=============================== Getting Started With Aliyun ECS =============================== The Aliyun ECS (Elastic Computer Service) is one of the most popular public cloud hosts in China. This cloud host can be used to manage aliyun instance using salt-cloud. http://www.aliyun.com/ Dependencies ============ This driver requires the Python ``requests`` library to be installed. Configuration ============= Using Salt for Aliyun ECS requires aliyun access key id and key secret. These can be found in the aliyun web interface, in the "User Center" section, under "My Service" tab. .. code-block:: yaml # Note: This example is for /etc/salt/cloud.providers or any file in the # /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/ directory. my-aliyun-config: # aliyun Access Key ID id: wDGEwGregedg3435gDgxd # aliyun Access Key Secret key: GDd45t43RDBTrkkkg43934t34qT43t4dgegerGEgg location: cn-qingdao driver: aliyun .. note:: .. versionchanged:: 2015.8.0 The ``provider`` parameter in cloud provider definitions was renamed to ``driver``. This change was made to avoid confusion with the ``provider`` parameter that is used in cloud profile definitions. Cloud provider definitions now use ``driver`` to refer to the Salt cloud module that provides the underlying functionality to connect to a cloud host, while cloud profiles continue to use ``provider`` to refer to provider configurations that you define. Profiles ======== Cloud Profiles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set up an initial profile at ``/etc/salt/cloud.profiles`` or in the ``/etc/salt/cloud.profiles.d/`` directory: .. code-block:: yaml aliyun_centos: provider: my-aliyun-config size: ecs.t1.small location: cn-qingdao securitygroup: G1989096784427999 image: centos6u3_64_20G_aliaegis_20130816.vhd Sizes can be obtained using the ``--list-sizes`` option for the ``salt-cloud`` command: .. code-block:: bash # salt-cloud --list-sizes my-aliyun-config my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- ecs.c1.large: ---------- CpuCoreCount: 8 InstanceTypeId: ecs.c1.large MemorySize: 16.0 ...SNIP... Images can be obtained using the ``--list-images`` option for the ``salt-cloud`` command: .. code-block:: bash # salt-cloud --list-images my-aliyun-config my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- centos5u8_64_20G_aliaegis_20131231.vhd: ---------- Architecture: x86_64 Description: ImageId: centos5u8_64_20G_aliaegis_20131231.vhd ImageName: CentOS 5.8 64位 ImageOwnerAlias: system ImageVersion: 1.0 OSName: CentOS 5.8 64位 Platform: CENTOS5 Size: 20 Visibility: public ...SNIP... Locations can be obtained using the ``--list-locations`` option for the ``salt-cloud`` command: .. code-block:: bash my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- cn-beijing: ---------- LocalName: 北京 RegionId: cn-beijing cn-hangzhou: ---------- LocalName: 杭州 RegionId: cn-hangzhou cn-hongkong: ---------- LocalName: 香港 RegionId: cn-hongkong cn-qingdao: ---------- LocalName: 青岛 RegionId: cn-qingdao Security Group can be obtained using the ``-f list_securitygroup`` option for the ``salt-cloud`` command: .. code-block:: bash # salt-cloud --location=cn-qingdao -f list_securitygroup my-aliyun-config my-aliyun-config: ---------- aliyun: ---------- G1989096784427999: ---------- Description: G1989096784427999 SecurityGroupId: G1989096784427999 .. note:: Aliyun ECS REST API documentation is available from `Aliyun ECS API <http://help.aliyun.com/list/11113464.html?spm=5176.7224429.1997282881.55.J9XhVL>`_.