# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Base classes for gitfs/git_pillar integration tests ''' # Import python libs from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals import copy import errno import logging import os import psutil import shutil import signal import tempfile import textwrap import time # Import Salt libs import salt.utils.files import salt.utils.path import salt.utils.yaml from salt.fileserver import gitfs from salt.pillar import git_pillar from salt.ext.six.moves import range # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin # Import Salt Testing libs from tests.support.case import ModuleCase from tests.support.mixins import LoaderModuleMockMixin, SaltReturnAssertsMixin from tests.support.paths import TMP from tests.support.helpers import ( get_unused_localhost_port, requires_system_grains, ) from tests.support.mock import patch log = logging.getLogger(__name__) USERNAME = 'gitpillaruser' PASSWORD = 'saltrules' _OPTS = { '__role': 'minion', 'environment': None, 'pillarenv': None, 'hash_type': 'sha256', 'file_roots': {}, 'state_top': 'top.sls', 'state_top_saltenv': None, 'renderer': 'yaml_jinja', 'renderer_whitelist': [], 'renderer_blacklist': [], 'pillar_merge_lists': False, 'git_pillar_base': 'master', 'git_pillar_branch': 'master', 'git_pillar_env': '', 'git_pillar_root': '', 'git_pillar_ssl_verify': True, 'git_pillar_global_lock': True, 'git_pillar_user': '', 'git_pillar_password': '', 'git_pillar_insecure_auth': False, 'git_pillar_privkey': '', 'git_pillar_pubkey': '', 'git_pillar_passphrase': '', 'git_pillar_refspecs': [ '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*', '+refs/tags/*:refs/tags/*', ], 'git_pillar_includes': True, } PROC_TIMEOUT = 10 NOTSET = object() class ProcessManager(object): ''' Functions used both to set up self-contained SSH/HTTP servers for testing ''' wait = 10 def find_proc(self, name=None, search=None): def _search(proc): return any([search in x for x in proc.cmdline()]) if name is None and search is None: raise ValueError('one of name or search is required') for proc in psutil.process_iter(): if name is not None: if search is None: if name in proc.name(): return proc elif name in proc.name() and _search(proc): return proc else: if _search(proc): return proc return None def wait_proc(self, name=None, search=None, timeout=PROC_TIMEOUT): for idx in range(1, self.wait + 1): proc = self.find_proc(name=name, search=search) if proc is not None: return proc else: if idx != self.wait: log.debug( 'Waiting for %s process (%d of %d)', name, idx, self.wait ) time.sleep(1) else: log.debug( 'Failed fo find %s process after %d seconds', name, self.wait ) raise Exception( 'Unable to find {0} process running from temp config file {1} ' 'using psutil'.format(name, search) ) class SSHDMixin(ModuleCase, ProcessManager, SaltReturnAssertsMixin): ''' Functions to stand up an SSHD server to serve up git repos for tests. ''' sshd_proc = None @classmethod def prep_server(cls): cls.sshd_config_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=TMP) cls.sshd_config = os.path.join(cls.sshd_config_dir, 'sshd_config') cls.sshd_port = get_unused_localhost_port() cls.url = 'ssh://{username}@{port}/~/repo.git'.format( username=cls.username, port=cls.sshd_port) cls.url_extra_repo = 'ssh://{username}@{port}/~/extra_repo.git'.format( username=cls.username, port=cls.sshd_port) home = '/root/.ssh' cls.ext_opts = { 'url': cls.url, 'url_extra_repo': cls.url_extra_repo, 'privkey_nopass': os.path.join(home, cls.id_rsa_nopass), 'pubkey_nopass': os.path.join(home, cls.id_rsa_nopass + '.pub'), 'privkey_withpass': os.path.join(home, cls.id_rsa_withpass), 'pubkey_withpass': os.path.join(home, cls.id_rsa_withpass + '.pub'), 'passphrase': cls.passphrase} def spawn_server(self): ret = self.run_function( 'state.apply', mods='git_pillar.ssh', pillar={'git_pillar': {'git_ssh': self.git_ssh, 'id_rsa_nopass': self.id_rsa_nopass, 'id_rsa_withpass': self.id_rsa_withpass, 'sshd_bin': self.sshd_bin, 'sshd_port': self.sshd_port, 'sshd_config_dir': self.sshd_config_dir, 'master_user': self.master_opts['user'], 'user': self.username}} ) try: self.sshd_proc = self.wait_proc(name='sshd', search=self.sshd_config) finally: # Do the assert after we check for the PID so that we can track # it regardless of whether or not something else in the SLS # failed (but the SSH server still started). self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) class