''' A Python library for working with Salt's REST API (Specifically the rest_cherrypy netapi module.) ''' import json import logging import ssl from pepper.exceptions import PepperException try: ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_stdlib_context except Exception: pass try: from urllib.request import HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler, Request, urlopen, \ install_opener, build_opener from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError import urllib.parse as urlparse except ImportError: from urllib2 import HTTPHandler, HTTPSHandler, Request, urlopen, install_opener, build_opener, \ HTTPError, URLError import urlparse logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Pepper(object): ''' A thin wrapper for making HTTP calls to the salt-api rest_cherrpy REST interface >>> api = Pepper('https://localhost:8000') >>> api.login('saltdev', 'saltdev', 'pam') {"return": [ { "eauth": "pam", "expire": 1370434219.714091, "perms": [ "test.*" ], "start": 1370391019.71409, "token": "c02a6f4397b5496ba06b70ae5fd1f2ab75de9237", "user": "saltdev" } ] } >>> api.low([{'client': 'local', 'tgt': '*', 'fun': 'test.ping'}]) {u'return': [{u'ms-0': True, u'ms-1': True, u'ms-2': True, u'ms-3': True, u'ms-4': True}]} ''' def __init__(self, api_url='https://localhost:8000', debug_http=False, ignore_ssl_errors=False): ''' Initialize the class with the URL of the API :param api_url: Host or IP address of the salt-api URL; include the port number :param debug_http: Add a flag to urllib2 to output the HTTP exchange :param ignore_ssl_errors: Add a flag to urllib2 to ignore invalid SSL certificates :raises PepperException: if the api_url is misformed ''' split = urlparse.urlsplit(api_url) if split.scheme not in ['http', 'https']: raise PepperException("salt-api URL missing HTTP(s) protocol: {0}" .format(api_url)) self.api_url = api_url self.debug_http = int(debug_http) self._ssl_verify = not ignore_ssl_errors self.auth = {} def req_stream(self, path): ''' A thin wrapper to get a response from saltstack api. The body of the response will not be downloaded immediately. Make sure to close the connection after use. api = Pepper('http://ipaddress/api/') print(api.login('salt','salt','pam')) response = api.req_stream('/events') :param path: The path to the salt api resource :return: :class:`Response ` object :rtype: requests.Response ''' import requests headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', } if self.auth and 'token' in self.auth and self.auth['token']: headers.setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.auth['token']) else: raise PepperException('Authentication required') return params = {'url': self._construct_url(path), 'headers': headers, 'verify': self._ssl_verify is True, 'stream': True } try: resp = requests.get(**params) if resp.status_code == 401: raise PepperException(str(resp.status_code) + ':Authentication denied') return if resp.status_code == 500: raise PepperException(str(resp.status_code) + ':Server error.') return if resp.status_code == 404: raise PepperException(str(resp.status_code) + ' :This request returns nothing.') return except PepperException as e: print(e) return return resp def req_get(self, path): ''' A thin wrapper from get http method of saltstack api api = Pepper('http://ipaddress/api/') print(api.login('salt','salt','pam')) print(api.req_get('/keys')) ''' import requests headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', } if self.auth and 'token' in self.auth and self.auth['token']: headers.setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.auth['token']) else: raise PepperException('Authentication required') return params = {'url': self._construct_url(path), 'headers': headers, 'verify': self._ssl_verify is True, } try: resp = requests.get(**params) if resp.status_code == 401: raise PepperException(str(resp.status_code) + ':Authentication denied') return if resp.status_code == 500: raise PepperException(str(resp.status_code) + ':Server error.') return if resp.status_code == 404: raise PepperException(str(resp.status_code) + ' :This request returns nothing.') return except PepperException as e: print(e) return return resp.json() def req(self, path, data=None): ''' A thin wrapper around urllib2 to send requests and return the response If the current instance contains an authentication token it will be attached to the request as a custom header. :rtype: dictionary ''' if ((hasattr(data, 'get') and data.get('eauth') == 'kerberos') or self.auth.get('eauth') == 'kerberos'): return self.req_requests(path, data) headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', } opener = build_opener() for handler in opener.handlers: if isinstance(handler, HTTPHandler): handler.set_http_debuglevel(self.debug_http) if isinstance(handler, HTTPSHandler): handler.set_http_debuglevel(self.debug_http) install_opener(opener) # Build POST data if data is not None: postdata = json.dumps(data).encode() clen = len(postdata) else: postdata = None # Create request object url = self._construct_url(path) req = Request(url, postdata, headers) # Add POST data to request if data is not None: