec2_user", }, ] Pretty cool right? Extending Providers ------------------- Some example usage on how to use ``extends`` within the cloud providers configuration. Consider ``/etc/salt/salt/cloud.providers`` containing: .. code-block:: yaml my-develop-envs: - id: HJGRYCILJLKJYG key: 'kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn' keyname: test securitygroup: quick-start private_key: /root/test.pem location: ap-southeast-1 availability_zone: ap-southeast-1b driver: ec2 - user: myuser@mycorp.com password: mypass ssh_key_name: mykey ssh_key_file: '/etc/salt/ibm/mykey.pem' location: Raleigh driver: ibmsce my-productions-envs: - extends: my-develop-envs:ibmsce user: my-production-user@mycorp.com location: us-east-1 availability_zone: us-east-1 The above configuration, once parsed would generate the following providers data: .. code-block:: python { "providers": { "my-develop-envs": [ { "availability_zone": "ap-southeast-1b", "id": "HJGRYCILJLKJYG", "key": "kdjgfsgm;woormgl/aserigjksjdhasdfgn", "keyname": "test", "location": "ap-southeast-1", "private_key": "/root/test.pem", "driver": "aws", "securitygroup": "quick-start", }, { "location": "Raleigh", "password": "mypass", "driver": "ibmsce", "ssh_key_file": "/etc/salt/ibm/mykey.pem", "ssh_key_name": "mykey", "user": "myuser@mycorp.com", }, ], "my-productions-envs": [ { "availability_zone": "us-east-1", "location": "us-east-1", "password": "mypass", "driver": "ibmsce", "ssh_key_file": "/etc/salt/ibm/mykey.pem", "ssh_key_name": "mykey", "user": "my-production-user@mycorp.com", } ], } }