WebserverMixin(ModuleCase, ProcessManager, SaltReturnAssertsMixin): ''' Functions to stand up an nginx + uWSGI + git-http-backend webserver to serve up git repos for tests. ''' nginx_proc = uwsgi_proc = None @classmethod def prep_server(cls): ''' Set up all the webserver paths. Designed to be run once in a setUpClass function. ''' cls.root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=TMP) cls.config_dir = os.path.join(cls.root_dir, 'config') cls.nginx_conf = os.path.join(cls.config_dir, 'nginx.conf') cls.uwsgi_conf = os.path.join(cls.config_dir, 'uwsgi.yml') cls.git_dir = os.path.join(cls.root_dir, 'git') cls.repo_dir = os.path.join(cls.git_dir, 'repos') cls.venv_dir = os.path.join(cls.root_dir, 'venv') cls.uwsgi_bin = os.path.join(cls.venv_dir, 'bin', 'uwsgi') cls.nginx_port = cls.uwsgi_port = get_unused_localhost_port() while cls.uwsgi_port == cls.nginx_port: # Ensure we don't hit a corner case in which two sucessive calls to # get_unused_localhost_port() return identical port numbers. cls.uwsgi_port = get_unused_localhost_port() cls.url = '{port}/repo.git'.format(port=cls.nginx_port) cls.url_extra_repo = '{port}/extra_repo.git'.format(port=cls.nginx_port) cls.ext_opts = {'url': cls.url, 'url_extra_repo': cls.url_extra_repo} # Add auth params if present (if so this will trigger the spawned # server to turn on HTTP basic auth). for credential_param in ('user', 'password'): if hasattr(cls, credential_param): cls.ext_opts[credential_param] = getattr(cls, credential_param) @requires_system_grains def spawn_server(self, grains): auth_enabled = hasattr(self, 'username') and hasattr(self, 'password') pillar = {'git_pillar': {'config_dir': self.config_dir, 'git_dir': self.git_dir, 'venv_dir': self.venv_dir, 'root_dir': self.root_dir, 'nginx_port': self.nginx_port, 'uwsgi_port': self.uwsgi_port, 'auth_enabled': auth_enabled}} # Different libexec dir for git backend on Debian-based systems git_core = '/usr/libexec/git-core' \ if grains['os_family'] in ('RedHat') \ else '/usr/lib/git-core' pillar['git_pillar']['git-http-backend'] = os.path.join( git_core, 'git-http-backend') ret = self.run_function( 'state.apply', mods='git_pillar.http', pillar=pillar) if not os.path.exists(pillar['git_pillar']['git-http-backend']): self.fail( '{0} not found. Either git is not installed, or the test ' 'class needs to be updated.'.format( pillar['git_pillar']['git-http-backend'] ) ) try: self.nginx_proc = self.wait_proc(name='nginx', search=self.nginx_conf) self.uwsgi_proc = self.wait_proc(name='uwsgi', search=self.uwsgi_conf) finally: # Do the assert after we check for the PID so that we can track # it regardless of whether or not something else in the SLS # failed (but the webserver still started). self.assertSaltTrueReturn(ret) class GitTestBase(ModuleCase): ''' Base class for all gitfs/git_pillar tests. Must be subclassed and paired with either SSHDMixin or WebserverMixin to provide the server. ''' case = port = bare_repo = base_extra_repo = admin_repo = admin_extra_repo = None maxDiff = None git_opts = '-c user.name="Foo Bar" -c user.email=foo@bar.com' ext_opts = {} # We need to temporarily skip pygit2 tests on EL7 until the EPEL packager # updates pygit2 to bring it up-to-date with libgit2. @requires_system_grains def is_el7(self, grains): return grains['os_family'] == 'RedHat' and grains['osmajorrelease'] == 7 # Cent OS 6 has too old a version of git to handle the make_repo code, as # it lacks the -c option for git itself. @requires_system_grains def is_pre_el7(self, grains): return grains['os_family'] == 'RedHat' and grains['osmajorrelease'] < 7 @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.prep_server() def setUp(self): # Make the test class available to the tearDownClass so we can clean up # after ourselves. This (and the gated block below) prevent us from # needing to spend the extra time creating an ssh server and user and # then tear them down separately for each test. self.update_class(self) if self.is_pre_el7(): # pylint: disable=E1120 self.skipTest( 'RHEL < 7 has too old a version of git to run these tests') @classmethod def update_class(cls, case): ''' Make the test class available to the tearDownClass. Note that this cannot be defined in a parent class and inherited, as this will cause the parent class to be modified. ''' if getattr(cls, 'case') is None: setattr(cls, 'case', case) def make_repo(self, root_dir, user='root'): raise