# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals, print_function # Import python libraries import distutils.spawn import logging import os.path import shutil import sys import tempfile import textwrap # Import Salt Libraries import salt.client import salt.config import salt.utils.yaml as yaml # Import pytest libraries import pytest from pytestsalt.utils import SaltDaemonScriptBase, start_daemon, get_unused_localhost_port # Import Pepper libraries import pepper import pepper.script DEFAULT_MASTER_ID = 'pytest-salt-master' DEFAULT_MINION_ID = 'pytest-salt-minion' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def install_sshd_server(): if distutils.spawn.find_executable('sshd'): return __opts__ = salt.config.minion_config('tests/minion.conf') __opts__['file_client'] = 'local' caller = salt.client.Caller(mopts=__opts__) caller.cmd('pkg.install', 'openssh-server') class SaltApi(SaltDaemonScriptBase): ''' Class which runs the salt-api daemon ''' def get_script_args(self): return ['-l', 'quiet'] def get_check_ports(self): if 'rest_cherrypy' in self.config: return [self.config['rest_cherrypy']['port']] if 'rest_tornado' in self.config: return [self.config['rest_tornado']['port']] @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def salt_api_port(): ''' Returns an unused localhost port for the api port ''' return get_unused_localhost_port() @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def pepperconfig(salt_api_port): config = textwrap.dedent(''' [main] SALTAPI_URL=http://localhost:{0}/ SALTAPI_USER=pepper SALTAPI_PASS=pepper SALTAPI_EAUTH=sharedsecret [pepper] SALTAPI_URL=http://localhost:{0}/ SALTAPI_USER=pepper SALTAPI_PASS=pepper SALTAPI_EAUTH=sharedsecret [baduser] SALTAPI_URL=http://localhost:{0}/ SALTAPI_USER=saltdev SALTAPI_PASS=saltdev SALTAPI_EAUTH=pam [badapi] SALTAPI_URL=git://localhost:{0}/ [noapi] SALTAPI_USER=pepper SALTAPI_PASS=pepper SALTAPI_EAUTH=sharedsecret [noopts] SALTAPI_URL=http://localhost:{0}/ '''.format(salt_api_port)) with open('tests/.pepperrc', 'w') as pepper_file: print(config, file=pepper_file) yield os.remove('tests/.pepperrc') @pytest.fixture def pepper_client(session_salt_api, salt_api_port): client = pepper.Pepper('http://localhost:{0}'.format(salt_api_port)) client.login('pepper', 'pepper', 'sharedsecret') return client @pytest.fixture def tokfile(): tokdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() yield os.path.join(tokdir, 'peppertok.json') shutil.rmtree(tokdir) @pytest.fixture def output_file(): ''' Returns the path to the salt master configuration file ''' out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() yield os.path.join(out_dir, 'output') shutil.rmtree(out_dir) @pytest.fixture(params=['/run', '/login']) def pepper_cli(request, session_salt_api, salt_api_port, output_file, install_sshd_server, session_sshd_server): ''' Wrapper to invoke Pepper with common params and inside an empty env ''' if request.config.getoption('--salt-api-backend') == 'rest_tornado' and request.param == '/run': pytest.xfail("rest_tornado does not support /run endpoint until next release") def_args = [ '--out=json', '--output-file={0}'.format(output_file), '-c', 'tests/.pepperrc', ] if request.param == '/run': def_args = ['--run-uri'] + def_args def _run_pepper_cli(*args, **kwargs): sys.argv = ['pepper', '-p', kwargs.pop('profile', 'main')] + def_args + list(args) exitcode = pepper.script.Pepper()() try: with open(output_file, 'r') as result: try: return yaml.load(result) except yaml.parser.ParserError: result.seek(0) return [yaml.load('{0}}}'.format(ret).strip('"')) for ret in result.read().split('}"\n') if ret] except Exception as exc: log.error('ExitCode %s: %s', exitcode, exc) return exitcode return _run_pepper_cli @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def session_master_config_overrides(request, salt_api_port, salt_api_backend): return { salt_api_backend: { 'port': salt_api_port, 'disable_ssl': True, }, 'external_auth': { 'sharedsecret': { 'pepper': [ '.