Historique des commits

Auteur SHA1 Message Date
  Pedro Algarvio 439dd9fe9a Upgrade pip on the created virtualenv's il y a 4 ans
  ch3ll 08dd367ca8 Add verify_ssl to file.managed state il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 0aba49c7d3 Bump pytest-salt-factories to 0.92.x il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio b2287e4a23 Add skip decorator to use in tests that need to run under PyTest il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio de833885d4 Don't install setuptools >= 50.0.0 until they release something useful il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 87c94b3490 Never use setuptools==50.0.0 il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 705c015736 Move `get_virtualenv_binary_path` to `tests.support.helpers` il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 86a86e6b58 Add more insight into failures il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 0feff2ce4f Not an integration test. Fix test. il y a 4 ans
  Dmitry Kuzmenko 82bcb20f5c Minor fix to pycrypto and update the test. il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 5c34e9d7d0 Wrap `subprocess.run` result in `ProcessResult` for better log format il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 0c73acf16c Always go back to the old cwd. il y a 4 ans
  Dmitry Kuzmenko 400e9de43b Fixed salt key management with eauth. il y a 5 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 743b47de51 Add helper code to run CLI commands il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio e157459016 Switch to pytest-salt-factories il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 83e0c6e929 Speed up our skip helpers il y a 4 ans
  Wayne Werner 1e16375702 Inline our code with what `unittest.case.skip` does il y a 4 ans
  Daniel A. Wozniak 675cd8db04 Handle un-ordered test decorators il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 2209c25bf9 Add --run-slow flag to runtests.py il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio dd951758e8 Implement `change_cwd` context manager and use it. il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 8531c48564 Allow providing a reason for the skip il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 63c1d2edf0 Temporarily skip tests which were simply ignored before pytest il y a 4 ans
  Daniel Wozniak 138fc18c43 Merge pull request #56280 from bdrung/internet-access il y a 4 ans
  Benjamin Drung 5898140315 Allow skipping test cases that need Internet access il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 4d52728017 Concentrate random string generation into a generic helper il y a 4 ans
  Blacken Salt 0b2a5613b3 Blacken salt il y a 4 ans
  Daniel Wozniak 192edbf3fc Merge pull request #55952 from dwoz/vendored_tornado2 il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio 4d0f2c2cd0 Use `SMinion` to create the virtualenv il y a 4 ans
  Pedro Algarvio c5157aa496 Add a `VirtualEnv` tests helper il y a 4 ans
  Daniel A. Wozniak 4a46f3e3b4 Use vendored tornado instead of system tornado il y a 4 ans