NotImplementedError() class GitFSTestBase(GitTestBase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): ''' Base class for all gitfs tests ''' @requires_system_grains def setup_loader_modules(self, grains): # pylint: disable=W0221 return { gitfs: { '__opts__': copy.copy(_OPTS), '__grains__': grains, } } def make_repo(self, root_dir, user='root'): raise NotImplementedError() class GitPillarTestBase(GitTestBase, LoaderModuleMockMixin): ''' Base class for all git_pillar tests ''' @requires_system_grains def setup_loader_modules(self, grains): # pylint: disable=W0221 return { git_pillar: { '__opts__': copy.copy(_OPTS), '__grains__': grains, } } def get_pillar(self, ext_pillar_conf): ''' Run git_pillar with the specified configuration ''' cachedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=TMP) self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, cachedir, ignore_errors=True) ext_pillar_opts = {'optimization_order': [0, 1, 2]} ext_pillar_opts.update( salt.utils.yaml.safe_load( ext_pillar_conf.format( cachedir=cachedir, extmods=os.path.join(cachedir, 'extmods'), **self.ext_opts ) ) ) with patch.dict(git_pillar.__opts__, ext_pillar_opts): return git_pillar.ext_pillar( 'minion', {}, *ext_pillar_opts['ext_pillar'][0]['git'] ) def make_repo(self, root_dir, user='root'): self.bare_repo = os.path.join(root_dir, 'repo.git') self.admin_repo = os.path.join(root_dir, 'admin') for dirname in (self.bare_repo, self.admin_repo): shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True) # Create bare repo self.run_function( 'git.init', [self.bare_repo], user=user, bare=True) # Clone bare repo self.run_function( 'git.clone', [self.admin_repo], url=self.bare_repo, user=user) def _push(branch, message): self.run_function( 'git.add', [self.admin_repo, '.'], user=user) self.run_function( 'git.commit', [self.admin_repo, message], user=user, git_opts=self.git_opts, ) self.run_function( 'git.push', [self.admin_repo], remote='origin', ref=branch, user=user, ) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'top.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ base: '*': - foo ''')) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'foo.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ branch: master mylist: - master mydict: master: True nested_list: - master nested_dict: master: True ''')) # Add another file to be referenced using git_pillar_includes with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'bar.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write('included_pillar: True\n') # Add another file in subdir os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'subdir')) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'subdir', 'bar.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write('from_subdir: True\n') _push('master', 'initial commit') # Do the same with different values for "dev" branch self.run_function( 'git.checkout', [self.admin_repo], user=user, opts='-b dev') # The bar.sls shouldn't be in any branch but master self.run_function( 'git.rm', [self.admin_repo, 'bar.sls'], user=user) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'top.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ dev: '*': - foo ''')) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'foo.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ branch: dev mylist: - dev mydict: dev: True nested_list: - dev nested_dict: dev: True ''')) _push('dev', 'add dev branch') # Create just a top file in a separate repo, to be mapped to the base # env and referenced using git_pillar_includes self.run_function( 'git.checkout', [self.admin_repo], user=user, opts='-b top_only') # The top.sls should be the only file in this branch self.run_function( 'git.rm', [self.admin_repo, 'foo.sls', os.path.join('subdir', 'bar.sls')], user=user) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'top.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ base: '*': - bar ''')) _push('top_only', 'add top_only branch') # Create just another top file in a separate repo, to be mapped to the base # env and including mounted.bar self.run_function( 'git.checkout', [self.admin_repo], user=user, opts='-b top_mounted') # The top.sls should be the only file in this branch with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_repo, 'top.