*', '@jobs', '@wheel', '@runner', ], }, }, 'sharedsecret': 'pepper', 'token_expire': 94670856, 'ignore_host_keys': True, 'ssh_wipe': True, } @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def session_api_log_prefix(master_id): return 'salt-api/{0}'.format(master_id) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def cli_api_script_name(): ''' Return the CLI script basename ''' return 'salt-api' @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session') def session_salt_api_before_start(): ''' This fixture should be overridden if you need to do some preparation and clean up work before starting the salt-api and after ending it. ''' # Prep routines go here # Start the salt-api yield # Clean routines go here @pytest.yield_fixture(scope='session') def session_salt_api_after_start(session_salt_api): ''' This fixture should be overridden if you need to do some preparation and clean up work after starting the salt-api and before ending it. ''' # Prep routines go here # Resume test execution yield # Clean routines go here @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def _salt_fail_hard(request, salt_fail_hard): ''' Return the salt fail hard value ''' fail_hard = request.config.getoption('salt_fail_hard') if fail_hard is not None: # We were passed --salt-fail-hard as a CLI option return fail_hard # The salt fail hard was not passed as a CLI option fail_hard = request.config.getini('salt_fail_hard') if fail_hard != []: # We were passed salt_fail_hard as a INI option return fail_hard return salt_fail_hard @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def salt_api_backend(request): ''' Return the salt-api backend (cherrypy or tornado) ''' backend = request.config.getoption('--salt-api-backend') if backend is not None: return backend backend = request.config.getini('salt_api_backend') if backend is not None: return backend return 'rest_cherrypy' @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def master_id(salt_master_id_counter): ''' Returns the master id ''' return DEFAULT_MASTER_ID + '-{0}'.format(salt_master_id_counter()) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def minion_id(salt_minion_id_counter): ''' Returns the minion id ''' return DEFAULT_MINION_ID + '-{0}'.format(salt_minion_id_counter()) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def session_salt_api(request, session_salt_minion, session_master_id, session_master_config, session_salt_api_before_start, # pylint: disable=unused-argument session_api_log_prefix, cli_api_script_name, log_server, _cli_bin_dir, session_conf_dir): ''' Returns a running salt-api ''' return start_daemon(request, daemon_name='salt-api', daemon_id=session_master_id, daemon_log_prefix=session_api_log_prefix, daemon_cli_script_name=cli_api_script_name, daemon_config=session_master_config, daemon_config_dir=session_conf_dir, daemon_class=SaltApi, bin_dir_path=_cli_bin_dir, start_timeout=30) @pytest.fixture(scope='session') def session_sshd_config_lines(session_sshd_port): ''' Return a list of lines which will make the sshd_config file ''' return [ 'Port {0}'.format(session_sshd_port), 'ListenAddress', 'Protocol 2', 'UsePrivilegeSeparation yes', '# Turn strict modes off so that we can operate in /tmp', 'StrictModes no', '# Logging', 'SyslogFacility AUTH', 'LogLevel INFO', '# Authentication:', 'LoginGraceTime 120', 'PermitRootLogin without-password', 'StrictModes yes', 'PubkeyAuthentication yes', '#AuthorizedKeysFile %h/.ssh/authorized_keys', '#AuthorizedKeysFile key_test.pub', '# Don\'t read the user\'s ~/.rhosts and ~/.shosts files', 'IgnoreRhosts yes', '# similar for protocol version 2', 'HostbasedAuthentication no', '#IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes', '# To enable empty passwords, change to yes (NOT RECOMMENDED)', 'PermitEmptyPasswords no', '# Change to yes to enable challenge-response passwords (beware issues with', '# some PAM modules and threads)', 'ChallengeResponseAuthentication no', '# Change to no to disable tunnelled clear text passwords', 'PasswordAuthentication no', 'X11Forwarding no', 'X11DisplayOffset 10', 'PrintMotd no', 'PrintLastLog yes', 'TCPKeepAlive yes', '#UseLogin no', 'AcceptEnv LANG LC_*', 'Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server', '#UsePAM yes', ] def pytest_addoption(parser): parser.addoption( '--salt-api-backend', action='store', default='rest_cherrypy', help='which backend to use for salt-api, must be one of rest_cherrypy or rest_tornado', )