req.add_header('Content-Length', clen) # Add auth header to request if self.auth and 'token' in self.auth and self.auth['token']: req.add_header('X-Auth-Token', self.auth['token']) # Send request try: if not (self._ssl_verify): con = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) f = urlopen(req, context=con) else: f = urlopen(req) content = f.read().decode('utf-8') if (self.debug_http): logger.debug('Response: %s', content) ret = json.loads(content) except (HTTPError, URLError) as exc: logger.debug('Error with request', exc_info=True) status = getattr(exc, 'code', None) if status == 401: raise PepperException('Authentication denied') if status == 500: raise PepperException('Server error.') logger.error('Error with request: {0}'.format(exc)) raise except AttributeError: logger.debug('Error converting response from JSON', exc_info=True) raise PepperException('Unable to parse the server response.') return ret def req_requests(self, path, data=None): ''' A thin wrapper around request and request_kerberos to send requests and return the response If the current instance contains an authentication token it will be attached to the request as a custom header. :rtype: dictionary ''' import requests from requests_kerberos import HTTPKerberosAuth, OPTIONAL auth = HTTPKerberosAuth(mutual_authentication=OPTIONAL) headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest', } if self.auth and 'token' in self.auth and self.auth['token']: headers.setdefault('X-Auth-Token', self.auth['token']) # Optionally toggle SSL verification params = {'url': self._construct_url(path), 'headers': headers, 'verify': self._ssl_verify is True, 'auth': auth, 'data': json.dumps(data), } logger.debug('postdata {0}'.format(params)) resp = requests.post(**params) if resp.status_code == 401: # TODO should be resp.raise_from_status raise PepperException('Authentication denied') if resp.status_code == 500: # TODO should be resp.raise_from_status raise PepperException('Server error.') return resp.json() def low(self, lowstate, path='/'): ''' Execute a command through salt-api and return the response :param string path: URL path to be joined with the API hostname :param list lowstate: a list of lowstate dictionaries ''' return self.req(path, lowstate) def local(self, tgt, fun, arg=None, kwarg=None, expr_form='glob', timeout=None, ret=None): ''' Run a single command using the ``local`` client Wraps :meth:`low`. ''' low = { 'client': 'local', 'tgt': tgt, 'fun': fun, } if arg: low['arg'] = arg if kwarg: low['kwarg'] = kwarg if expr_form: low['expr_form'] = expr_form if timeout: low['timeout'] = timeout if ret: low['ret'] = ret return self.low([low]) def local_async(self, tgt, fun, arg=None, kwarg=None, expr_form='glob', timeout=None, ret=None): ''' Run a single command using the ``local_async`` client Wraps :meth:`low`. ''' low = { 'client': 'local_async', 'tgt': tgt, 'fun': fun, } if arg: low['arg'] = arg if kwarg: low['kwarg'] = kwarg if expr_form: low['expr_form'] = expr_form if timeout: low['timeout'] = timeout if ret: low['ret'] = ret return self.low([low]) def local_batch(self, tgt, fun, arg=None, kwarg=None, expr_form='glob', batch='50%', ret=None): ''' Run a single command using the ``local_batch`` client Wraps :meth:`low`. ''' low = { 'client': 'local_batch', 'tgt': tgt, 'fun': fun, } if arg: low['arg'] = arg if kwarg: low['kwarg'] = kwarg if expr_form: low['expr_form'] = expr_form if batch: low['batch'] = batch if ret: low['ret'] = ret return self.low([low]) def lookup_jid(self, jid): ''' Get job results Wraps :meth:`runner`. ''' return self.runner('jobs.lookup_jid', jid='{0}'.format(jid)) def runner(self, fun, arg=None, **kwargs): ''' Run a single command using the ``runner`` client Usage:: runner('jobs.lookup_jid', jid=12345) ''' low = { 'client': 'runner', 'fun': fun, } if arg: low['arg'] = arg low.update(kwargs) return self.low([low]) def wheel(self, fun, arg=None, kwarg=None, **kwargs): ''' Run a single command using the ``wheel`` client Usage:: wheel('key.accept', match='myminion') ''' low = { 'client': 'wheel', 'fun': fun, } if arg: low['arg'] = arg if kwarg: low['kwarg'] = kwarg low.update(kwargs) return self.low([low]) def _send_auth(self, path, **kwargs): return self.req(path, kwargs) def login(self, username=None, password=None, eauth=None, **kwargs): ''' Authenticate with salt-api and return the user permissions and authentication token or an empty dict ''' local = locals() kwargs.update( dict( (key, local[key]) for key in ( 'username', 'password', 'eauth' ) if local.get(key, None) is not None ) ) self.auth = self._send_auth('/login', **kwargs).get('return', [{}])[0] return self.auth def token(self, **kwargs): ''' Get an eauth token from Salt for use with the /run URL ''' self.auth = self._send_auth('/token', **kwargs)[0] return self.auth def _construct_url(self, path): ''' Construct the url to salt-api for the given path Args: path: the path to the salt-api resource >>> api = Pepper('https://localhost:8000/salt-api/') >>> api._construct_url('/login') 'https://localhost:8000/salt-api/login' ''' relative_path = path.lstrip('/') return urlparse.urljoin(self.api_url, relative_path)