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ base: '*': - mounted.bar ''')) _push('top_mounted', 'add top_mounted branch') def make_extra_repo(self, root_dir, user='root'): self.bare_extra_repo = os.path.join(root_dir, 'extra_repo.git') self.admin_extra_repo = os.path.join(root_dir, 'admin_extra') for dirname in (self.bare_extra_repo, self.admin_extra_repo): shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True) # Create bare extra repo self.run_function( 'git.init', [self.bare_extra_repo], user=user, bare=True) # Clone bare repo self.run_function( 'git.clone', [self.admin_extra_repo], url=self.bare_extra_repo, user=user) def _push(branch, message): self.run_function( 'git.add', [self.admin_extra_repo, '.'], user=user) self.run_function( 'git.commit', [self.admin_extra_repo, message], user=user, git_opts=self.git_opts, ) self.run_function( 'git.push', [self.admin_extra_repo], remote='origin', ref=branch, user=user, ) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_extra_repo, 'top.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ "{{saltenv}}": '*': - motd - nowhere.foo ''')) with salt.utils.files.fopen( os.path.join(self.admin_extra_repo, 'motd.sls'), 'w') as fp_: fp_.write(textwrap.dedent('''\ motd: The force will be with you. Always. ''')) _push('master', 'initial commit') class GitPillarSSHTestBase(GitPillarTestBase, SSHDMixin): ''' Base class for GitPython and Pygit2 SSH tests ''' id_rsa_nopass = id_rsa_withpass = None git_ssh = '/tmp/git_ssh' @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): if cls.case is None: return if cls.case.sshd_proc is not None: cls.case.sshd_proc.send_signal(signal.SIGTERM) cls.case.run_state('user.absent', name=cls.username, purge=True) for dirname in (cls.sshd_config_dir, cls.case.admin_repo, cls.case.bare_repo): if dirname is not None: shutil.rmtree(dirname, ignore_errors=True) ssh_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh') for filename in (cls.id_rsa_nopass, cls.id_rsa_nopass + '.pub', cls.id_rsa_withpass, cls.id_rsa_withpass + '.pub', cls.git_ssh): try: os.remove(os.path.join(ssh_dir, filename)) except OSError as exc: if exc.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise def setUp(self): ''' Create the SSH server and user, and create the git repo ''' super(GitPillarSSHTestBase, self).setUp() self.sshd_proc = self.find_proc(name='sshd', search=self.sshd_config) self.sshd_bin = salt.utils.path.which('sshd') if self.sshd_proc is None: self.spawn_server() known_hosts_ret = self.run_function( 'ssh.set_known_host', user=self.master_opts['user'], hostname='', port=self.sshd_port, enc='ssh-rsa', fingerprint='fd:6f:7f:5d:06:6b:f2:06:0d:26:93:9e:5a:b5:19:46', hash_known_hosts=False, fingerprint_hash_type='md5', ) if 'error' in known_hosts_ret: raise Exception( 'Failed to add key to {0} user\'s known_hosts ' 'file: {1}'.format( self.master_opts['user'], known_hosts_ret['error'] ) ) root_dir = os.path.expanduser('~{0}'.format(self.username)) if root_dir.startswith('~'): self.fail( 'Unable to resolve homedir for user \'{0}\''.format( self.username ) ) self.make_repo(root_dir, user=self.username) self.make_extra_repo(root_dir, user=self.username) def get_pillar(self, ext_pillar_conf): ''' Wrap the parent class' get_pillar() func in logic that temporarily changes the GIT_SSH to use our custom script, ensuring that the passphraselsess key is used to auth without needing to modify the root user's ssh config file. ''' orig_git_ssh = os.environ.pop('GIT_SSH', NOTSET) os.environ['GIT_SSH'] = self.git_ssh try: return super(GitPillarSSHTestBase, self).get_pillar(ext_pillar_conf) finally: os.environ.pop('GIT_SSH', None) if orig_git_ssh is not NOTSET: os.environ['GIT_SSH'] = orig_git_ssh class GitPillarHTTPTestBase(GitPillarTestBase, WebserverMixin): ''' Base class for GitPython and Pygit2 HTTP tests ''' @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): for proc in (cls.case.nginx_proc, cls.case.uwsgi_proc): if proc is not None: try: proc.send_signal(signal.SIGQUIT) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass shutil.rmtree(cls.root_dir, ignore_errors=True) def setUp(self): ''' Create and start the webserver, and create the git repo ''' super(GitPillarHTTPTestBase, self).setUp() self.nginx_proc = self.find_proc(name='nginx', search=self.nginx_conf) self.uwsgi_proc = self.find_proc(name='uwsgi', search=self.uwsgi_conf) if self.nginx_proc is None and self.uwsgi_proc is None: self.spawn_server() # pylint: disable=E1120 self.make_repo(self.repo_dir) self.make_extra_repo(self.repo_dir)